good sat morning

I am a pro at laughing non stop, and sometimes for no reason!! I used to get in trouble for it as a child!!! lol
This guy must think you are the whacko that you are!!! hee hee
but I'm with Rhonda, WHAT'S the 411 on this guy???? lmao
I'm so glad neither of you were hurt, hope it doesn't hit you later!!!
Thanks for the morning chuckle! love you girlie!
bigg huggs, Becky
Surgery was RNY 5/21/07...I can be found on Facebook: anewbecboo or Becky Reddick
Read my reply to Rhonda about the 411..

Lisa, Sorry you still throwing up and having pain after 7 weeks, but I am happy that you have an appointment to get it checked out. Good luck!!!
LL, I know excatly what you mean...I had something similar happen to me and I just laughed. You know that just shows that you are having a good time. I am just happy that you and Fresser were not hurt!!!
Not much planned for me today...I have a babyshower in Riverside and then just hanging out.
Well, hope everyone has a WONDERFUL DAY!!!!!!
Morning Lisa:
Sure is a bummer that you're still not feeling well. I hope the doctors can find out what is going on with you. It will get better. How are things with you and your bf? I think you said the other day you were fun for sure!
I was actually about around 2. I came and peeked on the boards, but was still to tired to take the effort to post a shout out or even start the morning thread. Heck it is hard for me to even use my hands very well right now because they hurt so much!
Today is My little Ava Bear's 1st birthday party although her birthday is actually Monday. I can't believe a year has gone by already. Time to make another baby so they can keep rolling!!! LOL!!
Have a great day everyone...I sure know I am!!!
“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).

I'm sorry you are continuing to have issues after 7 weeks Lisa... that sucks. But I am sure the docs will find out what the problem is and fix it. The endoscope is no big deal and is over in no time. It's the prep and waiting in the holding area that's a drag. Make sure to follow the pre-proceedure instructions to a "t"!!! Last spring my brother had one scheduled and he ate some food cause he was hungry at like 4 in the morning. His proceedure was at 3pm and as he still had food in his stomach and they couldn't complete the scope. Of course he didn't TELL anyone he had eaten... thought he knew better then the docs.... until AFTER they tried to do the scope. He had to return a week later to have it done over.
It's overcast and cool here this morning. It would appear autumn is just around the corner. Of course we will have some more hot days and the Santa Ana winds will make their return soon enough. But today should be beautiful and I will be spending time tending my garden and prepping things for my autumn planting. Tonight we are going up the hill to celebrate Darrell's nephew's birthday at D's sister's house in Hesperia.
Wishing everyone a great Saturday!
Hope to see lot's of you all next Saturday for the IEL Support Meeting and the IE dinner!!!