Good Sunday Morning Cali
Oh Janine the pics and the family are fantastic! I too am lucky to have alot of family really close by.
Today is breakfast for Sammi and I and then we'll go pick up my Mom and head into SLO for the street painting. Should be a nice day and the chalk art can get pretty elaborate. Maybe later when DH gets home from work we'll go to the free concert in the park. It's the last one of the summer.
Hope everyone enjoys thier day
Keep doing what you're doing, Keep getting what you're getting.
Highest/Surgery/Dr. Goal/Goal/Current
301 299 180 170 159
Janine, love your new profile...and love the rest of your pics too....Ava is quite the cutie, and I know such a gift to you.

Just woke up a bit ago...I was one sleepy girl! I went to bed at 9 last night. Probably because I had a busy day, and then I decided to take a walk to my sister's house. I'm sure I looked so silly because I walk like i have something I'm trying to hold in my rear end!!! She lives about 7 houses away. when I got there I just about plopped down on her chair! Her daughter had her car so I had to walk home, too. But it was really good for me, and like I said I slept like a baby!

I'm going to church today. I'm a little nervous because of the hard folding chairs, but I'll bring a pillow, and sit in the back. If I have to leave early, not many will notice, and everyone will understand. I go to the most awesome church, they have been the most giving people during this time in my life. I have had all my dinners taken care of, and they have done so much more. But, I am feeling like it's time to start doing more on my own now.
My home health nurse came yesterday, and says that I've made a 100% improvement, and my wounds look so good now. They are still going to change to the Dakins solution (a bleach solution to rinse out the wounds) just to be safe, which is fine with me. I am getting such excellent care, it can't be beat, I tell you. I have a big box and a huge bag literally filled with medical supplies so I can change my bandages when I need to, etc. Before I got home health care, I ordered this small little order of bandages from a place online that is supposed to be more reasonable, and I paid $90 for not much!!! geez!
Anyway, I'm thankful to be here, and thankful to be healing, posting, visiting (oh yeah, my friend is going to take me out today, just to go for a ride....yee hah!), and for the gift of life.
Love U guys, have a great day,

on 9/14/08 1:32 am - Vacaytown, HI
Your grandaughter is the cutiest cutie of them all! You have to teach her one day to ride your motorcycle. lol Anyway sounds like you had great fun. I look forward to one day having grandchildren. For now I have a teenager on my hands. Hes a good boy though. Full of personality and a red head. He takes after me in every way so we love to do the same things. Hes very much into the arts and loves to sing. Anyway hope everyone has a wonderful sunday.
Good morning Janine and Cali friends!!!
Oh my gosh!!! Those babies are just beautiful!!! I can tell by the smile and the look in your eyes of how much joy they bring into your heart. I will think of that when I look at your new Avatar pic. It is gorgeous Grandma!!! I'm glad you had a great day with them, and I LOVE Ava's winter hat!!!
They grow up so fast.............we must treasure these wonderful moments!
Tommy and I had a great day yesterday as well. We went to Six Flags and grandma got on the Medusa!!! Oh my Gosh!!! I screamed my head off! I felt a little queasy afterwards and grateful to be a live when I got off! lol But it was fun!!! I have not been on a roller coaster in litterally years!!!
Oh - I spoke with my daughter about Tommy's school and teacher and she spoke with Tommy's dad and they both agreed that we should switch his school to Dudley Elementary. That means he will be attending school right down the street from my house! He can walk to Grandma's after school and it will be great. I can help with homework and his reading. He is Special Ed, and is just not getting what he needs at that other school and the teacher to me can be very belittling and Tommy is very sensitive, he knows....he may be slow but he is not stupid by any means.
Well, I think today will be laundry, house cleaning and taking Tasha and Tommy to the park since yesterday was our "play" day.
I wish you all a great day! Enjoy what is left of the weekend!
Whatever you may be doing!
Love, Jeni
Good Morning Janine and Cali Crew!
Janine...what great pics of Ava's birthday...looks like a fun time! I love the new board pic can really see the weight loss girl...your face looks so THIN!!!
Not too much on the agenda today since we don't have Football until tomorrow night. Last Sunday was the first game of the Cowboys season...and our fan club is at Dave & Busters this year. We had a HUGE crowd...about 220 of our closest Cowboy fans came. I was really happy for my DH...he hadn't slept for a week worrying about if he would have a good turn out cause Dave & Busters game him such a great deal to move his club and he did not want to dissapoint...and he didn't. We should have another great turn out tomorrow night as well. If there are any Cowboy fans local...come join us...its so much fun! We give away alot of freebies!!!
Off to get some more coffee and then start my day! Have a great Sunday all!!!
Ava is adorable, hunter is a hunk. Looks like you really enjoyed the day! (by the way, your tile and my tile look like the same tile). You as another poster said are glowing in your photos. You are looking terrific these days. Not a lot new here on the home front, but tile and more tile. I was hoping to get the dining room done this weekend but it is going slower that I even imagined. But It will get done in this century I am sure. Funny how this little tile thing can put you in a mood! lol. OH well. Today I am going to try and do something fun, don't know what yet but something I am in the mood for something totally crazy, I was about to join Kim at Knotts but relized I lost her number and I knew I would never find her so I decided to wait until another time. Looking forward to the IE dinner on Saturday and the group. I just can't wait.
Thanx so much for the shout out!
Ava and Hunter are adorable!!!!!!! Love her winter hat...too cute!! Glad you had fun with them. Your boys are very handsome too. I love family time.
Hope everyone has a great day!!

~Katt~ Obesity Help Support Group Leader
Sexy isn't a look, it's a state of mind. ~Me~
How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours. ~Dr. Wayne Dyer~
The best part of having them go with me today is that they were already up and moving and I got no complaints when it was time to go to church. I made a big batch of chili and now we are doing nothing. I love Sundays.