Sooo Much Fun...

Cindy D.
on 9/12/08 7:20 am - Fullerton, CA
RNY on 05/05/05 with
Well, I have to say, I was one of the ones that didn't get it.  I read EVERY word, misspelled or not, and it seemed to be harsh. I've been around quite awhile and I find myself to be a pretty educated, street smart, book smart, people smart kinda gal and I was still duped.  Sorry, but if I didn't get it, I figured there were more that didn't and that's why I said something.  I appreciate the time you spent in PM'g me to set me straight.  I truly was glad to know it was a joke, but as I teach my girls, if you have to explain it's a joke to people, then maybe it's not such a great joke. We all  have to remember, this is a public forum and I would think, that if you are going to do inside jokes that not all are going to get, then do it privately, just makes more sense to me. 
I'm sorry if I or others took the fun out of your day.  I try not to let others be in charge of my day, but when I do, I know it's a bummer.  It's amazing the control this board has over people, that it can actually dictate peoples moods and determine the value of one's supportiveness.  What an amazing powerful board!!!
....and again, this is just my own opinion, based on only me and not others.
Have a nice weekend!
Cindy you have a ring that belongs to my husband, he said he loaned it to you and that you were going to give it to him at the next event, but you never you think he could still get it?
Thanks again.
Living Life
on 9/12/08 7:30 am - Riverside, CA

You are right, one should not let others run there day. But they did, for a minute. But since so many others understood it was in fun. And they joined the fun. Look how many are now going to run and train with Scott. WOW!! I am hoping that other do also.

Thank you for you opinoin.

Nope, not a clue about that ring. Sorry! I am sure its here somewhere and If I run across I will let him know.

Stephanie O
on 9/12/08 7:37 am - Happy Place, CA
OK, so I NEVER post.  Stopped doing that a long time ago because of cr*p just like this.  However, with that being said,  anyone who knows you Lu would have known just by reading the subject of the message that you were joking.

I've known you for 3 maybe 4 years already and I know as does everyone else who truly knows you that if you had a real problem with anyone, you would NEVER take it to the board.  You might not even take it to the person off the board.  You might just sit quietly and wonder why someone didn't like you or was being mean to you or someone else. You'd cry by yourself and not let anyone help you feel better.

Now, for those that don't know you and who took the post seriously and thought you were being mean and unsupportive, well frankly, if they didn't know you or Kirsten or what was going on, it wasn't their place to pass judgement on you or anyone else.  Again, more of the cr*p that pushed me away from the board.

If the board had more supportive, non-judgemental people such as yourself, many of us old-timers might just still be around to help the newbies as they take their journies.  So all this being said, I shall go back to being the occassional lurker that I am because I figure the flames will be shooting my way any moment now.

I love you Lu La Belle
Living Life
on 9/12/08 7:46 am - Riverside, CA
Ohhh heck yeah, I am going to flame you alright, because I miss you.

Thank you for coming out and stand tall next to me, with me, and with all of us that enjoy life, and laughing. It did take me some time to get over thier hursh words, but then I thought about it, and you know what. Them that yelled the loudest, do not know me and have never took the time to get to know me. You know me so well, Step, you are right, I would have, if at all, handled my problems behind closed doors.

They wont flame you honey, they are after me. And in the wonderful words of Steve. BRING IT ON!

You are one very bright shinning star. Thank you!

Katt M.
on 9/12/08 8:12 am - Fontana, CA

((((((Stephanie))))) Hope you and Mike are well. Miss you!!
~Katt~  Obesity Help Support Group Leader
Sexy isn't a look, it's a state of mind. ~Me~
How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours. ~Dr. Wayne Dyer~
Katt M.
on 9/12/08 8:08 am - Fontana, CA
Lu, in the 2+ years that I have been on the board I have NEVER, EVER seen you be UN-supportive to anyone. I saw the post at about the 7th post in and read all the previous posts and knew from the get-go that it was all in fun. The people who PM'd you are in the wrong. If they had only read the whole thread, they would have known it was all fun and games. The need to check themselves and their judgmentality. Love you and all the other runners. You guys and gals ROCK!!!  
~Katt~  Obesity Help Support Group Leader
Sexy isn't a look, it's a state of mind. ~Me~
How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours. ~Dr. Wayne Dyer~
Living Life
on 9/12/08 10:07 am - Riverside, CA
Hey Katt, are you bust on the 25th? Want to come to a Mary Kay thing here at my house?
on 9/12/08 8:16 am - Hesperia, CA
I am sticking to my guns "TIME OUT FOR EVERYONE!"

I am taking mine out by the pool with a nice iced tea and am and just going to enjoy who and what I am period!

Living Life
on 9/12/08 8:37 am - Riverside, CA
Dang Girl, you didn't even ask if I wanted to join you by the pool. And I thought you was a friend.....

Just playing honey. You is great.

I wish you a great time at the pool

Living Life
on 9/12/08 10:06 am - Riverside, CA
Can you put me on a time out for the weekend and make me stay in my room or something? So I wont have to go to work and I can do that fun run this weekend with Monica??

I would be only to happy to give you my boss number and you can tell her that I am on a time out until next week??

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