Good Twisted Tuesday Morning

Janine J.
on 9/15/08 10:17 pm - The Beautiful Desert, CA

Good morning everyone and a Happy Twisted Tuesday to all of you!

It is going to be another hot long day here in the desert...oh joy and I hear you west coasters have been in some real heat too! Oh those Santa Ana's eh?

Today is going to be a long day for me as I have back to school night with an appointment inbetween the two...I know I am going to be even more exhausted than I am! I need a vacation already! LOL

Lola I surely understand how you dislike your son's father. He sounds like a real winner.  My boys sperm donor was here this last weekend for Ava's birthday and OMG...had a capital "L" in the middle of his forhead. He is still talking about our divorce and mind you I have been married to Jeff for 25 years now! I surely hope you moving helps the situation with work and HIM!!!

Kim aka Butterfly....I am sorry you re so exhausted and that your friends mother is not doing so well. I hope today is better news or she has gone in peace. Either way I will pray and pray that you begin to get back on your feet. I told you it would take a while. BTW...jacket sounds cool!

Scott congratulations on your first day back to school. I know you are going to do great and a bigger congratulations to be down 99lbs in such a short time!!! YOU ROCK SCOTT and I hope you have a great day!

Steve it sounds like you had a pretty good weekend. I know it has been tough....and although the pain of losing people and your bestest friends in your life will always be surely lessons. Please take some photo's of the Stevo & D garden. I wish I could join you all on Saturday, but I am working and a wedding in the evening,

Carol what a great weekend you had. I would quilt to be at Marin Headlands. That is such a beautiful area of our state! Would love to see some pics of your quilting....I think that is so awesome! And good on you for handling your food the way you did!

MissyLane....woohoo you are going to have are going to have surgery...and you are going love Dr, Suh. He is a very nice and competiant man! Good luck today!!!

Joisie thanks for the compliment and it is great that you were slow enough yesterday to post! I havent seen you in eons and I hope that all is well with you. Not doing much over the weekend is  good thing really!

Melissa let me tell you even if you do not get yourself organzied prior to are going to have so much energy after surgery once you heal that you are going to buzzing all over the place. It is really a cool feeling. I know you are probably thinking that your surgery date is never going to get there, but it will! and then look out she comes!!!

Kelly I have enough pain in the ass people in my life that I cannot take another one on at this time....NO WAY LOL I did not know you moved jobs and btw your new board pic I nearly did not recognize you if it was not for your look fantastic!!! BTW the only slate I am using in the mural is the mountains all the rest of the tiles I have hand made.

Missy you are quite the party animal LOL

Katt I am so sorry that your ankle hurts you so bad. It is going to take some time and you are probably overdoing it for sure. I have to laugh in your post you called Matthew a she and a he all in one sentence.LOL Remember to pray for healing Katt....your prayers will be heard.

Patty isn't old architecture cool? I can imagine it was just amazing. Too bad you do not have some pictures of it! Good on you getting served breakfast in cool is that? I am going to start calling you PP for Princess Patty!

Kim is Greg being a poopoo? Do I need to come out there to administer some whoopass? I am glad in spite of things not going as planned you had a great weekend....maybe if you had made it to Fredericks...oh nevermind! LOL

Morning Catt on the that sounds fesiable...don't kitty cats all run???LOL Hope all is well with you!

Monica only 4 teachers at our school do a 1/7....I could not do it. I only 2 preps this year and like it just fine especially since one of them is hooked to my lunch....and your mom could smoke me a turkey anytime. Give Miss Jordyn and kiss for me....I sure hope to meet her before she is walking!

LuLu....I sure hope that you back is feeling better. I sincerely feel for you gf! Kisses

Speaking of backs....VICKI how is yours? How is the family doing?

Niki you hang in there with the other job waiting. I bet your winning personality along with longs and ability will make them make the natural choice...and that would be YOU!!!!!!

Jeni were you able to get things settled with Tommy and school? I know fighting the bueracacy is the pits, but you know how to fight for what is right and what you are entitled to whether it is you or Tommy! Good luck gf Kisses

Jean you are the shopping never seem to tire of amazing and I would love to be a fly in your closet and see how deep the shopping goes...okay maybe just your MAC bag of makeup! I am glad you are out there having so much fun!

NancyR it is so great to see you posting and your board pic looks fantastic...You are so beautiful...or should I say more beautiful. I am sorry you are having difficulty at home and I hope you can work it out easily!

Janel I sure hope that things are going smoother for you....I know recovery blows and it is hard when you do not have someome around. Your arms are looking good girl. I can hardly wait to see the whole package!

Lisa that blows about the freezer..YIKES what a waste!

Linda I hope that your doc appointmet went well yesterday....IMHO...nothing worse than foot pain....YIKES!!!! let us know what is shaking girl!

My question to you Rhonda how do you do all you do? YOu have all those little ones, you teach, you shop, you orangize you have alife....and you wonder how I rememvber memory pales compared to your energy!

Speaking of energy....Maureen can I have some of yours????? You are full of it girl!!!

Becky did you get into Cookie Lee trouble yesterday? Ia m going to see my friend today and see if I can get her to order anything! You are too funny!

Oh I know where that area is in Phoenix photo!!!! Hope you are having a great day so far!

Jodi glad to see you do a pop in post. We miss you around here and we understand about not be able to type too much...I sure hope the docs repair you real soon!

Hey I need to get out of here....but I wish you all a great day....and just because I didn't shout you out does not mean I do not care....time and memory eludes me this moring!!!

