Gripe of the Day...
It is Mortar they used too much in some areas and then they used tar paper and then they used calking it is a mess. We asked the guys at Lowes and Home Depot in the flooring dept. and they said we have to scrap it off. We could just put super thick mortar over the top of it, but the floor would not be perfectly level and it could crack the tiles. They just did a crappy job. I can't wait till it gets done as it is going to look terrific and then we are on to my giant list of other projects, that is if this one does not kill me.
You could always try Muriatic Acid but be careful. Been there, and done that. It's dangerous, but it really works quickly. Here's an article for you to read.
JudyAnne (imethimonacruise)
Thanks JudyAnne, but I have 6 little ones around and doubt if I should even have that kind of acid in my City! You are very kind though for giving me that link. I also don't believe that it work as this is caked up mortar (cement itself) you would have to see this to believe it. The floor was so disgusting when we bought this house and was cracking under our feet. They also never sealed the grout in this house so that was so gross. I tried everything including acid to clean the floor when we moved in. Tile came clean but the grout was gross. I ended up getting on my hands and knees painting the grout (believe it or not they make a grout paint) took we weeks and a very strong back. Then it started you would walk across the floor and tiles would crack beneath your feet. I can't tell you what a joy it was to get a hammer and crack the tile up off the floor. That was a blast. Then we discovered why the tile was cracking they just slapped on the wrong kind of mortar. It was high in some places and low in others. It is a mess, but we are getting there. We have our living room done and 3/4 of the dinning room. We hope to finish that tomorrow and tile it then Sunday get the gunk out of the kitchen floor. Next weekend is the hallways and a bath. We hope, so say a little prayer for us.
Thanks so much and I do so appreciate your help.
Thanks so much and I do so appreciate your help.
I need a job REALLY BAD!!!!
I need insurance so I can murder these alien biotches!!!!!
that's about it for now! But I'm happy to be alive and a part of this GREAT community to keep me truckin on!!!! Thanks Katt!!!!
I need a job REALLY BAD!!!!
I need insurance so I can murder these alien biotches!!!!!
that's about it for now! But I'm happy to be alive and a part of this GREAT community to keep me truckin on!!!! Thanks Katt!!!!
Surgery was RNY 5/21/07...I can be found on Facebook: anewbecboo or Becky Reddick