Happy Friday

Melissa W.
on 9/12/08 12:16 pm - Nashville, TN

Ok, I have alot to say today... I watched a show on Discovery Health called Jackie's Story... she was 627 lbs and had gastric. No one wanted to do her surgery because most have a weight limit of 400? I never knew that! I am glad she found someone and I watched the show and felt it was very informative since she had such a rough recovery you get a feel of what can happen. I saw the Dr.. Primary... on Tuesday. I have no insurance so had to pay at a health clinic in town. I was surprised they had a sliding fee and so 30.00 a visit is all I pay. Some of my tests are covered in that. I was so nervous but she was a good Dr. She said I am not able to work and said permanent... but we know that is only till after I get surgery and become a loser;)! I completed my SSI application and the paperwork required for the state to determine if I am disabled for purpose of getting MediCal. I completed all the authorization forms so they can request my records. I do have high blood pressure but I advised her of my anxiety and she gave me meds and said she will f/u in 2 weeks and if it is still high then I will need meds for blood pressure too! :(  I really feel God is trying to get my attention. Everytime I think I will just give up and stay my size... I mean I don't have to bad of health... God does something to wake me up. My health is bad... who am I kidding. I am now riding the scooter to shop in Walmart. I never thought it would come to this and thank God that so many stores have scooters! They are a blessing! Anyways, I still have a ways to go. But my day is coming! Anyone with advice on helping this along let me know! :)

Living Life
on 9/12/08 12:33 pm - Riverside, CA
I missed that show but meant to wi**** I heard and seen the previews and really wanted to watch. I am glad it heled you understand the recovery can be tuff on some.

Best of luck in all you have going on.

on 9/12/08 3:57 pm - Ellensburg, WA
Woo Hoo, it looks like you are going to get the system to work for you!!! It's good to hear that it does still work for some, I'm happy for you sweetie!!! God will take care of you and your day to become a LOSER will come, in His time!!!   Hang in there and scoot away, at least you aren't home bound like so many MO people get to!!!    You are in my prayers!   bigg huggs, Becky

Surgery was RNY 5/21/07...I can be found on Facebook: anewbecboo or Becky Reddick 



Melissa W.
on 9/13/08 12:10 am - Nashville, TN
Thanks Becky! I am trying to not get to that point. I do feel like I don't like to leave the house that much but I can. I am in for a long battle i am sure. Have a great weekend!
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