Anyone out there tonight?

(deactivated member)
on 9/6/08 2:48 pm - Vacaytown, HI
Mine still keeps going and is clueless.... but hes a good guy.  Love him to death. 

I am opposite on the energy scale.  However, I have bad insomnia and still cant sleep all night even with meds.  So I think that would make me drag a bit and the B 12 problem.  Clean closets... you should see my shoes.. a wreck.  I gotta get organized. 

Wow surgery on monday!  My hubby was great helping out when I had the surgery... at the time it was before we were married.  But I could see how if you like to help it may be difficult when you are down. 

Wow even your own sausage.  You rock!!  Does your hubby catch the pig?  Now thats manly.  My hubby loves fishing but he hates to eat fish.  He has been eating scallops now and I got him to eat some pecan crusted tilapia.  That is a big feat.  My hubby is also a big nascar fan.  I told him he should have been born and raised in the south bc he likes everything the men back home like. 

Maureen N.
on 9/6/08 3:00 pm - Redding, CA
We both hunt and fish.  Bow and Rifle. I got my first deer with my bow 2 weeks ago.  A nice 3 point.  Next year I'll be diving for abalone with him.  I got 2 pigs last year.  I joke about this all the time............It's in the prenuptual that I may kill them, but I do not have to gut or skin them.  We have people begging for our sausage!  It's so lean and yummy I'm hoping to still be able to eat it after surgery. 

We went fishing for our honeymoon -- in Alaska.  We shipped home 70# of halibut we caught, vacuum sealed and froze.  Packed it in ice chests with dry ice and they became our 2nd checked bag.  We ate halibut for days.  Fish tacos rock!

I've been taking Biotin (b7) for my hair and skin and it rocks!  I have always been thin on top and I am growing so much new hair it's incredible

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(deactivated member)
on 9/6/08 3:11 pm - Vacaytown, HI
You guys need to have a show... you know like man vs wild... When we run outta gas Ill be knocking on your door begging for food haha.  Im impressed.  I always wanted to learn how to do practical stuff like making food the old fashioned way.  But my talents lie elsewhere.  I get too squemish about gutting fish and stuff like that.  My ex father in law used to make deer sausage every year.  He also caught his own fish and put on a fish fry from time to time.  He had a pond on his land. 
Poor little piggies.... glad you dont have to do the gutting...yech... I can still eat bacon but not pork chops.  I cant eat beef either.  But crock pot variety pork I can do.  The thinner the better.  I can also do a honeybaked ham.  Now sugar is a different story... if I eat too much I get really sick with dumping syndrome.  But im good at knowing what I can and cant do.  I dont pu**** usually.  But everyone has their moments. 
The surgery time flies by... Im almost 3 years out.  It seems like yesterday.  Jess
on 9/6/08 3:54 pm - Ellensburg, WA
Hey Maureen, I'm Irish and German too, alot of German and Dutch and a little of a bunch of other things. I always say I come by my temper naturally because I am German/Iri****alian and an Aries!!! lmao 
When you are recovered from your WLS you can come and organize and clean my house for me!!! hee hee  I am a terrible housekeeper and I have ADD without the H and I just look at it all and NOT know what to do!!!! lol
Are you getting excited for your big day?? I hope tomorrow's clear liquids and "clean out" concoction go well! I will be praying for you sweetie!!! I'm so excited for you to start this great wild ride we call WLS!!! Buckle up for a GREAT ride!!! May God bless your journey!   bigg huggs, Becky

Surgery was RNY 5/21/07...I can be found on Facebook: anewbecboo or Becky Reddick 



Maureen N.
on 9/6/08 4:40 pm - Redding, CA
Thank ya darlin'.  I am so at peace right now and not nervous at all.  My mom and my good friend (who happens to be my PA at my PCP's office) both asked me if I was scared or nervous.  No I am not.  I have researched the hell out of this new journey and am so confident it is right for me that I just cannot wait! 

