Good Sunday Morning Cali

Janine J.
on 9/7/08 12:13 am - The Beautiful Desert, CA

I am going to make this short as I have to be at school at 8:30 where I am doing the mural because the principal is going to let me in.

I have to tell you all nothing like getting together with a bunch of OH people. If you get the opportunity to do so, you should really try and make the effort to do so. It really does the heart good to connect in person with people here.

I love the IE group...they are good people. We laughed and talked and milled around for food...okay Scott and I did...hehehehehehe. Everyone is looking good.....

Katt you were the shocker to me! You look great!

Rhonda it really was great to meet you...and Shawn is a true sweetpea....I loved him know I am such a mom okay grandma and love the kids...even the middle schoolers that I teach. I am glad you were semi (eg) to try some new things. Expand your horizons girl!

LisaG glad you brough Kim with you....Lisa you look great as usual( hey guys she looks fab in a swimsuit) and Kim you look great!!!! I am glad I got to meet you! I think you look adorable in the pic too! BTW Lisa....I am going to take you up on your offer for sure....what is your weekend looking like the one after this one...the weekend of the 20th?

Lisa B I have a great pic of you which I will are looking awesome.

Hey Diane I think I have your new board pic too!

Stevero I will send that pic later to you for you new avatar....I hit running as soon as I got home and did not get home until 10:30 I think last night.

Suebee, Celest and Gary pleasure seeing all of you...been a while! ROCK and so does Chuck....I am way impressed that you made it there on bikes no less!

Bekki...was super cool that you came all that way to meet us....I have some really cute pics of you too!

Now should we all slap Madame Butterfly....she is our offical skinny *****! ROTFL

Paula I am sorry you were not feeling well. I hope you start feeling better soon!

Steve forgot to mention....loved seeing you and
Darrel too! He is so cute! you girl and hope your back is feeling better....mine sucks this big surprise there. Loved Fresser too....he is a cool find! Btw did not get to mention all the great tats you have and loved your dog one...they did an excellent job. I wish I had shown you my dragon flys around my bellybutton!

Who am I you are just getting more beautiful each day!!!! I have not seen you since Lisa birthday and I am gobsmacked and how much you have look awesome!

And Diane if you say you have done the "g" word I am going to have to hurt your other shoulder. You look amazing...and very pretty. I do miss you and Doogie!!! ROTFL 

Last but not least....Scott I am glad you joined us at the group. You are a great addition to any group. I love your sense of are too funny! I really hope that your doc can do something for you when you go back to AZ soon...I hate to see you having so much trouble!

To all of you OH' is all about us and keeping our rocking community alive. Without you and your participation this board would not be what it is. It is really nice to be a part of this community and for the longest time this is all I had now fortunately I have Kim and Scott out here and we can support each other! It is important for us to make these connections with one another because we learn from each other the do's and don'ts and what works for each. The commraderie and the affection we have for one another is not found easily in many my point is...reach out to each other and make a difference. You will never know what that means to some who are afraid to or whatever.....we need each other to be successful!

Thank you all for being a part of my life and just for letting me be me!!!!

Everyone have this super fantastic day....and I am off in to tile hell!!!


Much love to all of you!

PEACE OUT! Biker Babe 

“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).

on 9/7/08 12:20 am - Long Beach, CA
Good Morning Janine and Cali,

So glad there was such a great turn out.  Hopefully we will make it to one sometime.  I sorry you will miss the dinner, I would love for you to meet Jordyn.  Who knows may be in Indio around Christmas.  Have fun with your mural.

Taday is for cleaning and running the after payday errands to sam's club and Walmart.

Everyone enjoy the day


Jean L.
on 9/7/08 12:29 am - Seal Beach, CA
RNY on 08/20/07 with
Good morning Janine and crew

DANG IT - I am so bummed I missed the coffee - it sure sounds like it was a blast for sure.....I want to meet all of you desert and IE people in person for sure - one day...

janine - I would love to see all of the pictures - you have my email - can you send them to me?   If its not to much trouble.....

and to everyone else - have a great Sunday - I am off to get a starbucks and go to the final 3 hours of the estate sale...its been fun for sure - then partying with my friends afterwards was great friend that runs the estate sales happens to live next door to this sale so when we srap up and close the doors we go sit in their beautiful new backyard and have a few "wind down" ****tails and relax....and yesterday I even went swimming (yep - actually got in my bathing suit in front of lots of people - what a concept)  but I will be glad when today is over...yesterday I was gone from home for over 12 hours after tomorrow I can veg here at home and catch some sun at my own pool here.

