Good Thursday Morning Cali!
Last night we went out to dinner Lindsey's boyfriend or ex-boyfriend or current boyfriend not sure of the relationship BJ'S for dinner. The biggest treat for Chuck and I was that they picked up the tab. They picked it up because she has had very limited mobility since Mickey broke her ankle and I have brought over a lot of meals and she said that this was the least that they could do for us. I really had no idea they would pay. It was so funny miss Lindsey loves to make grill cheese sandwiches. She makes them on a sandwich maker at their house so they bought her bread, cheese and a sandwich maker. It was really funny.
Well, speaking of food I need to do something with 90% of my salad that is leftover. Not really too sure.
Tonight is back to school night it will be my last one forever! Unless one day I get grandkids and go with them. So Lindsey starts school at 7am (zero period) and she will be out by 9 am. Life is tough huh. Then she will go to cosmetology school till 5.
Well, again enough rambling about my kid.
Have a great day.
Even though I have time to myself in the afternoon, it seems that I have just been on the run every day, going for traction or other errands. Today, I get to help out in my son's Kindergarten class for about an hour and then my middle baby and I have a doctor's appointment. I will work in the classroom again tomorrow for a little bit and then next week is kind of up in the air, as I will have a pre-op appointment on Monday for my back injections on Wednesday. Who knows how I will be feeling after those. Dreading that, for sure!
Anywho~ hope that everyone has a great day! Janine, do you think it is the custodial staff that may be turning off your kiln??

Optimists are right. So are pessimists. It's up to you to choose which you will be.~~Harvey Mackay
i have my 5week post op appointment this morning.. i hope all my blood tests turn out ok... i will let you guys know later.. i'm real happy all the teachers have a good class.. you guys are awsome... i don't have much planned today except making dinner... i'm making chinese food tonight lots of veggies... i swear sometimes i think i want to be a veggitarin.... well time for me to get dressed.. everyone have a great day....
Morning all. Cleaning up the paperwork here on my desk getting ready for my 3 weeks off. Assembled mega lasagna for Joe's trip to Colorado, a couple for the freezer and one for the guys on the bridge tonight. They asked him if I could freeze them some dinners ahead of time and bring them down while he's gone. Hahaha. They got Turtle brownies last night. Somehow I get the same satisfaction out of cooking and baking even tho I can't eat any of it. Go Figure. Sense of smell is closely linked.
Pampering myself prior to surgery. Massage yesterday, manicure today, pedicure tomorrow, day trip to Lassen Park on Saturday with the old man and Jayden.
Off to find my flame-thrower (best way to take care of unwanted paperwork).
A zillion years ago when I was just a weeee little file clerk working for this mega corporation it was my job to do all the "central filing" Sometimes it was overwhelminmg. So................ I put a bunch of it in a box or large envelopes and mailed them to my friend in Woodland who held it for 3 days and mailed it back. By that time I had the rest of the crap under controll
Having a good week so far. I have had 2 work out with my trainer, dam he is mean i have never felt so sore in my life, i can hardly walk.. I have an appoitment with the financial aid office today at the college, woo hoo classes start on the 15th..
Starting to get really depressed here in Palm Springs. I am missing my weekley suport groups in Phoenix. I will be going to Phoenix on the 19-22 for my 3 month post op, and going to the one day OH event . Sure hope this helps.. Starting to think the depression is comeing from not being able to find a dam job..uggg this is getting old fast...