ot; how did our mothers survive without toilet locks?

on 9/7/08 7:25 pm - Anchorage, AK
http://luvsexytrstno1.blogspot.com/2008/09/how-did-our-mothe rs-survive-without.html

Seriously.  child proofing in my house is ever evolving and I have to wonder how our mothers did it without all of the locks and covers, etc we have today.
Living Life
on 9/7/08 10:27 pm - Riverside, CA

I dont take the time to reply to your post often, but I wanted to let you know, that I DO stop and read then everytime. I love hearing what you have to say about stuff.

I love them picture of your baby girl, with knee pads on. HOW CUTE is that.

Thank you for taking the time to reveiw things.


on 9/8/08 2:40 am - Anchorage, AK
thank you for takingthe timeto tell me that you enjoy my ravings.  It's nice to hear.
on 9/8/08 4:56 am - Jamestown, CA
I didn't do much child proofing of my home...and amazingly enough both of them survived me!? I taught them what the could and couldn't get into and anything that was really dangerous (cleaning agents, etc.) were put in the garage in a locked cabinet. As far as the toilet I closed the door. LOL
I am not making light of the situation but hey, my oldest is 38 and youngest 31, and believe me when I say my oldest was MORE than a hand fulland we both grew up to be very close.

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