What's for dinner???

Josie C.
on 9/5/08 9:05 am - High Desert, CA
Just had some ham cubes and cheese so I'm not thinking of dinner, but know I have to eat something.  *sigh* 

Upside my sister is coming in late tonight early tomorrow morning so we can finally make me curly again...I'm sorry, but straight hair is for the birds.  LOL!

garweeg.gifAre you sure this will work? 

(deactivated member)
on 9/5/08 9:15 am - Livermore, CA
Ohh I soo hear ya!  My hair won't hold a curl at all!!!!!!!
Josie C.
on 9/5/08 9:52 am - High Desert, CA
Neither will mine...at least until I got a particular type of perm...but it was sooo scary the first time I thought I would be bald...now I know it is the best perm for my kind of hair.  And my curls come out so naturally and soft most people don't think it is a perm...until they see me now.  LOL!
on 9/5/08 12:45 pm - Jamestown, CA
So Josie, Please share what kind of perm is it? Brand name... were to find it??
I hate that my hair has gotten straight over the years. Buy then again ,I hated curls when I was a teen. LOL.

Josie C.
on 9/5/08 1:06 pm - High Desert, CA

Hi Joy,
Actually it isn't a brand name, but the type...it is called an Air Perm.  My sister does buy my perm at a Beauty Supply Store.  Like I said it is pretty scary the first time...basically you do everything like a regular perm...roll your hair then put on the activator, but instead of putting on the neutralizer you just get rinse your hair (in the rollers) off in the hottes****er you can stand when the time is up.  Since my sister does it at my home, I just hop in the shower.  Then nothing...you let your hair air dry (in the rollers****il the next day...believe me sleeping in them is no picnic...we just make it a movie marathon night.  Not putting in the neutralizer right afterward really freaked out my sister...she was so sure my hair would fall out, but to make her happy I let her put on the neutralizer the next day and then hop in the shower.  The curls are soft and not frizzy.

on 9/5/08 5:36 pm - Jamestown, CA
Hmmm, I have heard of them and forgottem all about them...My sister also can get supplies from a beauty supple store. So, I will thing to keep it in mind . Thanks again.

on 9/5/08 9:15 am - Gualala, CA
I agree!  I'm SO hoping my hair will fall out then grow back curly so I don't have to get a perm anymore.  My hairdresser moved so I'm on the lookout for someone who knows perms.

Have a curly day.

Josie C.
on 9/5/08 9:57 am - High Desert, CA
Well, I did lose a lot of hair, but I had a lot of hair to start with.  When it grew back it wasn't curly so I have to stick with perms...lucky me...my sister is licensed so I can get her here as long as I pay for gas, room, and board.  The gas is getting expensive, but the last time I let someone else give me a perm...it sooooo fried...just not going to go through that again...especially since my 30th Class Reunion is just a little over a month away.  EeeK!
Katt M.
on 9/5/08 9:15 am - Fontana, CA
We are having chicken and veggies... =)
~Katt~  Obesity Help Support Group Leader
Sexy isn't a look, it's a state of mind. ~Me~
How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours. ~Dr. Wayne Dyer~
(deactivated member)
on 9/5/08 9:32 am - Livermore, CA

Good girl!!!

That's what I basically had for lunch!!!  I made sure to get a lot of veggies in at lun*****ase I don't get any for dinner!!!!

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