I am an organizer!  Break it down into small sections.  Hall closet - take 2 shelves and draw the line at that.  The first time my hubby went to Colorado hunting he forgot to lock the tool box on his truck and I used all his power tools and changed my hall closet from a clutter mess into a linnen closet with shelves and lots more storage space.  He called 1/2 way through the trip as I was cutting a board and he goes......."whaaaaat was that noise?"  Nuthin.  Dear?  Fine. I'm using your tools and you can't stop me!  The bald-headed carpenter inspected my work when he got home and gave it a mega stamp of approval.  It is so much easier to organize and get it to stay that way now that the kids are gone!  I go to visit them and it takes every ounce in my being to just "be" and not try to organize them into oblivion.  Sometimes they want me to but what would they learn then?

Clear liquids and cherry "clean-em-out" juice.  Yummmmmmm.  All part of a magnificent new journey. 

Bigg Huggs back at you.  And God blesses me each and every day!  Best of all is this wonderful supportive man he sent me out of the blue!  I love my bald-headed caveman!


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on 9/6/08 4:57 pm - Ellensburg, WA
Any time you want to come to my house to organize or clean, feel free!! lol

I was never scared either, just very sure it was the right thing and VERY excited!!! I knew God was with me and "felt" all the prayers and love from everyone here on OH, that I was totally at peace!!! A good friend told me when I was on the operating table to put out my hand and ask God to take it and I did and between that and all the OH love, I was ready!!!!
I can't wait to hear about your journey!!!   Becky

Surgery was RNY 5/21/07...I can be found on Facebook: anewbecboo or Becky Reddick 



Maureen N.
on 9/6/08 3:18 pm - Redding, CA
We do all kinds of things.  Rarely have to buy meat at the store.  I'm headed to bed - I did the licking of the finger trick too much when making cookies.  I have a mega headache which I knew would happen.  Need to learn to not lick the finger clean once the pan is full of cookie dough.  ugh.  Tomorrow is a pedicure and clear liquids.  What a combo.  And the wonderful Magnesium Citrate coctail around 2pm.  YaaaaHoooo!  (wish we could skip this part!)  Thanks for chatting! 

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(deactivated member)
on 9/6/08 3:22 pm - Vacaytown, HI
Good luck with your surgery.... let me know how it goes!!  I hated that ****tail... didnt work either for me... The pedi will be nice!  Nighty night.  Jess
on 9/6/08 3:49 pm - Ellensburg, WA
Hi sweetie!!! Loved reading this post, learned alot about you guys!! hee hee
Aren't small home towns great? I just went "home" a couple of weeks ago (Milwaukee area, Wi) and it was so great to feel that small town friendliness again! It was wierd walking around in a town that you haven't been in for 22 years though, knowing you are probably passing people you know, but not knowing it!! lol
I lived in the south for a few years when I was 4/5, in Mississippi. Don't remember much about it though. My parents owned a 24 hour truck stop and since they were there most of the time, we were raised by maids! lol My parents were the first restaurant in Mississippi to allow blacks to work in the front of the restaurant instead of in back and the KKK burned crosses on our home front yard!! I don't remember any of that of course, but I love hearing the story. My mom says it was pretty scary!!!
Good to see you tonight sweetie!!!  bigg huggs, Becky

Surgery was RNY 5/21/07...I can be found on Facebook: anewbecboo or Becky Reddick 



(deactivated member)
on 9/7/08 1:23 am - Vacaytown, HI
Yeah... we were all having fun chatting it up last night.  Yes small towns are great bc everyone knows everyone and waves and such.  Good for your parents doing the right thing... that damn KKK... bunch of idiots.  Glad I grew up in a generation where that stuff wasnt happening or at least burning crosses etc... yech.  I hate anyone using religious symbols to perpetuate hate... whats up with that? 
Hugs back at ya! Jess
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