Have a beautiful day my friends!


PEACE OUT!!! Biker Babe 

“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).

on 9/15/08 10:22 pm
  Just a hey to you G/F.
Women are angels.
...and when someone breaks our wings, we simply continue to fly...on a broomstick.

We are flexible.


Kim S.
on 9/15/08 10:26 pm - Riverside, CA
 I can't believe I am up this early. I have my first 12 hr clinical (well really 13 since we go early and stay late) for nursing school. I haven't been on my feet like this since June, so I am hoping I will do alright. I am 75 lbs lighter than last semester, so that is a plus! I have packed a lot of snacks because I don't know how the eating thing will go today. 

Have a great day Cali!
~*Kim*~ Lost 30 lbs pre op!
on 9/15/08 10:34 pm - Long Beach, CA
Good Morning Janine and Cali,

Today is professional development so the kiddos are gone early so we can have meetings.  I am actually in charge of my group so I will keep us on track.  It is actually pathetic because my group is comprised of 4 people and 2 of us are suppose to be facilitators.  Of course the person that is suppose to be helping me was late to the first meeting and didn't show for the second.  Go figure.

Everyone enjoy the day


on 9/15/08 10:54 pm - Central Coast, CA
Good morning janine and Cali!

The mural is looking fantastic so far. You amaze me.

The street painting was awesome! I wish I had remembered my camera. Sammi loved it. I'm glad we have so many great opportunities to experience things.

I still have at least one more appt with the dentist later this month. My teeth had gotten really bad so it's taking a while to get them all fixed up.

hope everyone has a great day!

Keep doing what you're doing, Keep getting what you're getting.

Highest/Surgery/Dr. Goal/Goal/Current
   301        299      180     170     159

Janel B
on 9/15/08 11:11 pm - Oakley, CA

I am doing great! I feel better each day. My boss came to see me yesterday for the first time since this all happened, and she said that as she pulled up she was really nervous, thinking that I'd look really bad...but she was pleasantly surprised at how I looked. We went for a walk together and had a nice visit. Our store is short staffed, and she is bummed that the dr won't release me until Oct 30th, but she does understand. The only thing is, if the dr extends my disability any more, she will have to look for another supervisor to take my place, which means I'd still have a job, but it would probably be at another store. That's fine with me, as long as I have a job, I'm ok. I don't want to go bac****il I am physically ready.

I'm feeling much better about being by myself now. I have a roommy, but she's gone alot. I can do pretty much everything on my own now. I just don't take out the trash.....there are very few things I cannot do, and I feel so good to be able to take care of myself again. now if these dang wounds would just heal up....but because they are wounds that need to be packed, it will take longer to heal.....but either way, i'm just thankful that I have no infection, and that I'm home, and alive!!!

I posted pics of my lower body, but then deleted them. I'm just not ready to put them up yet. So, I just left my arm pics up. I'll post my lower body pics after all the bandages are gone.

Ok, I'm going to lie down now and take a lil' snooze.............gotta love this time off!!
on 9/15/08 11:37 pm - Long Beach, CA
Good Morning Janine and Cali,

Boy am I tired of the heat!  I know I shouldn't complain, because I know what the desert heat is like too, but I am soooooooooooo ready for fall temps.

Well, I went to see my foot Dr yesterday.  He said 90% of people with plantars facsiitis get better within a year with conservative treatment (ie night splints/cortisone injections/orthotics etc) but unfortunately I am the 10%.  He gave me a cortisone shot (2nd one) into both heels OUCH!!!!!!!  and told me if that doesn't do it, he wants to do surgery to actually snip that tendon.  He said it's a pretty minor procedure and I would be up walking on it the same day.  He was really proud of the weight loss and told me I am doing everything right, but my feet are just not responding to the conservative approach.  ...........................Damn feet

oh well, if it's not one thing its another.  I just want to feel good again.  Too many damn years of just abusing this body of mine is catching up to me.  Seems like once I turned 40 everything started falling apart.  LOL

Tonight is my water aerobics class (cant wait) I always feel so much better afterwards.  I never thought I would say it, but I LOVE working out

Well, I hope everyone has a great Tuesday and only 3 more days til the weekend

*KiminFontana* *.
on 9/16/08 1:01 am - Fontana, CA
HI Linda...I feel your "heel" pain.  I've had PF off and on for 20 years. Each "heeling" takes atleast 6 months, usualy up to a year.  I have had the shots and although they do the job they hurt like a SOB!!!  I swore I'd never have the shots again!,  I have found that wearing shoes, even without orthotics, just with a good sturdy arch does well. (I put portable arches in slippers while at home) The thing is, is to wear shoes 24/7 except when in the shower and ofcourse in bed.  I have just finaly had healing after a 2 yr  bout of the pain, and knowing the WLS was comming up I did not want to try a tendon snip yet.  I never ever go without shoes not only because of the PF, but because I am diabetic and I know several people my age who have lost a foot due to infections.  I was a sworn bare footer until about a year ago. lol
A very good website or catalog is "The Foot Source"  they have alot of healing techniques and items also.
I wish you good "heeling" 
Sincerely, Kim in Fontana
on 9/16/08 1:05 am - Long Beach, CA
Thank you Kim in Fontana.  I will check out the website you told me about.  It's nice to hear someone else that knows what I am going through.

*KiminFontana* *.
on 9/16/08 1:04 am - Fontana, CA
HI Linda...sorry..the catalog is named, Foot Smart..good luck!
Kim in fontana
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