Good TGIF Morning Gang!!!
OMG how happy are all of you that it is FRIDAY???????????????????
Happy TGIF to all of you!!! I know you all worked hard this week and deserve a weekend of fun...NO WORK it? That is orders from Ms. Johnson!!!!
Anywho...get this...yesterday...nice day...started off beautiful out here in the desert. Early afternoon...few marshmellow clouds in the sky. Okay...I am thinking to myself....gonna be a tad humid working after is in the shade at that time of day. Well I got to the other school...spent an hour or more hand cutting tiles....when this squall type weather kicked up....I mean serious winds...the skies turned dark...thunder started booming....I was covered in grit from the sand and dirty in the air...I laid some tiles, but as soon as the thunder started....I packed it up and was eerie as you know that clinking sound of the flagpole cord...and no one was around feeling? EEEEEKSSSSSSSSSSSSS I was scared...what a baby eh? Actually I was afraid about the lightening which you could not see and not being a science wiz...didn't want to take any chances of getting hit.
I am going to take a break today. I have to come home and prepare for Ava's big day tomorrow! She will be 1 on Monday, but the party for her is tomorrow and grandma Neen house is going to party central. BTW she is saying NEEN now and NEE NEE. How cool is that?
So what are your plans for the weekend? I know some of you are training for running (sicko's okay not really...teasing for sure)...remember I said NO spill gang...we all love living vicariously through each other!
I know this week brought many challenges to us......just remember that we are all capable of handling the curve balls and meet life head on without the food and the tright
Everyone have a great day and when the work whistle goes off....hit running and have that fun!!!
“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).
Good Morning Janine and Cali Friends!
Friday! Friday! Friday!!! It finally got here. Today after work I will be picking up Tommy at school to come stay the weekend at Grandma's. We are going to a Company (not my Co. but a friend's) function at Mariotts. Everything is paid for! He has never been to a theme park so it should be fun! Grandpa Dennis (DH) may be able to join us since he didn't do to well in his golf tournament last weekend....
Then there is a Fifth Wheel trailer that we want to go look at. We want to be able to do more camping this coming year..........and the prices have really fallen so I think it's a good time to buy.
I am starting to count down the days for surgery......still seems so far away, but at least I am now approved and all of that stuff is over and behind me right? I need to learn patience.....
Oh'S FRIDAY!!! You all have a great, great day!!!
i had a rough day yesterday me and my bf kept on aruging with each other,,, so i'm hoping today is a better day...i have a soccor game to go to with my youngest she's 7 and growing so fast...i have some cleaning to do this weekend too..i hope i get it done.. so i'm not doing much this weekend.. maybe i'll go shopping too....well everyone have a awsome day...
WoooooWhoooo.... happy TGIF everyone!

Yep, I am happy as I can be that this week is over and the weekend is on the horizon! With all this week brought our way D and I haven't made any plans for the weekend. I hope to sleep in and get some down time in to let my fried brain recharge. Some garden time to soothe my soul too I think. The weather has been outstanding around here the last few days so time outside should be a real pleasure.
So as we get the day underway I am wishing you, and all the Cali Crew, a fantabulous Friday Janine! Now go.... take on the day!
Yes thank goodness it is Friday. It has been hard to get back into the swing of things with work. I am already ready for 330. Plans for the weekend, the usual housework, laundry ect. Going to Costco and the store. Other than that not a dang thing, lol. I know what you are saying about the weather. When I finally got out of work at 630 last night it was raining at work. 10 miles down the hill it wasnt, but it was weird, I was out 30 min before and all was clear, lol!!
Have a good day everyone. Be good to yourselves and those around you!!
Far away there in the sunshine are my highest aspirations.
I may not reach them, but I can look up and see their beauty,
believe in them, and try to follow where they lead.
Louisa May Alcott
I'm going to work a little late today as I get to take lil miss Sammi to school. Found out the other day the only time her friend Gina doesn't cry when they drop her off at school is the days when Sammi is there. I also found out Sammi takes good care of Gina at school.
Saturday is the usual wallyworld Albertons run. Sunday we are going into San Luis to the Imadinari (street chalk painting) and walk around looking at all the cool pictures. Gotta get some house work done in there sometime too.
Happy Birthday to lil miss Ava Bear!
Keep doing what you're doing, Keep getting what you're getting.
Highest/Surgery/Dr. Goal/Goal/Current
301 299 180 170 159
I have to (and I mean have to) go shopping this weekend. All of my clothes are way too big! Woo Hoo, but I hate shopping for clothes that I hopefully won't fit into for very long, but I am starting to look like a ragamuffin at work and the raise thingy is coming up the end of this month. I have to look my best

Then I plan on taking my poor old bike to a friends house to work on getting it cleaned up, de-rusted new tubes, new seat etc so I can start riding it.
Then going to the gym

Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend