please beware
What I keep in my pockets: small amounts of plain walnuts, almonds, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, dry roasted peanuts, roasted plain soy nuts, Cheerios, plain banana chips (no sugar added), Wasa light rye crackers, beef jerkey.
People may think I am nuts, but we don't know completly what is being absorbed and what isn't. I eat all of these things every day along with about 10 other things in small amounts. I'm just trying to make sure things like the amino acids and minor nutrients are there and working. I also have been know to take off my shirt while doing yard work. Not for looks (nothing great to look at), but just to make sure I am getting extra Vitamin D. I know one guy on the Men's Forum (Not Dave) who will puree his chicken salad everyday. He just want to make sure the absorption is occuring. Does that sound nuts or is he ahead of the learning curve. Hopefully your working with Dr. Coirin. He is a great surgeon and really does care. We're here for your joys and your frustrations. Always an ear to listen and be there for support. Brian
I just want to thank you for having the courage to step out the box. Many people who have lost and gained stop posting out of fear and/or shame. Many people develop problems and stop posting, again out of fear and/or shame sometimes because they don't want others to get discouraged.
The bottom line for me is that at every point in your life in your journey you NEED the support that is offered here. You need to have the courage to stand up and tell your story. It might help someone it might night. And out of 1000 people if one hears your story and can relate, either before they have surgery or after because they see your symptons in themselves that is WHY you need to post...for the one not the many.
I pray that you research and talk to your doctors about your options. Maybe you can get a reversal and get a restrive type option to keep you where you are at. There are options out there for you and I (using your name) have faith that you will find the right decision that best suits your life and what you need to do to have a healthy one.
Ms Shell
I just have so many questions that the docs can't answer... and Iam one to want to know facts and know them clearly. I tend to mull over things. The hardest thing is to remain positive. I have so many emotions that are coming along with this process I change from one minute to the next. Fear of the unknown, failure, vanity, denial, doubt , anger ,financial, pain, fatigue, ill health and things just not fitting into my life right now to do something so drastic ( i am the sole care taker for my 88 year old ailing father with no one to step in, he cannot handle change and I have to keep it as "normal" around here as I can) Iam at a complete loss. I keep wishing it would just all go away.
Iam very lucky to have a VERY supportive husband.. but even that plays with my head... I don't want him to burn out with all the **** that is coming along with this. The one thing I enjoy is being thin.. being able to be someone who can walk in a room and no one looks twice for the wrong reasons... the thought of going back to that makes me so sad. I have been told to expect that I will gain all the weight back and maybe more... emotionally that is just too much. I guess that is where the saying comes " dying to be thin".
It will get better as even with all these negative thoughts I have always believed EVERYTHING happens for a reason.
Thanks again.. your post was much appreciated.
"life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how your react to it"
Boy Faith you just can't seem to cop a break can you on your health. I am sorry. I was also worried that you would get flamed for know how people can be around here. I have no words of wisdom to throw your way....just know that I care and hope that whatever decisions are made that you regain your health. I know this is so hard, but you know you might be okay reversed because your body is use to eating a certain way and you might be even more diligent to keep the weight off because you would not have the built in tool.
I know it is all a struggle, just know that I will keep you in my prayers.
“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).
"life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how your react to it"
So thank you for posting and keeping us all grounded in the truth of what can happen post op. Reminding us that we need to stay up on our health and continue to keep learning about the good and bad of this some what new surgery.