Good MOnday Morning Cali

Janine J.
on 9/14/08 7:18 pm - The Beautiful Desert, CA

Hard to believe that it is Monday already Oh S*** It's Monday , but yep here it is and only 4 more days until Friday. So on that note....A HAPPY MONDAY TO ALL OF YOU!

I spent the day yesterday working on that mosaic...from 8:30 until nearly 4 out in the sun...and it was a hot one yesterday...110...dry though. I think even as much as a I drank and I am going to venture to say the teacher's room where I kept getting cold water from (all classrooms at this school have water cool is that?) is going to wonder where all her water went to and I still was dehydrated. My stomach started getting really bad cramps in it for about the last hour I worked.

Here is an update pic of it:

DSC_0013.jpgI am telling you slate is terrribly hard to pound into small pieces and it is besides the sky area which is not laid the only think I did not make...okay I did not make the rocks either LOL It is gratify to seeing the progress, but my hands are hating me right now!  ROTFL I am hoping this weekend coming up that I will be able to work both days. Thankfully the wedding I have to go to is at night. I am only going to get 2 days of work during the week on it, because 2 days I pick up Hunter and Thursday is Jeff's birthday. Yay he is finally not my age again LOL!!!!

Anywho....did you all have a great weekend?


I know Jeni you got to spend it with those handsome grandson's of yours and what more could you ask for...right? I know it really puts a smile in your heart!

Nicole I am happy that you made it home safely. I am pretty much like you and really do not like the company after surgery. The anesthesia really sucks and I also had that same feeling after I had my wls. I had one of the worst headaches I ever had!!! Heal quickly and strap your seatbelt on for the ride of your life! funny I was standing in front of the school yesterday waiting for the principal to take the alarm off....I get this phone call...."hey sexy grandma" I was like huh what...who is this? Scott you made my day and thank you because I was not feeling so sexy or looking it either! LOL I sure hope that all the interviews you went out on pay off soon! Okay like pay LOL!!!! I called you back, but me thinks you were up to something.....heheheheheheh! Oh yeah the gym!

Monica why are you NOT getting that prep period??? OMG I would die without one even if it is nothing more than to get a mental break! Don't slap me, but I have 2 this year instead of the customary 1 because I no longer have the class for yearbook. I just have some of my 5th period class do pictures is all....and you know I have been the one all this time doing the yearbook! I bet dinner was yummy and Jordyn is so lucky to have her grammy there all the time.....and she smokes turkey too? OMG my fav!!! Have a good week!

LuLu that Fresser is a real character eh? I am so glad you get so much joy out of her! How is your back feeling?

Shelly....GATE classes are challenging for sure and it will pay off I can tell you that because it sets the tone for her classes throughout her school career. You and she will both be happy that she has been challenged like this. When I first came down here to the desert, I was teaching a 5th grade GATE class. Boy some of those kids were a super challenge in themselves to keep on step ahead of them! LOL Congrats to her on the purple belt too!

Linda I surely hope that things went well with the talk with your daughter yesterday. I do not have any expertise in this area, but know you have to be strong girl! I hope all worked out well yesterday.

Nikki have you gotten all your paper work in yet? I know you want that job bad and I am putting out the word that they better hire you!!! Hope you found sometime to relax yesterday.

Maureen it is good you are doing so a post op calander gal yourself!!!! Wanna come do some organizing for me??? I wouldn't say NO! LOL

Dang Kim...I am going to call you Little Miss Mermaid or something. Isn't the waterpark fun? I wish I could get there before it closed this year. Maybe next year, I will get a pass too since I know you will be spending more time at one next year too. You sure do get around...(sounds like a floozey too!LOL). I have not been to another KSC, but I am sure they are all fun. I just like the idea that I am just about 5 minutes or so away from ours! Glad you all had a good time. PIc of you and Paula is too cute!

Sue how are you doing issues over with? How was the street painting...did you get any pictures? I think that is so cool that you take Sammi to all these things and expose her to so much! Oh and how is the new car girl? Excited as all get up I can imagine!

Janel glad to hear that the HHCN is saying you are 100% improved. I keep praying that each day just gets better and better for you! It will really! Good on you too for getting out. I am sure you felt super tired, but it is a good tired for you!

Jess cool new avatar....where was that taken? Isn't it awesome when you have a child that is into what you are into? Oh and let me tell you this one...AVA is heir to my Harley. It was my grandfather who got me interested in motorcycles and I will keep that motorcycle even when it comes a day that I can no longer ride because that bike is Miss AvaBears for sure!

