IE Coffee Group today
I second that emotion Janine.... I had the BEST time this morning with everyone!
I will try to get a coffee going more often. We IE peeps have been neglecting ourselves!!!

Sorry you can't make the IE dinner on the 20th but there will be more.... Lu and I will make sure to keep the IE folks getting together.
Thanks for being the carpool gal for Scott and Kim by the way... it was delightful meeting Scott and, Holy Crap.... Kim is stunning!!!! Not to mention you Mz. J... you skinny minnie you!!! I swear you get better looking every time I see ya!
I will try to get a coffee going more often. We IE peeps have been neglecting ourselves!!!

Sorry you can't make the IE dinner on the 20th but there will be more.... Lu and I will make sure to keep the IE folks getting together.
Thanks for being the carpool gal for Scott and Kim by the way... it was delightful meeting Scott and, Holy Crap.... Kim is stunning!!!! Not to mention you Mz. J... you skinny minnie you!!! I swear you get better looking every time I see ya!
What a wonderful time I had today! Janine, my son is so in Love with you! Everyone was so wonderful. Steve, D. has to wear green more often, it is so him. Janine and Diane, thanks so much for taking me to Trader Joes. It was a great experience. Kat you are looking so think these days, I can't imagine what you are going to look like when you get to running around! Lu you are always a joy! Sue and Celest hope you girls have a wonderful time tonight! Go and break a leg (show biz talk). Lisa B and Terry, you two gals are looking fine. Scott WOW have you lost a ton. Kim you are looking dazziling. I so enjoyed today, I did not want it to end! My little guy also enjoyed the day. Thanks Sue for taking him to get that Huge Ice-cream. He tried to eat it but no luck. Hope to see all of you on the 20th! I can't wait.
:) Rhonda
:) Rhonda
Yep, it was alot of fun. I met so many new people. I agree, everyone needs to update the photos, including me. I have a few nice ones my friend took last weekend, that I need to get him to send me so I can pic a new one. D, I loved you in green, was it St. Patricks Day. Steve, always looking great. No one mentioned that liz and her hubby rode their bikes 20 miles to get there. OMG someone check their brains, I think they were fried from the sun. Becky coming up from Poway. It was a great turnout. Met Rhonda for the first time, and OMG, thank you Janine for going to Trader Joes. I bought so many good things to snack on. For all of you that do not know me, I am the one with the kid on my lap. It's Rhondas kid, what a nice young man he was. Sue, I am glad you are ok, and it was wonderful to see you again FINALLY. That same with celest and gary, Sue told me how wonderful you were when she had her little mishap. You are great friends. Lisa B and Terri, always fun, and Lu, I loved your new baby! Nice to meet you Scott and Kim too. I know there was another Lisa there with some long ass name online, and I am missing someone, probably more than one. Only thing I didn't like was the damn sun, it kept following me and finding my white legs and my balding head and it was WAY too hot!!!!
Again, need to do it more often, it was a blast.
Hugs, Diane
Again, need to do it more often, it was a blast.
Hugs, Diane
It was so nice to meet everyone! I have been on OH for so long and feel like I know you all so well. I have been trying to post more so you can get to know me too.
I didn't recognize myself in that picture, but that is me in the orange in the front. I am usually the one in the back trying to hide behind people!
Lisa, I agree that you need a new picture.! Thanks for driving me today!
I didn't recognize myself in that picture, but that is me in the orange in the front. I am usually the one in the back trying to hide behind people!
Lisa, I agree that you need a new picture.! Thanks for driving me today!
OMGo**** was sooooo GREAT to meet so many new, but seems like old, friends and see some people I already have met again!!! What a great turn out we had and I'm so glad I came up, even after only 4 hours of sleep from our SD GNO last night!!! lol
GREAT picture Neen! Who is that skinny chic in the wheelchair?? lol Katt you are looking great and look out when you can start exercising!!! And Rhonda, you really were hiding behind me, silly girl! Kim S, you better start recognizing the new you ~ you are looking great!!! Lisa, I agree with everyone else, you do need a new board picture, you really have changed and look great!!!
It was so great to meet you Janine, Kim/MB, Kim S, Lu, Rhonda, Lisa, Steve, Terri, LizR and hopefully I haven't forgotten anyone! And of course Fesser was adorable and Rhonda, your son is too cute and very smart and well behaved!!! Good to see everyone and I would definitely love come up for this again! It was great fun and great company, but like many said, hard to talk with everyone!
I LOVE OH and ALL you WONDERFUL peeps I have been blessed to meet!!!! bigg huggs, Becky
GREAT picture Neen! Who is that skinny chic in the wheelchair?? lol Katt you are looking great and look out when you can start exercising!!! And Rhonda, you really were hiding behind me, silly girl! Kim S, you better start recognizing the new you ~ you are looking great!!! Lisa, I agree with everyone else, you do need a new board picture, you really have changed and look great!!!
It was so great to meet you Janine, Kim/MB, Kim S, Lu, Rhonda, Lisa, Steve, Terri, LizR and hopefully I haven't forgotten anyone! And of course Fesser was adorable and Rhonda, your son is too cute and very smart and well behaved!!! Good to see everyone and I would definitely love come up for this again! It was great fun and great company, but like many said, hard to talk with everyone!
I LOVE OH and ALL you WONDERFUL peeps I have been blessed to meet!!!! bigg huggs, Becky

Surgery was RNY 5/21/07...I can be found on Facebook: anewbecboo or Becky Reddick
Shame on you Becky you were not supposed to notice that I was hiding behind you. I was trying to be so nonchalant. I guess I was not hiding from anyone! lol. I was surprized I let Steve take my picture, but there is just someting about Steve that make a person feel so special and Loved. So whala I have a new Avatar thanks to Mr Steve. Janine I also would love to see the pictures you took at the event. If you could email them I would greatly appriciate it, or if you get them Kat if you could forward my way I would appriciate it a bunch. Thanks everyone for being you. Hugs to all Rhonda