Happy TGIF Cali and I mean that sincerely!

Janine J.
on 9/4/08 8:19 pm - The Beautiful Desert, CA

Wow....did Friday come quick enough or what? Like Steve said....those 4 day work weeks always seem longer than they really are! So on that note:

Happy TGIF Cali!!!

I am not complaining, but I have been having some seriously long days leaving the house by 6 and getting to school with one pit stop at the store for lunch and being to work by 6:30 and I live 20 miles from school! (Fly low in that pretty newly painted Mercedes..teehee).

I am working my butt off glazing and firing those slabs I rolled and coming to the realization that I probably am going to have to roll more slabs....me not so happy about that, but that is the way it looks. Whoever messed with my kiln caused the load I had in there to fire a different color than I expected. Those bursting glazes are somewhat tempermental...grrrrrrrrr and I am tempermental with people messin with my stuff. However, it is all coming together and I was hoping to start the installation on Sunday, but it is not looking too good for it right now. Wednesday of next week, I will swing by the school as I have to pick up Hunter Monday and Tuesday....and will lay the design out on the wall. I am screwed for time on weekends a lot as next Saturday is my Ava Bears 1st birthday too! YIKES! Wedding the following weekend and the last weekend I am going to Laughlin.

Well enough of that....how and the heck are all of you?

I see Miss Jilliecats is coming out of the woodworks....howdy Jillie and I hope life is treating you good. I see you are seeing Jeff again?

MonicaW...Wow it is hard to believe that Jordyn is 6 months old...she is so damn cute and I surely wish I could make that dinner on the 20th to meet her! I wish you could come to the coffee tomorrow in Redlands. I know you love her so much....even though she is a wiggly worm at night!

Jean after you wrote that it was my shirt...I thought...OMG you re right...it is!!! I am glad it got around and you ought to see how many people that shirt passes to....like Monica said the traveling sisterhood of a blouse!

Rhonda I am sorry you have come down with a cold and I hope it does not preclude you from coming tomorrow morning as I am looking forward to meeting you! Hope your day went well with your 1st day of school teach!

Liz that is so cool you made that collage for Lindsey...I know she appreciated it and will treasure it too! Would you get over that cold business too!

Vicki I sure hope that the injections work for you. I am very fearful of them and will not do it...so I just keep hurting and for sure this week I have been hurting standing all day long! It is great that you are volunteering in the classroom. I wish there were more parents like you who care enough to give up some time. It means a lot to the teacher and I know it does to the students who have their parents help! And I do not know who is turning off my kiln...they never did before....I just really hate being messed with. Oh yeah and not to mention the fact that some of my glazes that I order right after I got the commission miraculously showed up yesterday after the company insisted they sent them....someone had taken them and put them in the wing that is the furtherest from my wing....nice eh?

Lisa how did your 5 week appointment go with your doc today? There is nothing wrong with eating lots of veggies if you can tolerate them. You might think about adding some tofu or something with it. Tofu was really easy to eat early out for me!

Maureen your big day is coming sooooooon!!! I wish you the best...you surely have done great pre-op shrinking the liver and such!

Jan you do not always have to be up...we understand for sure. Do what you can do,but do not push yourself over the brink and hurt yourself worse. You are not gaining weight either....you body just has to readjust....don't worry because there are plenty of people here who have never exercised throughout their post surgery and have lost all their weight...and a lot of muscle too I am sure, but nevertheless they lost.

Kim that cracks me up about you cousin saying you were as big as hell! OMG...did he say  now you are skinny as hell??? LOL You have done so fantastic and well lets hear about the guy...what is going on..wedding bells someone is hearing in your future???

Sue how are you doing skinny? I do not think I have seen you post on the boards much these days! How is that sweet Sammi?

TurtleGurl...hang in there girl. I know you are frustrated as all hell,but regardless of the liability, it is better to be safe than sorry. Pray is all I can say for he does listen. And things do not always happen in your time....as hard as that is to hear...there are reasons and I do believe it will happen for you.

