Good Saturday Morning Cali

Janine J.
on 9/5/08 7:40 pm - The Beautiful Desert, CA

Well I can see that my sleeping the night for a couple of nights was short lived for sure! I did not go to bed that early either last night after being up so early yesterday morning. When I finally did get home....I even exercised as beat as I was! Oh well!


Anywho how did all you teachers survive the 1st week of school? I have to tell you that I survived it well and really like my kids for the most part. There are some ones who will challenge me, but I do not care because they are probably 1% of the students. It is fun to have new students and it is also fun to have the students that I have had since 6th grade too. I have not taught them since their first year at my school as they stopped art for 6th graders and it is only for 7th and 8th graders.

I started laying out some of the mural pieces yesterday. The kids wanted to see what it was because they could not visualize what I was doing. It is hard to actually. Here is a pic of what I tried to show the is not how it is actually going to look like in the sky as I am using tumbled glass and is just that the sky tiles are not done....and I am waiting on other colors to be fired:

DSC_0411-1.jpg picture by JanineJI do not know how my hands are ever going to survive 16 feet of breaking, cutting and placing hands are sore already and rough...oh well...I do love it!

Sounds if everyone is doing pretty good and keeping their senses of humor even when it is hard to.

Linda...that grouchie pouchie will be okay even though it does not seem like it right now!

Catt I am glad you got a 2nd job even though it is a lot of work for you. And let me tell will survive the teenage years no matter what because I lived to talk about it!

Jaime I am glad to see you are missed around here for sure!

Sue I know you and your hubby were sitting on pins and needles worry about his job...what happened? GOod that Sammi likes school and like you said, I hope it will always be that way. Good teachers who keep them engaged are key!

LuLu I sure hope today brings some relief to your back. I really sympathize with you! I look forward to seeing you today and Fresser too!

Katt I sure hope that your doc lets you out that wheelchair this week and I surely understand you not wanting to get your hopes up!

Liz are you feeling any better and did Chuck get his bike all pimped up for the ride down to Redlands this morning?

Rhonda how are you feeling....I know you will be there this morning in Redlands...look forward to meeting you too!

Lola....too bad you had to take time off work for childcare reasons...NOT LOL! I think employers are more tolerant of it now than when my kids were young little whipper snappers! When do you start your training?

Terri are you doing? I do not remember seeing you post lately. I might just be blind in one eye and can't see out of the other too....hoping that everything is okay! How is your niece doing?

Maureen sounds like you have yet another good weekend planned before your are going to do great!

Jeni I am glad Tommy called you for a date with his grammy for the weekend. I know you love him to pieces! That is very cool about getting a motorhome thing...those things are gas hogs for sure, but in the long run I am sure they pay off because of all the money you save in hotel bills if you travel!

Vicki that story about your son in school is too cute for sure! You do make a difference in a big way no matter what you are doing in his class. Very cool about Mike getting an award and that other lady too! I know you are so proud of him...heck I am and I do not even know him!

Nikki...did you start your new job yet? How are you feeling?

Candi I am sorry that you are still hurting and you have that yucky seranoma. That must feel like poop, but glad when you got it drained you felt better immediately. I also think it is super awesome cool about how much you have lost are going to be digging it more and more as the swelling goes down!

Janel you nearly made me **** my pants when you posted those pics of your friends ROTFLyou definitely have a sick sense of humor that I love! I called them grenades...and when I think back having 4 of the f'ers in my body at onces...well it makes me cringe! Hope you are not in too much pain still! Did Dr. Q think you were off your rocker? He might of thought...hmmmmmmmmmm too many pain meds for that gal!

JudyAnne how was your first week of school and love your new are look pretty damn fine girl! out there?

Jean sure wish you could have joined us today at the coffee thingie. I do not know if and when I will ever get back to the LB coffee for various reasons. I know our paths will cross again for sure!

 Lisa so glad to hear that your 5 week post op appointment went well and that your labs are all good! Keep it up!!!

MOnica I know it will get better with the sleep thing with Jordyn. I know it did for my kids and their babies are sleeping through the night all the time now and for quite a long time. I know it had to be hard to leave Miss Precious, but she will get use to it...and besides she could not have someone better than grandma to care for her! Your mom is lucky! I want to stay home and take care of my grandbabies!

