Sooo Much Fun...

on 9/12/08 9:58 am - sunny, CA
I haven't been around in a long time ... but i knew in just a few seconds it was a joke... because I have never know you to be the mean spirited type.... one observation i had was... WOW the number of views was crazy!..goes to show you that people do like drama even when they say they don't... HA
A real study on human nature for sure!

"life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how your react to it"

Living Life
on 9/12/08 10:04 am - Riverside, CA
You are so right Faith, and I bet some of them veiw where because some called and told them to go and read it. And see what it did. We got PattySoCo ready to run a marathon with Kirsten. Amoung others.

Don't worry, Patty, I know you dont mean never when you say that.

Have a great weekend Faith.
Thank you for your support.

Kirsten :-)
on 9/12/08 10:43 am - Agoura Hills, CA
Yes....I'm still being contacted today about the giggles people had reading the posts yesterday.  But the best part of it is that Patty is going to run a marathon.  Us runners know from experience....once you say NEVER it's all over baby!   
Living Life
on 9/12/08 11:05 am - Riverside, CA
Thats right..

Patty will be a great Marathoner....I bet she will run as fast or faster then you and Kevin. Or maybe she will be kick back and run crawl with me....

Let me know when as you run with her and the others.

She don't think so, but we know better.

Steve J.
on 9/12/08 12:31 pm - Inland Empire, CA
RNY on 12/01/06 with
Lu you are a mean, cruel, vindictive, selfish, rude and EVIL woman.
You should be SO ashamed of yourself!


Living Life
on 9/12/08 12:36 pm - Riverside, CA
EVIL??? Now you have gone toooooo flipping far.

You wait till i get my hands on you and kiss your face all over. That should be enought punishment for you.

YOU BITE ME!!!!!!!!!!

(deactivated member)
on 9/12/08 1:12 pm - So. Cal, CA
Seriously?  I can't believe someone took the time to tell you that you were out of line and a rude person.  Come on people.  This is the internet and if it was serious MIND your own Bee's Wax.  Remember what your mama told you.  "If you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all!"  Lu, I don't really know you but I know that you are a very supportive and kind person and many people on this board turn to you for support. 
I knew once I opened the thread that it was all in fun.

And as I said on that thread, Kristen would leave foot prints on me as she runs me over, because I have no clue what I am doing/think when I signed up for this marathon. 

Living Life
on 9/12/08 1:48 pm - Riverside, CA


Thank you for you support. It means a lot to me and Kirsten to know that some that does not one us, knew where we playing.

About running the marathon. I had not a clue when I started running, but with great training, I crossed that finish line, more then once. And if you starting training, you would leave foot prints on Kirsten. LOL...

Have a great night.


Maureen N.
on 9/12/08 1:32 pm - Redding, CA
I can't run a marathon (yet) but I walk a good dog!  3 of 'em 1.5 miles each.  I used to walk them all at the same time but then did one and then two at a time and now (pre surgery) was up to 1.5 miles each dog.  Dogs are wanting me to get my strength back!

Create Your Own Ticker

Living Life
on 9/12/08 1:46 pm - Riverside, CA
Honey, no one can just run a marathon. BUT with training, you CAN do it. You should think about training with Scott. He is the bomb!!!

Your dogs are your strength, give them time and they will build you back up.

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