Eating habits and otheres....
Ok, we all know that when we got or are preparing to get the surgery, we would be drastically changing our diets and eating habits..
Now, has your new diet and lifestyle affected anyone else?
I had this discussion with my surgeon at my last yearly checkup..
I found it ironic that now, after surgery, my job has been moved to events, and I am basically planning all the food that comes into the office. Before just my life revolved around food, now, my job does. My surgeon told me that was a good thing, because now I am more aware of what is healthy and what is not and when planning the meals here, I always make sure there are healthy option available.
Also, when I have kids, I plan on teaching them to make healthy choices. My mom never taught me, or even had healthy snacks around. So I am always giving her advise on little ways that she can cut calories and fat, ect.
So, I have you and your new eating ways impacted anyone else's life in a positive or negative way? Or, if you are pre op, do you plan on having an impact on someone else??
Just thought thought this would be an interesting topic to get different feedback on!
Big joke with teachers is....if there is food...they will come. Meaning that most teachers will go to workshops and so forth and want to know all about the food.
Today I saw my assistant principal filling up bowls of candy that are always on the table at work in the lounge...of course she never eats any...heheheheehehe NOT. I watch her struggle with her weight, but she keeps the food coming!
In my house things have changed and anyone who has been here knows that I do things seperate as in post/o*****n surgical. I do not care. Jeff for the most part eats just like me although I will buy him mini loaves of french bread or is favorite Kettle Chips...I do not care.
Most socializing is done around food and drinks. So like on Ava's birthday party the other day, I just made sure that I had something for myself and did not feel left out and when everyone felt like cacalaroacha for eating too much carbs and sugar....I felt happy as a clam at high tide.
Yeah things have changed Renee for myself....I do not expect work or my family to show preferences to me because I changed my lifestyle. I want my family to be healthy...don't get me wrong....I just lead by example...and when Ava cried cuz she hated her cake...I thought thumbs up baby don't have to eat the cake your "other" grandmother made
“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).
Hehehehe! The cake bit.. tooo tooo funny!!!!!!!!
I know what you mean I still will make Chad pasta, rice, potatoes, ect with dinner, I just dont' eat them. But.. I REFUSE to make him bacon.. uuughh if he wants that, he has to make it himself.. the smell alone makes me gag!!! Which is funny, because as a pre op.. I use to LOVE bacon!
It's funny how things change!!!!
I have non-op friends who email me and ask me if/should they eat something. Makes me laugh...
I arrived late to a party at my friends house and was hungry, so she brought out all the leftovers that she had already put in the fridge so I could make a plate.
"Pasta salad?"
"No, thanks."
"Rice? Macaroni salad?"
"No, just the chicken and salad is fine."
"No, I'm good with this. Thanks!"
She said from now on she was going to make her plates like mine! Last time I was with her she followed me through a buffet line.
- George S. Patton, U.S. Army General, 1912 Olympian
The basics haven't changed much. I've done high protien a long time. I just add brown rice or whole wheat pasta for the boys.
What has changed is the number of trips to fast food. It happens soooo rarely now. The kids have totally lost their taste for Mcd's. If we're in a pinch and I offer up fast food, my oldest will say, "not mcd's, there just nothing healthy there!". My youngest one HATES fries. They usually opt for pick up sticks or some place they can get chicken bowls (brown rice of course).
If they are having a sweet snack and I ask for a bite, they don't hesitate to share because they know I'll only take one baby bite (as opposed to pre-op when they knew better than to share sweets with me, cuz I'd eat way too much!)
Good topic!
I find that people are always apologizing to me for the things they eat in front of me! I don't know if there are anymore ways I can say, "It's okay! I don't mind! It doesn't bother me!" I think it's hard for people (especially those who don't have weight issues) to grasp the fact that my RNY is something I *chose* to do and that I went in knowing there are a lot of things I will never eat again. And I'm okay with that!
Sometimes it does bother me when they apologize for what they are eating ... I think in a way it perpetuates the stereotype that people who are overweight can't control themselves around food, and I have always been bothered by that stereotype!

My hubby lost 70 pounds after I had surgery because I cook differently. He's maintained his loss as well and feels great.
Lil Sammi is a subject all by herself. She would probably be vegitarian if she could. She would give up a cookie for piece of cheese any day. She does like bread, pasta and rice and at 3 years old asks for "brown bread" when we are shopping.
I buy some sweets and chips as hubby likes to take them in his work lunch. Sammi gets something crunchy and some fruit with her sandwiches. If there is anything she doesn't eat, it's always the something crunchy. Good nutrition seems to be built into her.
Our even meal focuses on protien and vegi's. I do fix a carb for the Sam's to keep them balanced. I find when I go places, there is always something I can have. I may not have the "variety" as everyone else, but I don't have the space for variety anyway.
Keep doing what you're doing, Keep getting what you're getting.
Highest/Surgery/Dr. Goal/Goal/Current
301 299 180 170 159