Hey Lunawillow...stick around the Caliboards...we won't bit...okay maybe a little, but it is a great place to hang and meet some new people!

Kim so I brainfarted and got the cousin and the Greg thing mixed up....what can you expect...I am OLD....hehehehehehehehe and it was in the middle of the night! I will be thinking of you with a seat of your butt...heeehhehehehehe I am so not into biking...and it is funny when I was young...that was how I got around and loved it! Go figure! You do impress me and speaking of butts...does Greg need a swift kick in his to make him realize what a great person you are and maybe you won't wait forever?

Jan I am glad you are feeling better. Kayacking is a good form of upper body exercise for sure and I bet your arms did feel like rubber for sure. I also can remember that feeling of food was no longer fun...heck sometimes it stil isn't this many years post op and I am kind of like sometimes...whatever fills the hole...I could care less as long as it is healthy! Things will brighten for sure!

Joy...Miss EvergreenQueen ( I am so jealous) are you doing this early hours of the morning? I know you were awake when I first got up too! I know what you mean about not managing your pain because I do the same thing sometimes. I forget until it reminds more than I would like it too. Like yesterday....I kept saying in my mind damn I hurt, I need to get something and I would get distracted...still feeling the pain, but never getting the chance...boy did I pay for it later!

Renee forgetta bout those snots at work too!! You know you do not have to feed into their BS behavior! Anything going on for the weekend out there in Livermore? Isn't there an old town out there too?

Jodi glad to know you are out there. I sure hope that the docs figure you you complicated woman!!! LOL How is the garden going?

Julia how are you feeling too?

Chris S how are you doing and your daughter? You have been MIA

Chris R...what is going on in Antiochland? Did you get that fence all done for your parents? Playing grammy this weekend? and Tim hitting a waterpark this weekend? I am going to call and find out when the waterpark here closes!

Well I am going to wrap this up and get back to bed for a while...need all the beauty sleep I can get at my age...hehehehehehe. As I say...just because I have not shout you out does not mean I do not care because I do...just can't remember everyone unfortunately...the mind only stretches so far!

Can hardly wait to see the IE peeps and look forward to reading about your weekend!

Have a great one and drink tha**** is still very warm...okay hot (118 when I was coming home yesterday and my car was a 125 degrees when I got in it..where oh where is the cooler weather I ask!).


PEACE OUT!!! Biker Babe 


“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).

on 9/5/08 8:12 pm - Gualala, CA
Good morning Janine and California!

Great shout out, Janine!  The mural is starting to take shape and is looking great!  I can't wait to see it as it continues to progress..

It's good to be feelig better! :-)  We went for a partial course walk for my race in October.  No way am I blowing my knee out again.  Slow and steady, working up my miles.  The downhills kill my knee so I'm taking it easy there.  That was about 5000 steps on my pedometer  so I spent the rest of the day getting in my steps.   It was HOT here (I'm sure you southerners will laugh) 80 degrees!  I thought I'd melt.  I put a bowl of ice in front of the fan and had a washcloth on each arm.  Man I'm a wimp! LOL  After 5pm I went out on the deck under the trees where it was finally cooler and did more walking.  I managed to get in 12,000 steps.  Wooo hooooooo!  I had egg salad for lunch and had no problems. Yippeeeeeeeeee!  I mixed 2T FF sour cream, 1 tsp mayo, 1 tsp mustard, 1 dill pickle and 2 eggs.

Have a great day California folks!  If I was closer, I'd come for coffee.  I'd love to meet everyone.


on 9/5/08 8:59 pm - Duarte, CA
Good morning Janine and the Cali crew!

I actually started teaching last week, so I have two weeks under my belt!!!  I am teaching all six periods this year, so I have no prep at all.  The afternoons are long as I have first lunch which is right after 3rd period.  All of my classes are great, so far.  There are always a few who make the class challenging, but I can live with them.  Why do they always seem to be boys???  Gotta love junior high kids, huh?

I can't wait to see the updates of your mural.  You are so very talented and I envy that of you (and the grandma bit, too!)

Have a great weekend everyone. The only reason I am up now,  was to be sure I was the first to wish Sheryl a happy birthday!  It's off to sleep (I hope) for me now.


 mexico1007078.jpg image by hockeymom67
JudyAnne  (imethimonacruise)

Janel B
on 9/5/08 11:19 pm - Oakley, CA
Dr Q wrote me back as well as Joyce, his surgery coordinator. They loved the pics! We joked about them so much while I was down there, I just had to do something with them!

