Stress Eating!!!!

G. Daddy
on 9/7/08 7:01 am, edited 9/7/08 12:19 pm - San Gabriel, CA
So I'm noticing that I'm doing a ton of Stress Eating! Why? Well, life in general is usually pretty stressful, but on top of that we're starting our kitchen remodel tomorrow - we'll leave for work with it all in tact and come home fully committed to the remodel - cause the old kitchen will be gone! The Ten Years Younger show is a blessing to be sure, but comes with it's own stresses - I did my Box Shoot the other day and they told me that the average age that people thought I looked was 63!
S i x t y -F r i c k en - T h r e e

On top of these two things, it's the beginning of the school year so I have all the stress from that and finally, the stress of learning all the music for the show I'm playing for in THREE WEEKS!I'm looking forward to it but it's been so long since I've played for a stage show versus just playing with a band!

So I eat way more than I should - I"m trying to keep a ton of SF popsicles and other good stuff around, but even that... sheesh!

What do all y'all do to avoid stress eating???

C h e e r s,

RNY 05/05 280/155/225

on 9/7/08 7:36 am - Duarte, CA
Sixtythree?  My goodness that's older than me!!  You are gonna wow them in the final box shoot.  They are going to think you are in your early thirties!!!   Have fun with school this year.  I'm teaching all six periods and have a total of 177 students so far. How am I gonna learn all those names???


 mexico1007078.jpg image by hockeymom67
JudyAnne  (imethimonacruise)

G. Daddy
on 9/8/08 10:03 am - San Gabriel, CA
Hi Judy! I'm laughing about the 63 thing now. I finally told my principal about the show and she seemed pretty supportive. We're going to film some of it on campus.

I only have 160 kids between 5 classes - not too bad... historically I'll lose a few along the way and they can't be replace because of the nature of my classes - though the councelors do try!

C h e e r s,

RNY 05/05 280/155/225

Living Life
on 9/7/08 8:06 am - Riverside, CA

Hi Hon....

You know this first step was a big one. Admitting you have a problem, one that we all share, and taking the steps to work on it. Some of the stress you can do nothing about. Remodeling is always fun, and yet very stressful. But you have made your choices, and now you have to step back and let them do thier work. Nothing more you can do about that. Set that one aside, and let it go. Starting the school year. Yap, that is going to be stressful but once again, unless you plain on leaving that job, there is nothing you can do about, so relax and enjoy getting to know all them wonderful young minds you are molding into outstanding young adults. Them kids are so blessed to have YOU as a teacher. Your music is your life. Or a big part of it. You love playing and learning the new stuff is great for you, you are good, no you are GREAT at this stuff, so use your time playing as your stress release. Let the music wash over you and take that stress away. If you have to start with some old stuff that you love playing, that your fingers know and you don't have to think about it. Relax and enjoy yourself.

63????? who the heck where they looking at??? No way on gods green earth you look a day over 62. Dude, Its OK that they think you are older. Because like others have said, when they get a look at you all done up, they are going to ask you for ID to buy beer. So send your son in to get it.

Honey, you keep smart snacking/stress food around, you know you have a problem. Don't stress over it. Just keep smart. I wish I could do more to help. But that is all I have. Either way, just know, I am, we all, are here for you. You have my number, call if you need talk. Anytime!!!

Take care.


G. Daddy
on 9/8/08 10:05 am - San Gabriel, CA
Hi Lu! That there is some stellar advies - thanks so much! I'm slowly adjusting. I think I'll be fine once i get my classes flowing and get a better handle on this music stuff!

C h e e r s,

RNY 05/05 280/155/225

Carol I.
on 9/7/08 11:31 am - San Jose, CA
I can definitely identify with the kitchen remodel.  We are living off the refrigerator and the microwave, plus the Magic Bullet for my morning protein shakes.  You are going to have to eat out a lot, so plan ahead on what you're going to eat, and make sure to get that togo box for the leftovers.  I'm eating protein shakes, cheese, yogurt, and leftovers at home.  I keep telling myself how wonderful it is going to look when they finish!  I will be so excited to go back to fixing my meals!

Good luck.  Remember to use your music to soothe your soul.  That's why you started playing in the first place...


G. Daddy
on 9/8/08 10:09 am - San Gabriel, CA
Hi Carol! We're there now... the fridge is in the living room with the microwave on top - I got a 4-shelf thingy to serve as the pantry for our adventure. The guys started the demo today and man... it's definately demolished! I"m thinking we're going to eat out quite a bit - we do have our camper with a full kitchen so can still do mostly whatever we want for cooking. Planning ahead is definitley the ticket!

C h e e r s,

RNY 05/05 280/155/225

on 9/7/08 12:55 pm - San Dimas, CA
Hi Gene,

All I can say is plan ahead!!!  That will help you in the long run.  But, what I would do is print out what LL had to say....and read it everytime you get stressed.  Boy, that was GREAT!!!!  You are going to do great!!!

BTW: You'll have to let us know when the Ten Years Younger show with you on it airs...

Take a deep breath and blow it out slowly!!!!

Breath in through you month and breath out of your nose!!!!

G. Daddy
on 9/8/08 10:25 am - San Gabriel, CA
Thanks, Michele! I'm working on the planning ahead thing... of course, today I forgot to pack a lunch! DOH!

C h e e r s,

RNY 05/05 280/155/225

Janine J.
on 9/7/08 1:23 pm - The Beautiful Desert, CA

Breathe Gene and suck it up dude....all I can say is stay out of the kitchen which will not have one...and either get into the music you need to learn or have it all in you dude!!!!

63??? That sucks....and I know you are way younger than me dude....but you are going to look BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEuataiful!!!

It will get better Gene! Kisses 

“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).

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