Another Setback....Ugh

Janel B
on 9/7/08 3:10 am - Oakley, CA
I have been hesitant to write an official  post about this because I feel like I've just been so negative, with not alot of good news. but, I am so discouraged right now, and am wondering when this is all going to end. Please bear with me....

A couple weeks ago, when I got my drains out, one of them fell out too early. The sutchure had come out, and it had dropped so low, the nurse at Kaiser just pulled it out because there was only about an inch of it left in me. Since then, I have been draining mainly through an incision in the front. I had been pretty diligent about keeping it dry, etc and also letting it drain because I knew it needed to.

My pcp referred me to the surgery wound clinic to have things looked at. So I called to make an appt and they said the soonest they could give me was Sept. 11th! I said that would not work and I needed to be seen sooner. They said they'd called me back. I waited a couple days and no word from them. So, I filed a grievance...they got back to me with an appt for last Friday.

At the appt they weighed me and I had gained 10 lbs in a week, and had a low grade fever. The wound care nurse was concerned when she saw my lower body, I think mostly because she'd never seen a lower body lift, and if you've never seen one, well, they are a bit disturbing to look at. She brings in the Chief of Surgery and another plastic surgeon. They did say that Dr Q did a very good job and they were impressed....they also saw no sign of infection. But they said that I was holding in too much fluid and this was dangerous and that all the remaining stitches needed to come out. Long story short (too late I know), I had 7 seromas (front and back abdomen area) that had to be drained, cleaned, and packed. Now,  my abdomen front and back is covered in medicated foamy type pads, with sanitary napkins covering that, and then a binder. I have to change it a few times a day. Each time I change it, I use 7-8 Kotex....I swear if I jumped in a pool right now I'd empty it and sink to the bottom because I've got so many Kotex wrapped around me!!

I have to go back to Kaiser for re-packing of the wound tomorrow, and then they are going to call a home health nurse in to do it until I am completely healed.

I am thankful, I really am, because it could have been worse. I could have had an infection, and I could have been in the hospital...the nurse actually had one of those admittance bracelets all ready for me, she thought I was going to be staying with them. but I am also discouraged. Tomorrow it will be 1 month since my surgery, and my body is like at 1 or 2 weeks post op. I just want to be well. I'm supposed to go back to work Sept 29th, but I have a feeling that I'll be going back later than that. I am in a little pain again because of the wound work done, and I am back on around the clock pain meds. I have been crying off and on all weekend.

Someone, please tell me this is going to end soon.....I just want to be better. If I'm whining too much, I'm so sorry. My ex boyfriend told me yesterday that I am whining too much and it's basically my fault because I went to Mexico. I just need someone to tell me something nice. I think I"ve drained my family because they aren't coming around much, which I one wants to be around a sick person all the time. If it weren't for my roommate, a church friend, and my dear freind who is like a 2nd mom to me, I don't know what I'd do.

Well, I guess that's it.....I'm sure that's enough, huh? Sorry to be such a bummer.
(deactivated member)
on 9/7/08 3:47 am - Vacaytown, HI
Well I am so glad there is no infection.  That wouldb e much that is a blessing.  Its tough when you get surgery complications.  Keep up with ethe wound treatments and great job on advocating for yourself to get that appointment.  Make sure you get seen often and if you feel off in any way go in to see the Dr.  The infections can pop up and have to be addressed immediately.  I havent had plastics but dont know if I will or not.  I have a panni, but I may have another shild so thought Id wait to decide on that.  thanks for sharing your experience bc people need to know the bad and the good... Im here if you need to talk.. PM me anytime.  Jess
(deactivated member)
on 9/7/08 4:04 am - Palmdale, CA
Janel, ask them if you would be a candidate for a wound vac.  They are great.  I am not sure how deep your wounds are. BUt you may ask them to evaluate you for one.
Janel B
on 9/7/08 4:10 am - Oakley, CA
I don't think they were too deep, but I'll ask.........thanks.
Katt M.
on 9/7/08 4:17 am - Fontana, CA
Awwww hunni, I am so sorry you feel so down. That ex-boyfriend needs a swift kick in the a$$. But then again, he's an EX for a I'm glad theres no infection. I agree with Liz about the wound vac. They do wonders. My uncle had it done a couple times on his "stump" after having his foot amputated. Hope you feel better soon hun. Don't worry about whining too much, that's what we're here for! Sending love and hugs.
~Katt~  Obesity Help Support Group Leader
Sexy isn't a look, it's a state of mind. ~Me~
How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours. ~Dr. Wayne Dyer~
Janel B
on 9/7/08 4:29 am - Oakley, CA
Yes, he is an "ex" for a reason....and he doesn't seem to understand why I won't let him move in with me...........
on 9/7/08 4:21 am - Gualala, CA
Hi Janel,

This board is for sharing our exeriences, good or bad.  I'm happy to hear all sides to everything because it helps me be better prepared for any contingency.  Please do not stop posting.  For those who don't want to hear, they can skip what they aren't interested in. 

You were so excited the day we met at the Tracy Chevy's (I was 2 weeks out at the time).  Keep those thoughts and feelings in mind.  It will get better and you'll have that beautiful body you went down there for.  Sometimes it takes longer then we want or expect but you WILL get there!

I'm so glad there was no infection and you were strong enough to file a grievance to get you care sooner than later.  Keep up the good work, one foot in front of the other and keep smiling when you can.  Put on some comedy and laugh.  They say laughter helps heal the body and soul.

{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{ Janel }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
Be well,
Janel B
on 9/7/08 4:28 am - Oakley, CA
Thanks, Jan, I appreciate the encouragement.
on 9/7/08 4:45 am - Duarte, CA


Sorry to hear about the seromas, but they WILL heal in time.  I had a huge one after my hysterectomy.  It was about 2-3 inches deep and I had to clean and pack it 3 times a day.  The ER   doctor actually wanted me to bring in my son, who was 15 at the time, to train him on how to clean and pack the wound.  Give me a break!  The incision was right at the pubic hair line.  No way was I comfortable nor was my son with that scenario!!  My ex-husband offered to come over before work and after work and I would have let him if I hadn't been able to do it myself.  I would lay on my bed with a mirror balanced between my legs and clean and pack the wound.  Oh, and the three cats would all hover around me watching what was going on!

When I had my 'fleur de lis" tummy tuck, my drains both fell out too early.  You can read about my problems on my profile.  In a nutshell, I had to go to my PS several times a week to be drained.  This lasted about a month, I think. 

Hang in there.  This, too, will pass and just be a memory.  You will have a fabulous body.


 mexico1007078.jpg image by hockeymom67
JudyAnne  (imethimonacruise)

Janel B
on 9/7/08 4:58 am - Oakley, CA
Thanks for sharing this Judy, I really needed to hear from someone who has gone through it.

When all of this is over, I wanna come down there and have a Corona with you!
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