Wow Lisa B I did not realize what a big deal the Cowboy Club thingie was!!! Woohoo...hope you guys have fun tonight....I am sure you all will!!!

Rhonda I hate those tiles and as soon as I can mustard up the energy...I am going to take them suckers out! Some of them in the kitchen are coming know when you hear that hallow sounds. They are also cracking. I want to do the cement slabs like I have done in 3 rooms of my house.....Jeff looks at me like I am loca..and you know he is right...I am!!!! I paid huge bucks for these tiles when I had my house built, but hey it was only money and it was 8 years need a change! Guess it is back to teaching for you today!!!

Kim S that is so cool that all of you are going to the gym. I think it is great for anyone to get exercise, but when you can get your kids who are typically sedentary (not yours though) to move the bootey.....YAY. YOu all will motivate each other!

Hey Kim in Fontana.....exciting times...I sure hope that you get your date this must be on pins and needles!!!! And I make the best lasgana....wanna have a cook off? I am sure my family would not mind LOL

Bekki I am still looking over that catalog. I am going to take it to a friends house too. They have some cool stuff in there. That necklace I had on...OMG my grandkids love that one...they go right for it! I have to clean all the smudges off of it. I will give you a shout out about the jewelry!

Michele how did that babyshower go in Riverside? Hope you had fun!

Steve how was your weekend? Did you and D have fun at the party? You sure needed to something fun after such a tough week. Did you get any gardening done too? I hope it was not too hot out your way...I hear it is gearing up to be hot this week too...and they promised a cool down....NOT!

Jan you have made some major awesome accomplishments since surgery!!! YOu must be walking on a cloud...heck I am for ya!!!! You keep up all the hard work!

Well I am wondering where some of you are like Chris S and Chris R, Kim (the skinny ass one LOL), Jean, Lauren C, Lola, Terri (horselady) and yes you too Terri with the pretty eye! Jodi you are hiding out good. Liz are you out being a biking fool all weekend? Monica P you must be training too Kristy! Good to see some post even though they thought the LuLu vs Kristy thing was not nice....but you know that LuLu...she went from blond to being a fired up redhead...hehehehehehe. Candi where are the mirror enjoying that flat tummy? How you are healing good!

I know life is so busy for all of us, but if you can make the time....just stop and say hey...we would love to hear from  ROTFL 

Have a great day all....and remember...only 4 more days until Friday!!!


PEACE OUT!! Biker Babe 

PS...thank you for all the compliments and especially the compliments on my grandchildren...they are EVERYTHING to me! You guys are the BEST!!! Kisses 

“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).

on 9/14/08 9:35 pm - CA
good morning janine and cali crew..

how was everyone's weekend?? mine kinda sucked but that's my own fault... i have so much to do at home and i'm not doing it... i'm sure glad the weekend is over..i'm just brewing some coffee and waiting for that.. i'm up hella early and don't feel tired at all... well how know's what i'm doing today i hope i get some cleaning done... well i hope everyone has a great monday....
on 9/14/08 10:13 pm - Long Beach, CA
Good Morning Janine and Cali,

What a dynamo you are, but take care of those hands.  I gave up my prep period becausre I truly need the money.  It was truly an answer to a huge prayer. Last night was simple turkey burgers and salad.  But we did nibble a lil on the turkey once it was done and was it yummy.  I can't wait to do all kinds of things with it.  It is going on salads of course but I would love to make some turkey chili since it has that smoky taste. But I have to see what my mom wants to do with it too.  Luckily it was a really small turkey.  She said when they go on sale she is going to buy a couple and have them cut in half to keep smoking them.

Well I better get moving.  Since no prep that means a lot gets done before classes begin.  Janine enjoy those preps.

Everyone enjoy the day


Living Life
on 9/14/08 10:25 pm - Riverside, CA
Good Morning Calif.....

This morning my back HURTS like heck. OUCHIE!! I thought about calling in, but I thought it would much better to be whinny at work then here, home alone. I wonder why that shot didn't work for me. This sucks! (yeah, it might be the bike booboo) I have the dead spot all the way down my leg again, to my knee. I wonder if working is what is killing me and my back. We got some new chairs a few weeks ago, maybe my back don't like them.  Yap, that is my story, and I am sticking to it.

I didn't make coffee today, I will get some at work, I forgot to set it all up last night. All I wanted to do when I go home was SLEEP.

OK time to jump in shower and start my morning. Peace and love to all.

Jeni H.
on 9/14/08 10:29 pm

Good Morning Janine and Cali friends!

Janine you are So, So talented!!!  thanks for sharing the progress with us.  It is going to be awesome when you are done.

