Good MOnday Morning Cali

(deactivated member)
on 9/15/08 3:04 am - Los Angeles, CA

Happy Monday morning, dudes and dudettes!!

I'm STILL, can you dig it?, in a great mood which is a carry-over from this past Thursday. Wheee! Gotta love when that happens! Also, the Wild Strawberry Crystal Light (with a smidge of caffiene) kicks me in the tookus and starts my day off zoomin'! Meh!! Who needs coffee!?

My weekend was great. People in my life started talking about plans for it early in the week, and I just nodded and smiled. I needed to get out dancing, so MsShell and some of her friends met me and my friend out at Bounce Friday night... and who should show up? None other than Ms Monica P! It was great to officially meet her as opposed to sitting WAAAAAAAAAAY across from her at the occassional LB Coffee. OK, so the music (IMHO) sucked and as all us classy ladies were quick to point out ... there were NO attractive men to flirt with. What the heck!? I took off just after 1am and headed home. Good thing, too... I was nearly sleeping on that drive.

Saturday came and I don't think i got out of my jammies all day. It was so nice to catch up on the DVR, on my Twin Peaks marathon, and on a well-deserved nap. Sunday was singing in church, then back into the jammies. I loved my weekend of NOTHING!! So deserved and long overdue.

This week is my lil sis's bday ... on Wednesday she turns 27. Wow.. I feel OLD! We party with her on Sat at a club in Venice, then take her on the tradional family dinner on Sunday. Other than that, I'm chillin' and happy about it.... though i need a vacation like a BIG DOG.

Make it a great week, y'all!!!

Maureen N.
on 9/16/08 2:16 am - Redding, CA
I LOVE the Wild Strawberry Energy Crystal Lite!  I use it to mix my Vanilla protein shake with and it is incredibly awsome!  What a way to start the day - a kick in the butt and some protein too!

Create Your Own Ticker

(deactivated member)
on 9/16/08 2:19 am - Los Angeles, CA
Hmm, I have a Vanilla I love, but I mix it with milk. Not sure how the CL would work with that.
on 9/15/08 3:11 am - Camarillo, CA

Good Morning all!
Janine - love the new avie.    And the mural!  I cant believe you are doing it out of slate - yep that is some tough stuff.  Tough to sandblast too!!  Cant wait to see it finished.

Boss isnt at work early this morning - so I am taking advantage and checking in early instead of just lurking at the end of the day.  :)

Worked the other job all weekend - and am the top person of the month in one-day sales right now           I may end up with an extra $50 for it!  Got 2nd place last month (which got me $0)  so I reallly want it this time.   And I have only been at the job for about 6 weeks.

So far just work at the never-ending job all week.  Taking care of some family drama tonight - anyone wanna adopt a painintheass sister???  Drugs and homeless - and now Mom wants my other sis and I to try to go talk to her....   wish us luck!

Well, I better get to work now.....   have a good day all!

:) Kelly                  goal in 14 months!!   
335 high/305 surgery / 160 goal    

on 9/15/08 9:39 am - Where the Sun Shines, CA
My roommate had the same painintheass sister. Unfortunately there's nothing one can do unless they truly want to help themselves. Tough love.

Gosh, you sound too busy. Hope you're well... at least we know you're skinny!

highest :313 | current :124 | low goal :145 | lowest: 118
on 9/15/08 3:59 am - Sunnyvale, CA

Good morning all,
     Janine your mural is so pretty and your gradkids are adorable. 
Today I am planning to go thru some things and try to get things cleaned up and organized before surgery next month.  I can never seem to get myself motivated.  Anyway hope everyone has a great Monday.

I am but a caterpillar waiting to become a butterfly.

Josie C.
on 9/15/08 4:05 am - High Desert, CA
Hi Janine and Cali Crew,
Usually I'm not available to read the boards during the day, but things are slow right now and I'm taking advantage of the downtime while I wipe another computer to catch-up. are a wonder...the mural looks like it is going to be beautiful.  I have to admire you about being out there in that heat/sun.  About that dehyrdation...try  some Gatorate is lower in sugar, but will really help keep you hydrated.

My weekend was sort of quiet...usual nails and pedi on Saturday, but then ran into a friend *****cently lost her husband so spent a few hours with her just hanging out.  I also spent a little time spifying up my eHarmony profile...time to give that another try.   I've been spending several hours a day working on my cookbook...I think I've finally settled on cover art, but still organizing my recipes.  I know in just a few short weeks I'm going to be totally consumed by it if I want to get it to the printer in time for the holidays.  I so hope my family likes it. 

Have a great week!

garweeg.gifAre you sure this will work? 

*KiminFontana* *.
on 9/15/08 4:11 am - Fontana, CA
Good Morning Jeannie and all...and all I can say is.................

Tomorrow, tomorrow, I'll luv ya (Dr. Suh)'re onlyyyyyyyyy a daaaaaaayyyyyyyy aaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwayyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!

I get my consult tomorrow for those who don't 

Blessings all...Kim in Fontana
on 9/15/08 9:43 am - Where the Sun Shines, CA
Kim in Fontana,
Good luck on your consult. Take a deep breath and go on in there! Fun times ahead!

Kim MB
highest :313 | current :124 | low goal :145 | lowest: 118
Carol I.
on 9/15/08 5:08 am - San Jose, CA
Good Morning (barely), Cali folks!  Janine - you are amazing!  You do the most wonderful shout-outs.  I've been off the boards for the last three days, and feel like I know what's been happening just by reading your morning missive!  And the mural is going to be lovely!  Just be careful of the heat... you don't want to pu**** too far and end up with heat prostration!

I had a wonderful three-day quilting retreat at the Marin Headlands.  The sewing is in the building next to the beach, so you get a wonderful view - whi*****ludes watching all the young male hunks changing into their wetsuits in the parking lot.  There is something about the sight of twenty older women rushing to the window hoping that a towel will fall down!  Okay, we're not that bad...

The food is always wonderful.  Of course, this is the first time I've been since the surgery.  I didn't request special food because I thought that there would be something I could eat, and I brought cheese and protein bars with me in case there was a problem.  There are just so many things I have to avoid still, and it seemed to difficult to try to request that they accommodate me.  Well, the chef was wonderful.  We had roasted chicken on Friday night.  We were going to have pasta and polenta for dinner on Saturday, so he was ready to make some chicken cacciatore just for me - and I told him to just save me one chicken leg and I could microwave it and it would be fine.  So he heated up my chicken leg, and I made the mistake of taking a very firm plum.  I ate too fast and didn't chew enough, and ended up losing dinner, but it was my own fault!  All in all, it went very well - my first big test of dealing with food issues around lots of other people.

Enjoy the new week.  Mine will be spent trying to get the teaching stuff straightened out so that I can start substituting in the high schools again.  (Again my fault - I forgot my ID and password from last year...)  And, of course, wishing the kitchen remodel would make some real progress for a change... -- Carol
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