Joy you are being a very good angel to Nicole. I do hope she is doing better today. How are you doing?

ThatKimGirl and Timboy!!! It does stay open until sometime in October...I am not sure the date....I should call and find out. I would go and hang again!

Becky I am glad to hear you are coming tomorrow. I also look forward to meeting you too! I think there is going to be a big gang. I know us three from the desert are going to trek on out there! (Me, Kim and Scott).

LuLu have you heard how that little pup is doing...what a cutie pie that dog is! Are you going to be at coffee tomorrow?

Scott...keep the head up dude...we will get something going even if it is just the 3 of us!

Rene how are you doing? I am so glad to see you back on the boards. It is really cool that you are doing that evening post about dinner. I have not gotten on and posted in a while to it...I will try and be better about it!

MonicaP you running fool girl....I think it is so awesome you are out there pounding the pavement for good causes and building all that muscle and stamina! You go girl!

Lola....OMG you signed up for the LA marathon...I am majorly impressed!!!! Scott is a good trainer and I know you will do well...just ask all the other people here who have trained with him!


Well I am going back to bed for 45 minutes! Look forward to seeing everyone at the IE coffee tomorrow! Have a great day everyone and remember to love yourself and drink tha****er!

PEACE OUT!!!! Biker Babe 

“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).

on 9/4/08 9:13 pm - Upland, CA
Good Morning Janine and Cali Crew,
It has been a wonderful week. I am hoping that will flow into an outstanding new school year!
Wishing nothing but the best for you Janine, Monica, Gene, Elisa, Donna, Judy Anne, Cindy, Nadine, and all teachers as we strive to do our best for the students.
I also wish the best for all students and parents Vicki, Rita, Christine, Liz, Cyndi, and so so so many others of you!
And woot woot to the people *****ach out to us Leann and Luana THANK YOU ALL! ENJOY the school year 2008-2009! Love you all!
Your mural sounds gorgeous, I am sorry for your set backs Janine.
Everyone enjoy your Friday! TOMORROW is the weekend! Woot woot
vicki M.
on 9/5/08 2:24 am - NAS Lemoore, CA
Love you!!!

Vicki M Proud NAVY wife and veteran!!!

Optimists are right. So are pessimists. It's up to you to choose which you will be.~~Harvey Mackay

Living Life
on 9/4/08 9:49 pm, edited 9/4/08 10:16 pm - Riverside, CA

Good Morning Janine and you WONDERFUL CALIF PEEPS

Yesterday, enough was enough and I went to see the doc. I have this knott in my back, that I thought was a knott in my sciatica, but I guess I was wrong. Its not anywhere near my sciatica but that is what could be causing me problem by rubbing on the sciatica causing me the pain and numbniss in my leg. He called the knott a lipomoa (sp) Said that he can not do anything about it, and wants me to see another doc about it. But for me right now, and the pain, he gave me a shot. One of them ones that Janine hates so much. Now I know why. Holy bats flipping cats, It HURT!!!!!! I asked the nurse if she was going to take the needle out all ready. She said "ohh honey, its out already" Dang, I wanted to cry. She told me that I would have to waiting around for like 20 mins to make sure there was no problems. Other then me crying like a two year old. (ok not that bad, but I wanted to) I also have to take some pills to help with the swelling for a week and he took me off wor****il monday. (Oh Darn) But I am under orders that I can only lay, stand or walk. NO RUNNING or sitting. Sitting adds presure, no that is a no no. BUT I will be there tomorrow for coffee. I think I will bring Fresser also. She has told me that she would love to meet my friends. LOL

Let me add: My doc is NOT at all worried about this knott at all.

About the puppy: I no longer have a say in his life. They have already found a new family for him and he will be going to his new home as soon as he is old enough. They are going to make him a wonderful home. So I am happy about that, since I do not do puppies, and they want him as young as they can take him, so he will bond with them and the three kids, 2 dogs, 5 to 8 barn cats, 4 pigs, 7 horses, and 23 goats, one milk cow, and 3 beef steers. So I think he will be very happy.

