Good Sunday Morning Cali
Good Morning to everyone from the beautiful Cali Desert! I hope that most of you are sleeping like I should be!
From what I read, I think there are no major ups and downs here....Nicole is having problems...I sure hope that she feels better soon!
Katt I know you must have had a good birthday...I want to go see that movie...but no time these days...I have a feeling it will be ordered on Netflex for me at the rate I am going!
I have to tell you all....I had a great time yesterday at my granddaughters birthday. I cannot believe that she actually will be 1 on Monday!!!! Here are some pics from her party:
One of the loves of my life....Missy AvaBear!
Ava does not realize she can walk...she is just standing there!
Hunter and Ava having a size me up contest!
And of grandma NeeNee could not resist Ava's new winter hat!
Ava does not like cake for sure! I hope it stays that way. Her other grandma made her the Hello Kitty cake!
Mr. Hunterpants 8 months old! And all I want to do is smooch him up!!! He is a real cuddle bug!
Me and my boys....Scott is Hunter's day on the left and James is Ava's dad and even me with pretty high shoes on is still a shorty compared to them!
Having family is so precious to me and I know to all of you.....I feel so blessed to have had this surgery to know that when my grandchildren grow up they will never know what a fat granny they would have had without this surgery. I am going to live long enough to see them someday enjoy the same things I have with their children!
Thanks board friends and real friends for letting me share this special day. It will truly be a great highlight in my life for days to come!
I wish you all a great day whatever you are doing....make sure you remember the real reasons why you had wls and treat that pouch like royalty!!!
“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).
I have been up about an hour now. But I slept all night from about 10:30 so it was great. No more worry of a cold either. Love love love the pics. How cute is Ava standing like such a big girl. Hunter has eyes like Jordyn or I should say her like him. They are so big and bright and make you melt. Your boys aren't too bad either.
Yesterday I had the car in for a maintenance check did a quick costco run and chilled most of the day watching movies and shows I had taped. Today I need to get the laundry done and a ton of work that I have brought home. What a difference not have that conference period. My mom is coming early today to watch Jordyn so I can do some of it plus she is making dinner. Turkey burgers and salad tonight and she is also going to smoke an entire turkey. Yum-O.
Everyone enjoy the day

I don't have much to talk about, yesterday was just work. And today is going to be more of the same. Oh Joy!!
Thats my story and I am sticking to it.
Ohhh my crazy dog Fresser started this new thing. Since she not aloud in the bath room while I am ummm busy in there, she now chases her tail, stops and looks at me, and then spins a few more times, then try's to walk. NUT!! Its too funny to watch. And now I tell her to "get your tail" when she starts in hopes that I can make it a trick for her. When she learns how to do it when told, I will teach her how to touch a "mark" and when she learns that I will teach her how to "pin the tail on the donkey" LOL....
OK time for coffee...
I wish everyone a great day.
Janine - your grand daughter is BEAUTIFUL!!! I know you must have LOVED the day and thank you for sharing it with us.
Monica - my gosh - Jordyn is over 6 months now?? (I noted on your signature ticker) - WOW! Such a beautiful little one and how time flies!! When do we get to babysit anyway???? Geez! What's a girl gotta do to get some baby time??? :)
Family time for me this weekend - Karate yesterday for Taylor (my proud purple belt), school projects and house stuff. You all know the drill I am sure. I am shocked at the amount of homework in 5th grade this year! Taylor is in GATE class this time and has had a lot already. One night she spent 4 hours getting it all done!!! UGH! I suppose I should be happy she is challenged this year and is being pushed...she got lazy last year.
I hope everyone enjoys their Sunday and has a great week!

Shelley J.
Clinton, MS
Your Grand Babies are beautiful. Looks like you had a great time. Children grow up so fast

Today is laundry day for me. And a trip to good will to donate some stuff that's been hangin around for too long taking up space.
OT........I am having some more major issues with my 15 year old daughter (bi-polar). I have to sit down with her today and have a long talk with her about some things that I know are going on. She will deny them til the sun comes home so I have to approach them carefully but I have to do this.
Does anyone on these boards have any children with bi-polar disorder/ADHD? Sometimes I feel totally alone with this horrible disorder.

Anyways, I hope everyone enjoys the rest of their weekend, and have a great week
Looks like you had a wonderful time yesterday. The pics are all wonderful and the kids are so cute. Thank You for sharing.
Today is running around day as mom was feeling crappy yesterday and she needed to go to Costco too. So all of that will be done today. Hopefully we can get it done quick so I can R&R some too!!!
Hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday. Be good to yourselves and those around you!!!
Far away there in the sunshine are my highest aspirations.
I may not reach them, but I can look up and see their beauty,
believe in them, and try to follow where they lead.
Louisa May Alcott
I've been teasing Jayden with the fact that his Wii package arrived for winning the calendar contest. There's this box here from Kiewit addressed to him. I've sent him pictures of the box, put the box on the scales and sent him pictures, took a picture of it next to his fish tank. He doesn't come to see us until the 26th so................ he has to wait.
Today is my 7th day after surgery and I am amazed at how fantastic I am feeling. I am still taking it easy, resting as necessary, and tackling small projects around the house. The front lawn needs to be mowed but my friend Candi is bringing her 15 year old son over to do it since he's grounded and he'll do anything for me. I'm going to hire him to do some work in my back yard.
I'm going to clean out my linen closet. And, if I can find some $$$$ I'd love to go to the fabric store to get some flannel to make a couple of blankets.
That's all I have. That and clear liquids. I am sooooooo over this stage!
Hi Janine and everyone! Janine, those g=babies are too cute, the look on Ava's face with the cake, like you say, hope it remains that way! And Hunter is a cutie pie, looks like he's a honey bear!! Glad you had a good time with them and I know how blessed you are to have them so close by and lucky them to have their Neen nearby! I wish mine had been closer so I'd have more memory of them...
Had a great time yesterday at the waterpark with Tim of course and Paula and her honey, Jeremy, joined us! We had a great time hanging out, visiting, bobbing in the wave pool, and that Sunset River they have is HUGE! Really wide and goes forever! That was our fav part. Oh Janine, they made everyone get out of the wave pool at one point, and it made me think of when you told me about the same sitch at the PS one. BTW, Palm Springs is our fav one now!! If you had seen a pic of the four of us on the Pacific Spin this is what you would've seen: the bug eyes would've been all of us hanging on for freaking dear life as we spun up and down into the toilet bowl....LOL Holy smokes, not again for this girl, that was scary and poor little Paula hates going backwards and she got the double whammy of backwards and in the dark. I thought for sure I was gonna lose my grip on the little holders, I probably left my imprint on them! Anyhow, we all survived and went across the street to Mrs Knotts for some of her chicken dinner. It's so worth the wait! YUM! I took the skin off Anyhow, onto Riverside today for a visit with a couple of good friends, and a bbq and more swimming, I think I'm gonna grow gills one of these days! Ya'll have a great day and enjoy it! xo Kim