Remembering 911
Today right now marks 7 years since our country was attacked by terrorists. As we know so many innocent lives were lost. Many hero's were born that day too.
Sometime throughout the day....please take a moment and say a prayer for all those who were lost and for the brave hero's who not only survived, but have managed to somehow put their lives back together.
It will be an ugly day in our history that will live forever and all I can say is God bless America and I am proud to be an American!
“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).

"Sometimes Losing Is Really Winning!" And, being me is F-A-B-U-L-U-O-U-S!!!!!! by Me
Today will never be forgotten in the hearts of American's. Each of us can share exactly where we were when this tragedy happened. America came together that day, on the streets, at the workplace, in churches, malls, fast food restraunts, everywhere!. We shall always stand strong and proud together, because we are Americans! God Bless America!
Thank you Janine for this post
On the brighter side. Today my husband will join 3,000 people and will be swarn in as a US citizen! Altogether Los Angeles is swearing in 18,000 people in 3 ceremonies. So with the bad, comes some good.
God Bless America
on 9/11/08 1:47 am - Vacaytown, HI
Today is a day that will never be forgotten. As we fly our flags proudly today and remember those who gave so much, gave the ultimate as we face the evil that exists in the world. God Bless those that were lost, the families, and God Bless the heros that are now fighting overseas to protect our freedom here.
My thought and prayers are sad today in rememberance of all of those effected by this day

Thanks for the post Janine! and last, but not least...

Surgery was RNY 5/21/07...I can be found on Facebook: anewbecboo or Becky Reddick