I wish I knew why I am up so early, but since I am up and my coffee is done, I will have a cup and start my day.

Happy Friday One and All

Sending Much Love to ALL.



Jeni H.
on 9/4/08 10:14 pm

Good Morning Janine and Cali Friends!

Yippee!!!!  FRIDAY!!!  Yes these 4 day weeks do seem long!

Dennis my DH is taking the day off work to golf in the big CalPers golf tournament.  Its a pretty big event and he'll gone all day into the evening, plus he has golf tomorrow as well with his club so that means that I am pretty much on my own this weekend.

Tommy called and said he wants to "hang out" with me this weekend (he cracks me up!) so I will most likely ask if Benny can come and stay too.  Maybe we can go to a movie or something.  I think it's suppose to be a "hot" one agian this weekend.

We still have not found the 5th wheel travel trailer that we want but part of the fun is looking!  They are so, so nice now a days.

I started buying some protein samples to try them out.  Is there any particular brand that tastes better than another?  I got some unjury and EAS.  My surgery still seems so far away.................She must be a busy surgeon or something!

Well you all have a great, great day!

((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))))))  Jeni It's Friday 

Do not ask the Lord to guide your footsteps if you are unwilling to move your feet. God, Please help me to move my feet!!!

Living Life
on 9/4/08 10:26 pm - Riverside, CA

About protein, Do not go out and get tons of something, because after surgery, what you like now, you may not like later. Just get samples for after surgery also. That way, you wont have a 5 pound thing of protein that you do not like.

Just my two cent.


on 9/4/08 10:28 pm - Long Beach, CA
Good Morning Janine and Cali

I am so glad its finally Friday.  Well, I joined the  gym yesterday (24hr fitness).   We had a health fair at work and I decided to go for it.  Now I haven't stepped foot into a gym in over 20 years so this first experience should be an interesting one. LOL

I can't do anything where I will be on my feet.  My plantar's faciitis in my feet is still raging but I can do the bike and swimming.  I will be going to my firs****er aerobics class tomorrow morning..  Wish me luck.  I haven't worn a bathing suit in public in a very long time.

Wish me luck

Jean L.
on 9/4/08 11:09 pm - Seal Beach, CA
RNY on 08/20/07 with
Good morning Janine and crew

Happy Friday - and I sure wish I could make the trek to coffee tomorrow with all of you but alas, I will be working the estate sale for my friend.

Linda - way to go about joining the gym.....are you going to the one on Bellflower?  I used to belong there.  I think about joining but then think, how silly since we have a great gym right here in Leisure World that is free.  You are gonna love water aerobics - Several years ago I took those classes at the Belmont plaza pool and it was great.  Now I just do my own thing here at our pool. 

Lu - sorry to hear about the pain - just mind your dr and don't over do it - I know how sad you are to be off work for a week  (lololol)  I wish I could come tomorrow to meet you and Fresser.....and I am so glad to hear puppy got a good home.

Janine - isn't that funny about the traveling top.....I am sure I will pass it along - if I dont' wear it out first..lol...

to everyone else - have a great friday and an even better weekend....

Gotta go jump in the shower and get ready for my long day....

Hugs to all
Katt M.
on 9/5/08 2:19 am - Fontana, CA
Linda, I was the same way about the bathing suit. I went to 24 hour fitness for their water aerobics classes and believe me, no one cares what you look like. I got a lot of help out on the floor too, after the water class. So, no reason to be nervous. I can't wait until I can afford to get back into the gym.
~Katt~  Obesity Help Support Group Leader
Sexy isn't a look, it's a state of mind. ~Me~
How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours. ~Dr. Wayne Dyer~
on 9/5/08 2:51 am - Long Beach, CA
Thanks Katt,

I need all the encouragement I can get

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