A good cause....

L D.
on 9/2/08 11:47 pm, edited 9/3/08 12:05 am - Desert, CA

Walk for a good cause.....

Its an event to raise donations for American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS) and the Obesity Action Coalition (OAC). ASMBS is a organiztion dedicated to raising funds to help support obesity research and to increase public awareness of Barriatric surgery and its role in treating the diesease of morbid obesiy.  OAC is an organization that educates and advocates on behalf of those affected by obesity. 2 great causes!!!

Come walk, enjoy the vendors, Raffle Prizes and entertainment along the way!!!

WHEN:  Sat September 27, 2008 at 8:00am.
WHERE:   Wellness Park, Palm Springs, CA
                   Corner of Via Mireleste & Tachevah

REGISTRATION: Day of Event : 7:00 am
Or PreRegister Friday 9/26/08 at Running Wild, 611 S. Palm Canyon Dr, Palm Springs
Or Online www.walkfromobesity.com, click on "join a walk" then click on Palm Springs.

For more information go to        WWW.walkfromobesity.com

Lets make a difference.

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