on 9/6/08 5:59 am - fort oglethorpe, GA

Hi everyone,

just at library, wanted to say hi and check mail . and let everyone know i made it down here alrgiht but yestereday i crashed my car big time, i dont know if it can be fixed , im alright a bit sore and my surgery incision hit the steering wheel hard and started bleeding so now its bandaged up again. i tell you when it rains it pours. everyone says things happen for a reason and GOD has a plan but what the hek is it . be back in a fw days to check mail again
call me if you like at 818-256-7461 k.
bye for now rebecca basra

on 9/6/08 6:20 am, edited 9/6/08 9:26 am - Duarte, CA
Sorry to hear about you and your car.  Hope everything turns out okay.  Did you have more surgery recently??? I know you said you had galbladder surgery two months ago, but certainly that wouldn't open up.


 mexico1007078.jpg image by hockeymom67
JudyAnne  (imethimonacruise)

on 9/11/08 7:49 am - fort oglethorpe, GA
hi there judyanne,
 i had gallbladder surgery on august 14th it was emergerncy and then i was rushed to icu ,i stopped breathing and was foaming at the mouth they said they wernt sure if i was going to make it . my bp and heart rate was very very low. but im here. im doing ok, i just have to stay focused cause the past two years i really havent taken care of myself . i am to blame for the dehydration issues but not the gallbladder i dont think but htey said its from not taking care and eating right . so i dont know ,cant wait to see everyone .
im on here at the library looking for work and checking email and stuff.
take care
you hhave my phone number i posted it . so if you ever want to call feel free to do so .
rebecca basra
on 9/6/08 8:54 am - Jamestown, CA
Rebecca, did you wreck on Hwy 120? I live in Jamestown used to work at Evergreen as a manager. What do you do up in Yosemite.

Diane C.
on 9/6/08 12:24 pm - Highland, CA
OMG Joy you live in Jamestown???  My hubby was born in Jamestown.  The hotel that stands there now, was a hospital before it became the bus station and then the hotel.  Small world.  You live in God's country up there.  I hope you love it.

on 9/6/08 12:34 pm - Jamestown, CA

Diane, I was born in Sonora as was my Mom. My family has been in this county since 1853. I went to the same high school as my Grandfather, Mother and Son. LOL. I grew up in Stent and went to the one room school house out there until I was 12. I left here a couple times but I always find my way back up here. It has changed alot, some of the changes are good, others suck!!

Very small world.

on 9/11/08 7:51 am - fort oglethorpe, GA
hi there .
no i didnt wreck on 120 i was here in the san fernando valley only one week back down here. but back in may my licence was revoked but it was reinstated on august 28th .one day before coming back down here to the valley. .i worked at the yosemite falls lodge at the front desk and then was moved to the village store as a grocery clerk but then they fired me for being in the hospital . so im taking care of that issue now.
anyways, hope all is well .take care
Living Life
on 9/6/08 8:58 am - Riverside, CA

I thought you didnt have a car and that you was not able to drive.

What incinion site are you talking about. There is NO way it can be from you WLS.


on 9/11/08 7:57 am - fort oglethorpe, GA
hi luana,
how are you doing ? i had a car just couldnt drive it until i got my licence back since my license was revoked back in may in yosemite. but i got it back on august 28th. so i had been down here a week when i hit some one driving. the incision is not from wls, its from my recent major surgery i just had on august 14th in modesto drs hospital. i was rushed there frm yosemite. well 3 hours away, to find out the massive pain i was in was from my gallbladder it was filled with lots of sludge and stones , one dr said he nver saw a gallbladder with so much sludge.and then i was told that i had stop breatheing and was foaming from the nouth and my eyes were rolled back for a while and they had to bring out that crash cart whatever that is ,i just know that the hospital bill was close to 2 hundred thousand dollars .. YIKES....  im wondering why so much money .. i was there for 10 days but they acturally wanted to keep me a few days longer cause of my bp and heart rate issues but the park told me and the drs i had a certain time frame to pack and get out so thats when they released me and a few days later i was up and packed on my way down here. i drove my self. no one else could or would so. now im just looking for a job,staying focused and taking better care of me, i am back on protein shakes and vitamins and water, and eating right. and formost the support group.....
my phone number is listed in this post i posted so if you want to call you can .
take care
rebecca basra  cell, 818-256-7461
on 9/6/08 4:36 pm - Long Beach, CA

Glad you made it back, so sorry about your car and injury.  I pray that all is well soon.


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