Hugs to all.....
(deactivated member)
on 9/7/08 12:46 am - Palmdale, CA
Janine and Cali,
Good Morning.  It was great seeing everyone.  Everyone looks so great.  Katt, you so need a new picture.  Bekki, you are just gorgeous and need a new pic.  Lisa G, I hope you have a new board picture ready to go.  Rhonda, I think it is also time for  a new pic.  Rhoda, that little guy of yours is so cute.  When he gets older watch out the girls will be knocking down your door.  He will be a heartbreaker.  OMG I know I am missing so many others that I have never ever met and I apologize.
Celest and Gary, thanks for coming out congrats on the purchase.  Scott, it was really nice to meet you the okios greek yogurt has 90 calories, 6 carbs, and 15g protein.  It is really yummy.  Diane and Dougie wow Diane  you look so incredible.  You are always so attractive and you look sooooooooo small.  You say you haven't lost any wt but you really look it.  DOugie is handsome as usual.  Stevo and Darrel, thanks for planning this as usual it was great to see you. You continue to amaze me.  Chuck says you look so thin.  I told him that you want toput wt on.  Lisa B, it was so nice to finally meet you.  I hope to get to meet you again and spend sometime talking to you.  Hey I am sure that we can talk about those high school kids we have and how much $$$$$ they cost us.  Sue Bee, it was good to see you as usual. Glas to see that you are back on your feet after the accident.  Fresser, it was good to finally to get and meet my furry little nephew. Last but not least my sis, my dear friend Luana.  You look awesome.  I know that we don't see each other very much.  You need to move out here ( ican't I have a pool) and I can't move it.  I do get to talk to you everyday though.  I love you lots and miss you thank god for the phone. 
Steve, I will look for the redline route and send it to you.
 If I missed anyone I am sure that I did I am sorry.

Love to all
Katt M.
on 9/7/08 12:12 pm - Fontana, CA
Ok Liz, I put up a new pic for my's from the coffee yesterday... =)
~Katt~  Obesity Help Support Group Leader
Sexy isn't a look, it's a state of mind. ~Me~
How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours. ~Dr. Wayne Dyer~
on 9/7/08 12:54 am - CA
good morning cali crew,,
yesterday sounded like such fun .. i'm trying to find something down in stockton cause gas is so expensive... i go to the support group on the second thursday and fourth thursday of the month at 7:30 at the stockton kaiser... if your interested it's open you don't have to be a member.. i'm not.. the first one is for pre-op and post-op and the second one is for post-op only,,, i'm not doing much today except laundry and a bit of cleaning... i hope everyone has a great day..
on 9/7/08 1:09 am - Hesperia, CA
Goodmorning Janine and Cali guys and gals.  Wonderful  time yesterday for all.  I forgot in my yesterday post to mention Becky!  Becky it was so good to see you!  How wonderful for you to drive all the ay down to see us.    I also forgot to Mentin to Steve, how much we appriciate him organizing this event and staying on top of all the posting.  It was a wonderful event enjoyed by many.  It was nice coming home and seeing 1 room completely tiled.  Thank God at this pace maybe we will be done by Xmas!  lol I hope not.  It is going to look great, but I can't wait till it is done.  Well Off to go do laundry talk to you all soon, and have a super duper day!

Steve J.
on 9/7/08 3:57 am - Inland Empire, CA
RNY on 12/01/06 with
WooooWhooooo..... look at that gorgeous gal and her new board pic!!!!
Pretty good one if I do say so myself!

And look at my new avatar!
BIG THANKS to Mz. Janine for mine!


on 9/7/08 4:03 am - Hesperia, CA
Your making me blush and I have not done that since high school!  lol.    (That was a very long time ago too).  You look great in your new photo too.  Look at all these hotties on the boards now!  Are you sure this isn't the website of all the beautiful people in California?  :)  have a super day today all!
(deactivated member)
on 9/7/08 1:34 am - Vacaytown, HI
I loved the picture.... everyone looked so happy.  Cant wait until No Cal gets together.  Ill take some pics as well and post!  Hugs, Jess
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