What's for dinner???
Hi Joy,
Actually it isn't a brand name, but the type...it is called an Air Perm. My sister does buy my perm at a Beauty Supply Store. Like I said it is pretty scary the first time...basically you do everything like a regular perm...roll your hair then put on the activator, but instead of putting on the neutralizer you just get rinse your hair (in the rollers) off in the hottes****er you can stand when the time is up. Since my sister does it at my home, I just hop in the shower. Then nothing...you let your hair air dry (in the rollers****il the next day...believe me sleeping in them is no picnic...we just make it a movie marathon night. Not putting in the neutralizer right afterward really freaked out my sister...she was so sure my hair would fall out, but to make her happy I let her put on the neutralizer the next day and then hop in the shower. The curls are soft and not frizzy.

~Katt~ Obesity Help Support Group Leader
Sexy isn't a look, it's a state of mind. ~Me~
How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours. ~Dr. Wayne Dyer~