Happy Friday
Ok, I have alot to say today... I watched a show on Discovery Health called Jackie's Story... she was 627 lbs and had gastric. No one wanted to do her surgery because most have a weight limit of 400? I never knew that! I am glad she found someone and I watched the show and felt it was very informative since she had such a rough recovery you get a feel of what can happen. I saw the Dr.. Primary... on Tuesday. I have no insurance so had to pay at a health clinic in town. I was surprised they had a sliding fee and so 30.00 a visit is all I pay. Some of my tests are covered in that. I was so nervous but she was a good Dr. She said I am not able to work and said permanent... but we know that is only till after I get surgery and become a loser;)! I completed my SSI application and the paperwork required for the state to determine if I am disabled for purpose of getting MediCal. I completed all the authorization forms so they can request my records. I do have high blood pressure but I advised her of my anxiety and she gave me meds and said she will f/u in 2 weeks and if it is still high then I will need meds for blood pressure too! :( I really feel God is trying to get my attention. Everytime I think I will just give up and stay my size... I mean I don't have to bad of health... God does something to wake me up. My health is bad... who am I kidding. I am now riding the scooter to shop in Walmart. I never thought it would come to this and thank God that so many stores have scooters! They are a blessing! Anyways, I still have a ways to go. But my day is coming! Anyone with advice on helping this along let me know! :)
Surgery was RNY 5/21/07...I can be found on Facebook: anewbecboo or Becky Reddick