My Weekend with the boys...........

Jeni H.
on 9/14/08 2:18 pm

Wow!  I got to spend some time with the Grandkids this weekend!  I love doing that!  Today Tommy and I went to the park with Tasha and Grandpa, and then his little brother came over and we got to babysit while Mom went shopping.  Too cool!!!

Here is a picture of Tommy and Kingsley........Showing his brother how cool playing Wii is!They are just little cuties!  Kingsley is teething so he is just a drooler!!!   then this is their other Brother Benny, with Tommy celebrating his 6th Birthday at Grandma & Grandpa's.  They had a good time together as they do not get to see each other that often since Ben lives with his other Grandparents in the foothills.  Anyway, I thought I would share some new pics.  It's been a while and they sure do grow up fast!



Do not ask the Lord to guide your footsteps if you are unwilling to move your feet. God, Please help me to move my feet!!!

on 9/14/08 4:30 pm - Ellensburg, WA
They are really cutie pies sweetie!!!  I'm so jealous of all you grandmas here that get to have fun with their babies!!! I can't wait to have gbabies, but I can and hopefully will (if you know what I mean, my girls are 19 and 16 lol)!!
Thanks for sharing sweetie and glad you had fun!!! 
bigg huggs, Becky

Surgery was RNY 5/21/07...I can be found on Facebook: anewbecboo or Becky Reddick 



Jeni H.
on 9/14/08 10:25 pm

Thanks Becky!

Let them take their time (your girls) and grow up first, but when you do become a Grandma you will LOVE it!!!  It's the best feeling in the world and sometimes the most frustrating!   My daughter was a teen Mom and it's been really hard on everyone.  She's chronic homeless and not a clue what to do next with her life.  These boys have been through a lot and it just makes me want to bang my head against the wall sometimes because their parents just don't get it.

I love these boys with all of my heart and I try to do my best with/for them.  They are the definition of the word "LOVE"  and They make your heart happy!  I just want them to have stability in their lives.  That's why the other grandparents have Benny.

Well enough of doom and gloom..........Have a great day, and thanks!


Do not ask the Lord to guide your footsteps if you are unwilling to move your feet. God, Please help me to move my feet!!!

Janine J.
on 9/14/08 6:17 pm - The Beautiful Desert, CA

Now how handsome are those boys Jeni? Kingsley is adorable too! I cannot even imagine having my grandkids that big....WOW...are they fun or what?

I am happy to hear that Tommy is changing schools you get to see him more, but sounds like the teacher he had was not a good fit and that can be devasting to a child and their education. It is good that you are so on top of things with them because I know they need a stable person in their lives.

Grandma Jeni ROCKS!!!!!


“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).

Jeni H.
on 9/14/08 10:16 pm

Thanks Janine,

Ugh!  When I took Tommy home last night his Dad and I got into a little bit of a heated discussion.  He is in such denial of Tommy's education.  He told me that he should stay in Main stream 3rd grade and just tough it out!  OMG!!!  He says I don't want him to be known as the "Special boy" And that he has given this IEP thing 2 years and that's enough!

I've hardly slept all night!  So I guess next time he wants to borrow $$$ I will tell him to ask one of his 30 year old, well educated, beer drinking, minimum wage making Nintendo buddies!  I am so pi$$ed!  We will see what happens.  I've been praying all night that God will take care of this.

I don't want him sitting in class and feeling like a failure. If the teacher says to circle blue and purple items he circles them all because he wants to please her so bad but he doesn't quite understand what she wants him to do......

Well thanks....and advice would be great.

Maybe I don't "Rock" as a Grandma after all......  I just want the little boy to be able to read and feel good about himself.


Do not ask the Lord to guide your footsteps if you are unwilling to move your feet. God, Please help me to move my feet!!!

on 9/14/08 9:54 pm - CA
those kids are just adorable... i'm so happy for you to have such a great weekend.. i hope the changing of the school turns out ok for you too...have a great monday...
Jeni H.
on 9/14/08 10:17 pm

Thanks Lisa,

I appreciate it.  Jeni

Do not ask the Lord to guide your footsteps if you are unwilling to move your feet. God, Please help me to move my feet!!!

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