New feeling and it's yucky

on 9/5/08 8:14 am - Ventura, CA
Linda, I always have trouble with leftovers for some reason.  Maybe avoid them , if possible.
on 9/5/08 8:21 am - Jamestown, CA
Hey Linda, I want to first tell you, you are looking fantastic girl!!!
Secondly, I haven't tried anything other than thighs, breast are just to dry ( this was so before WLS for me) I don't reheat anything. I cook only for myself and Mom does the same for the time being (I know you can't really do that if you have a family). I have found that I do pretty well with hamburger. My PA said no beef but it is about the only solid protein that feels good going in and being in. I have never vomited since WLS. I thied ground turkey and it was ok but I still got a little of the chest pain. I don't think it was moist enough.

Hope you feel better real quick!
Living Life
on 9/5/08 8:22 am - Riverside, CA

Linda, I would not count chicken as soft food. Chicken for me at anytime is not good. Breast is the worst. You should ask your doc about chicken and if he counts that as soft food.

Just my two cents


on 9/5/08 8:37 am - Long Beach, CA
Thanks Lu,

yes my doctor said I can try chicken as long as it is cooked in a liquid and soft.  It was fine going down last night, it was just the left overs.  I guess it wasn't so soft after the microwave got ahold of it.

on 9/5/08 8:42 am - Huntington Beach, CA
RNY on 11/05/07 with
You look great. Yes just like everyone else has said, Chicken breast is very dry and can be very hard to get down. My family only likes chicken breast so when I make it I always make it in some kind of liquid. My favorite is a can on diced tomatos on top and then cover and bake. It is really good and the chicken is really moist. But over all only being 6 weeks out I would stick to soft foods for alitlle while longer. Your little pouch is still healing and dense food can be tramadic(sp?) for it. I would stick to lunch meat and softer, moister meats. As for foamies, they hang out for about an hour, but that can be different for each person. After 30mins from eating I would drink some water to get it moving through you. Also I would think that 5 bits in 30 mins is a little much. I am lucky if I get 5bits in at 45 mins. So maybe you just took it in to fast.

Well good luck! PM me if you have any other questions.


 Live everyday like there is no tomorrow!!


on 9/5/08 8:43 am - Gualala, CA
Meat oxidizes when refrigerated (some of us can taste the difference between recooked meat VS fresh cooked meat even at a restuarant).  Try freezing it in lunch size portions right after cooking  rather than storing in the refrigerator.

Good luck. :-)

on 9/5/08 8:54 am - Long Beach, CA

Thank you all.  It's been about an hour and I am feeling a little better.  I actually threw up a little. SCARY!  I am hoping the feeling will be gone so I can still go to the gym.  I won't do that again.  I want to go back to the safety of my liquid diet



on 9/5/08 10:09 am - Merced
thank you Linda for posting--and thank you for your help.  I am scheduled to add chicken next week so I think I'm heading to Costco to get chicken thighs.  Thanks again.  Helga
Janine J.
on 9/5/08 6:45 pm - The Beautiful Desert, CA
First of all LOVE your new board pic! Secondly do not eat leftovers and meat especially...unless like everyone said it is moist! That was my first throw up was lefted over turkey patty...OMG!!!!

“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).

on 9/6/08 9:04 am - San Jose, CA
RNY on 10/29/12
I agree with youJanine..very nice new pic Linda!!!! 
I don't have a pic because I couldn't figure out how to make my pic small enough duh!
Thanks for posting ...wvwn sharing the bad stuff helps us all learn from each other..I hope you feel better soon..TamiN
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