I'm a bit discouraged today. Went to Kaiser yesterday, and because one of the drains fell out too early last week (the stitch came undone and it literally slipped out), I had so much fluid back up, I ended up having 6 seromas drained, cleaned and packed. I am now literally wrapped in gauze and kotex, and a binder, and in pain again. I also have a low grade fever. I was in the wound clinic for 3 hours as  they worked on me, I was just crying all day yesterday. I just want this to be over so I can heal up and go on with my life. On a positive note, the 3 physicians that came in to look at me (one was chief of surgery, and one a plastic surgeon) were very impressed with Dr Q's work.

 I know I'm just whining...........please pray for me.
on 9/6/08 12:45 am - Ventura, CA
Ugh- I feel your pain!  I've been going daily to have mine checked, drained, etc.  I just want to turn that corner and really start feeling good and back to normal!

Hang in there.
Janel B
on 9/6/08 3:04 am - Oakley, CA
Thanks, Candi, I appreciate it. I know you understand. It will be so nice to have this done with, and have nothing else come up!!

they are having me take in lots of protein, and eat very healthy...which for the most part I do, but now I'm back to supplementing with protein drinks again.
on 9/6/08 3:12 am - Ventura, CA
Same here.  I have no appetite, which helps.
Jean L.
on 9/5/08 11:35 pm - Seal Beach, CA
RNY on 08/20/07 with
Hey there Janine and all my cali peeps

The mural is gonna be awesome - I can tell already - you are so freekin talented

I sure wish I could come to coffee but alas it will have to be another time....who knows maybe I will show up at something out in that neck of the woods some day and surprise everyone.....

The Estate sale yesterday was crazy busy and took in tons of cash - and was fun to boot.  So another day of working today and 1/2 day tomorrow.  I am actually going to start working for my friend regularly helping him with the estate sales (setting up, pricing and selling) so that will help with a little bit of cash flow sometimes.....and its fun....

Anyway, time to go get in the shower so I can face the masses of junk

Thanks for another great shout are da bomb girl.

Hugs to all
Living Life
on 9/5/08 11:54 pm - Riverside, CA

Good Morning Calif...

I am up and I have my coffee, life is good. To bad my back it hurting big time. OUCHIE!! I was so happy yesterday, I thought for sure I was on the mend, because the swelling was down and the pian was very little, but this morning is not so good. The little knott is a bigger then it was yesterday.

But I will not let this back keep me down. I will be there today I will enjoy my friends at the coffee. Then I need to go and get Aunt Mo and take her to do some running around. After that I will come home and relax.

I am going to bring Fresser, but I just wanted everyone to remember, she is a bit shy, so please dont rush her to give her some love. Let her relax and all will be fine. Just give her sometime. I think this is going to be good for her, just like going to the doggie park. She is warming up to that and even now, has a friend that she will play with.

OK I will see ya all in a bit.


Chris S.
on 9/6/08 12:12 am - Chula Vista, CA
Good morning Janine and Cali!

I can't wait to see your mural Janie . . . WOW!  How FUN!

I've been on jury duty for 6 days . . . as an alternate - but had to stay 15 minutes close to the court for 2 days of deliberation in case one of the real jurors keeled over or something . . . but that is done finally - and I've been SICK for a week too - including all of the long weekend last week.  Today I'm going to a friend's ex-DIL wedding and I'm the photographer because theirs crapped out at the last minute . . . and tomorrow I'm working the auction at a Make a Wish function (Tuna Challenge) in San Diego.

We are on pins and needles to get one damn piece of paper from March AFB for my son to get his job on Monterey . . . BEFORE the hiring freeze goes into effect.  The lady up there did the form - and left on vacation .. . can you say RUDE???  And then once "they" move out of my house . . . I'm thinking of transferring to our Irvine office and move in with my friend who I do everything with anyway . . . and we can commute to work together too . . . and my daughter can find a friend to live with .. . the stress I'm wading through right now is enough to turn me green three times a day . . . so we shall see what happens!

Sorry for rambling . . . everyone have a GREAT weekend!


Travelin' down the road to skinny!
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