Well guys..............have a great day ok?  I'm feeling a bit frustrated & sad this morning about the school thing with Tommy but maybe the 'WIND" will change direction again today!


Do not ask the Lord to guide your footsteps if you are unwilling to move your feet. God, Please help me to move my feet!!!

Janine J.
on 9/14/08 10:37 pm - The Beautiful Desert, CA

Jeni I thought you were going to change his school close to you so he would not have to have a teacher who was unwilling to understand him. I reeally feel bad for Tommy and know how vitally important his younger years are in could have a long term negative effect when he has such a negative energy around him. I will pray that something good happens for him because all it takes is one good teacher to understand him!

LY Kisses 

“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).

Steve J.
on 9/14/08 10:42 pm, edited 9/14/08 10:42 pm - Inland Empire, CA
RNY on 12/01/06 with

Good Monday Morning to you and all the Crew Janine!

Janine, your mural is really starting to reveal itself now and you can tell how cool it will be. Sorry it is so very tuff on your hands... not to mention working in the heat like you are. What dedication and drive you have. You rock!

Had a nice weekend here. It was on the warm side yesterday afternoon though Saturday was pretty nice. I have to admit I was pretty depressed Saturday but somewhat better yesterday. It'll pass but it has just been such a strange, stressful and sad year for me.

We went to D's sisters Saturday evening for the birthday dinner and it was a nice time. Spent some time in the garden both days but my heart wasn't all that into it so I didn't get tons done this weekend. That's OK, there is still time.

Wishing you and all the Crew a good day today Janine!


Jean L.
on 9/14/08 10:48 pm - Seal Beach, CA
RNY on 08/20/07 with
Good morning Janine and crew

here I am..........and yes Janine - those grandkids are the cutest - I just want to give them both a big hug.....since I had no kids I won't ever have grand kids but I can sure enjoy those great nieces and nephews of mine like they are grand are so blessed.  Now on to that mural - AWESOME is all I can say - you are so friggin talented.....

Yesterday was so busy...I spent the day in Torrance with my BFF and it was a mega shopping day - wish I had on a pedometer to see just how much we walked.  First it was to Kohls where I had to return a pair of black jeans that I bought on sale a long time ago....I went to wear them the other day and - yep you guessed it - I went right past them and they were to big....although I was so bummed out cause they were so was pretty cool too.  Now let me add...I had several pairs of pants that I had not worn because they were still to small (still had tags on) so I decided I better try them all on...well low and behold all to was weird cause my weight has been holding the same - up one down one up one down whats up....I guess I am losing inches without the lbs....its all ok...but I did spend Sat returning things....4 things to walmart and then to Sams club to exchange 2 pair of jeans for smaller sizes....mind you I am NOT complaining...and thank gawd I save all of my receipts.

On on to yesterday....browsed all of the clearance racks at Kohls again...yep - bought some tops (some for me some for my niece)  Also bought a new coffee pot - one of those that you get a cup at a time....sis bought one and loves it.

Then we went to IKEA - I have never been there before - OMG what a huge place...though I am not impressed with their furniture all the little gadgets are great..I bought 3 plants - very strange looking - and some wood boxes to put them in - 2 little wood plant tables for out front...also got 2 new lamps for the bdrm nightstands- fun place...

Then it was on to TJ Max cause my friend had something to return...well - dang it - the purses are all right by the front door..and since I am purse obsessed I went straight there....yep - bought 2 new grey one Olive I think they are nine west and way cheap....OMG I have such issues...

So thats my day yesterday.

Now Linda - I am hoping things went ok yesterday with your daughter...please feel free to call me anytime if you need to talk...I have no experience with what you are dealing with but I have a good shoulder to lean on if you need it.

Shelley J - Girlfriend - I miss you - are you going to be able to make it to coffee the end of the month....Glad your daughter is doing well - I think the gate program is so good for the kids - keeps them challenged.  Can't wait to see you - soon I hope.

WEll I guess I have written enough of a book - time to go get another cup of coffee (no not in the new pot as I haven't cleaned it yet.) then read the paper....

Have a great week all - hugs
on 9/14/08 11:26 pm - Long Beach, CA
I was wondering where you were.  you shop aholic .  Thank you so much for your support.  The talk went ok.  I think she kinda knew she was busted. the talk went fine.  She is just my challenge child.  It exhausts me sometimes. 
Maureen N.
on 9/16/08 2:09 am - Redding, CA
I am glad the talk went well.  I am also glad you're keeping on top of it.  In about 5 years both of you will be soooooo glad you did. 

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