New feeling and it's yucky

on 9/5/08 7:31 am - Long Beach, CA

I am 6 weeks post op and my Dr. says I can eat "real" food.  Soft of course.  Last night I baked a chicken breast and made some green beans to go with it.  It was really good and I had no problems.  I brought leftovers to work for lunch.  I only took about 5 bites. and all of a sudden I felt this horrible full feeling in my gut and had to run to the bathroom.  It felt like I was going to throw up.  Nothing happend.  I ate slow.  in fact the five bites I took , took me a 1/2 an hour to finish.  I didn't drink.  I did everything I was supposed to. 

My tummy feels like it's going to expload!   I know it wasn't because I was full.  Has this happend to everyone else? 

I just want this feeling to go away.  I am supposed to go to the gym tonight!



on 9/5/08 7:43 am - Long Beach, CA
I now know what "foamies" are.  Can anyone tell me how long this will last?  and how it happens? 
on 9/5/08 7:49 am - Merced
Almost the same thing happened to me yesterday.  I ate crumbled hamberger and beans (same as night before when I made burritos for everyone and I only ate the guts) and about 5 bites.   I  had pain in my back, started belching and ended up throwing on and off for 12 hours--I couldn't drink, gasX didn't help--I had some composine left over from coming home from the hospital--managed to keep one tab down and eventually fell asleep.  You are younger and this will probably pass quicker for you.  I just wish I knew what I did wrong so I can never ever to that again.  Good luck.  Maybe someone else will know more about this.  Helga
(deactivated member)
on 9/5/08 7:57 am - Livermore, CA
Meat is just really tough on the pouchies early on!!  Some days it will go down fine, others, it will make you sick sick sick!  It's all a learning experience!  Reheated meat especially!!!
(deactivated member)
on 9/5/08 7:55 am - Livermore, CA

Hey Linda,

I still to this day will have trouble with left over chicken breast.   My guess is, the meat was too dry.  When reheating leftovers chicken breast will dry.. then it's VERY VERY painful!  You will more than likely have the foamies anywhere from 30-60 min..  depending how long it takes your food to digest.. and, because everyone'd bodies are different.

Early out, I ate chicken thighs, because chicken breast was soo tricky. and the thighs stay moist.. Actually,  I prefer thighs!

Meat can really be tricky in the begining!  Even if you are doing everything right! 

Good luck!


on 9/5/08 8:03 am - Long Beach, CA
Thank you.  I am trying to finish the day at work, but this is an aweful feeling.  Not sure how much longer I will last
(deactivated member)
on 9/5/08 8:08 am - Livermore, CA

I had the exact thing happen to me within my first week back at work after surgery.. I can remember it very well.. it's miserable! 

Just a warning.. reheated salmon is another one that did it to me.. and bad!!!!  And I was stuck on the bart train!!! 

Good luck, and hang in there!!  I can totally relate to your pain and feel for you!


Diane C.
on 9/5/08 9:37 am - Highland, CA
Chicken was probably too dry.  Don't eat the white meat of chicken, eat the dark meat, it's moister.  As the queen of vomit, I did it for 8 months, it will just go away.  One day it was all over and I have yet to be sick again.  Just make sure your food is very moist.  Don't eat the chicken skin either.

Now for Helga, hamburger still makes me sick.  You also need to make sure it is very moist before you get it down.  Very very small bites and make sure it does go down before you put another piece in your mouth.  Sounds like you got it stuck.  We have all done that before.  Until it passes either up or down, nothing gets through, not even liquids.

Good luck to the both of you.

(deactivated member)
on 9/5/08 9:55 am - Livermore, CA

Hey Diane! 

You are a lucky one!  At almost 4 years out.. I STILL throw up!  Just not as often!  I still get the foamies too!!!!

I have one of those ultra sensitive pouchies!

on 9/5/08 10:24 am - Duarte, CA
Me, too, and I'm almost 3 1/2 years out!!


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JudyAnne  (imethimonacruise)

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