Good Sunday Morning Cali

Liz, my legs and bum hurt just thinking of riding a bike for 20 miles in the heat!!! That was one of my goals to be fit enough to join a cycling club and put on some of those hot (padded) cycling shorts! Kudos!!!
Thanks for all the WONDERFUL comments from everyone, I thoroughly appreciate all of the encouragement. Made it to below goal... did the plastics I never thought I do. Now, need to keep the commitment to keep a stable body-weight with healthful eating, exercise and support.
Good Morning One and All.........
Today my back is really sore, and I think its my bed. So I am going to flip and turn the mtterice and see if that helps. I think I can do it without having to pick it up, I would just have to turn it. So I took all my bedding off, and that is washing, and in a bit I will do what I can.
Last night Kevin came over and fixed my shelves that where wobly and one even fell and broke my shoot glasses. Pissed me off. So he fixed them and my TV in my room dead, so he got me a new one, with a DVD player in it. I hate sleeping with the TV, so last night I slept like you would not believe until about 4 this morning. I had to get up and Fresser out, and to get out of bed I had to crawl and slide off the side. Not very graceful, but I am sure anyone that has had a sore back, understand what I mean. It worked. And I think that is all that matters. LOL
OK time to get my day starter. I wish you all a great day. Be happy! Be Safe! and Know that you are loved.
Good morning Janine and cali Friends!
wow! sounds like you guys had a great time! That's wonderful.
I have had two of my grandson's this weekend (Benny & Tommy) so it's been a busy one! lol We played pee-wee golf yesterday and they had a lot of fun. then we took Benny to pick out his own Birthday presents and came home. He's a big 6 years old now! They have been playing with the Wii this morning so that's giving me a little break! I was cracking up at them playing on the Wii-fit and trying to hula-hoop! I just think it's a "girl" thing!!! Boys just can't hula-hoop! It's so funny to watch though!
Well, I hope you all have a great, great day! I think it will be a little cooler today. Maybe I can get the boys to go with me to the dog park so that Tasha can get out and run and I can do some walking.
Blessings! Jeni
So gang, tomorrow one of our Cali board members is joining us on the LOSER's bench. She has an angel listed, so I don't want to step on any toes, but her support page is pretty empty and she is a BIG presence and support here, so let's fill her page with the great Cali board support and love we are so good at!!!!
/status.php?N=N1211776175 Have a wonderful ride into LOSERdom Maureen!!!!
I'm on my way to church! Everyone have a GREAT day!!!!
bigg huggs, Bekki (I like the way you guys spell my name)
Surgery was RNY 5/21/07...I can be found on Facebook: anewbecboo or Becky Reddick
Had to wash all my bedding because the puparazzi love to sleep with me and as of now my room is off limits to the pretty little fuzz balls. They just don't get it.
I went and got my toes done and a mega foot massage. Wow. New snuggly pillow and went and rented some movies. The portable dvd player we use in the car is now in my hospital bag so I can watch some movies. I've got my IPOD with a new book on tape on it and a paperback. I probably won't use any of it but it's there.
I am so glad I found this site! Everyone here is so awsome and supportive. Move over people - here come's another LOSER!!!!! Loves and biggggg huggggs! MoMo
Some day I'll make it to one of the meetings. It looks like you all have a good time. I wish I were closer than an 8 hour drive. lol
I'm back on track walking and now it sounds like I have an ingrown toenail on my right foot. I'd never had that so I had to google it. I'm hoping the cotton and peroxide help and that I don't have to go to the podiatrist. It hurts so something has to work soon. I don't want to lose my walking momentum again. I'll give it 3 days to heal on it's own.
It's FINALLY a cool day! The fog rolled in and I've never been so happy to see it. After almost 2 weeks of 80's I was ready to move to Alaska! I know, most of you think I'm a whimp but you get used to what you live in and I'm used to 60s. Kudos to fog.
Nothing planned for today except walking and reading.
Have a great day!

Thanks to everyone that joined us for coffe yesterday. It was a great time and it sounds like everyone enjoyed themselves. Got a little too warm as the morning turned into afternoon but was pleasent most of the time. How wonderful to meet so many new folks this time, Scott, Becky, Terri, the Kim's, Paula... I think I am forgetting someone? Well, anyway, hopefully more folks will read about the get togethers and come out and join in for fun, friendship and an accepting group of people that "get it" no matter where the event is! You are so right about that Janine, it is GOOD to meet in person and just shoot the sh*t with other OHer's.
I need to put up my pictures this afternoon and post a link here. After we run a couple of errands and do a couple of chores around the old homestead.
Thanks Janine for the pictures you took. I have a new avatar and like it!

Wishing everyone a super Sunday!

~Katt~ Obesity Help Support Group Leader
Sexy isn't a look, it's a state of mind. ~Me~
How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours. ~Dr. Wayne Dyer~