"But it's a dry heat" ; )

Kim K.
on 9/6/08 1:22 pm
Holy guacamole, you guys who live out here in the desert!  I swear it feels waaaay hotter this weekend than it did on 8/23 when we were here before...,whew!  We went to the water park around 2 today and just basically goofed around in the wave pool and floated on the sunset river thingy, that's my favorite stuff to do...lol

Janine, they do close at the end of September! 

We stumbled across a lovely little place on Date Palm for dinner, Nicolinos?  We thought it was really good and very good service.  I got Chicken Marsala, yummo!  I was only able to finish a little bit of it, and I told Tim on the way out that I need to curb my need to explain to the staff that "I had surgery to make my tummy smaller, so and your food is really good, but I just can't eat that much!"   I don't want them to think I don't like their food...LOL 

Anyhow, going back to the water park tomorrow and will probably leave in the early afteroon so Tim can listen to the Charger game on the way home...LOL 

Glad you all had fun at the IE coffee today, see you all on the 20th for dinner!  Kim




"He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose" 

Jim Elliot


on 9/6/08 3:23 pm - Ellensburg, WA
I think it was 101 at the coffee today, it was hot and the sun kept moving making us move!! lol
Sounds like you had a blast today! Missed you today, but looking forward to the 20th, thanks for putting us on the definitely list!
Hey, call me when you get home tomorrow. Want to chat about the job thang!!! Drive safe honey!!!      bigg huggs, Bec

Surgery was RNY 5/21/07...I can be found on Facebook: anewbecboo or Becky Reddick 



Janine J.
on 9/6/08 3:30 pm - The Beautiful Desert, CA
Girl it hit 114 here today!!!! Hot for this time of year really, but yes it was much drier! Nicolina's is okay....you know I am an Italian and an Italian food snob...I only make the BEST!!!! ROTFL 

“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).

Maureen N.
on 9/6/08 4:41 pm - Redding, CA
I should ship you a tiny taste of my lasagne!  Now, that's the best!

Create Your Own Ticker

on 9/7/08 1:19 am - Hesperia, CA
Hi my Angel!  Sound like you had fun anyways in all the heat.   The coffee was great.  Janine took lots of pictures maybe she can share those with you.  I can't wait to see you at the dinner.   I did get my big hug from Janine from you!  Thanks it was a terrific hug.  Janine and Diane C. took me to Trader Joes and showed me a few things to get.  It is hard as I don't eat much of a variety.  Long story, but I am trying to stretch myself (not the pouch) and try and eat new and differetnt things.  Hope you have a ball again today at the water park.  Enjoy!  Rhonda
on 9/7/08 2:23 am - Where the Sun Shines, CA
Yep, sure gets hot here in this desert! Locals use their pools early morns and evenings! We avoid the sun a s much as possible. The town basically closes down. But when the temps cool... here come thos pesky snowbirds taking up our parking and restaurant reservations and clogging our roads!!!

My favorite Italian restaurant is Castelli's on HWY 111 in Palm Desert! You've NEVER seen the likes of their INFAMOUS pork chops... but only order one entree!!! Then there's the east coast family style for chichen parm w/spag. at Mario's Italian kitchen (cheap) locations all over the valley. and for great east coast thin crust ZA go to Ciro's on HWY 111 in Indio.

Haven't been to the water-park... maybe next summer!
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Living Life
on 9/7/08 2:54 am - Riverside, CA

I grow up out there. Let me tell you. It is a dry heat, but then so it the oven.


Have a great time at the water park. Enjoy your day and all your family.


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