Biggest WLS accomplishment....
Hey Everyone,
We all know we had this surgery, or want to have this surgery to get healthy and lead a healthy life.. but, aside from medical reasons.. What is, or will be your biggest accomplishment just for YOU?
Mine, most definatley was when I was able to wear high heels! I've always had ankle problems, and as a pre op.. would see girls in their gorgeous shoes and be sooo jealous. I would have to wear sensible shoes, because at the end of the day, my ankles would be swollen. So, when I dropped the weight, I tried shoes with a small heels.. as I got more comfortable, I went higher.. until.. for my wedding last Aug.. I wore 4 and a quarter inch heels!!! They were gorgeous.. and hurt like heck.. but it was soo worth it!
Now, I fell and broke my ankle, and am back in flats.. But I'm not giving up hope of wearing my heels again! Oh, and I was wearing tenny shoes when I fell.. I've never fallen and hurt myself in my heels!
So, what is that one little "skinny girl" guilty pleasure goal you reached, or wish to reach???
Come on and share!!!
I have said it before...there are LOTS of things~ but, not having to contort into some funky a$$ position in order to paint my toenails or put on socks.... LOL That big ole tummy I used to have would get in the way!!
Unfortunately, with my back being all jacked up- it kind of has reverted me to doing things the way I used to when I was a big girl. HOWEVER, now I can at least SEE my feet when I shower!!

Love ya girlie!!

Optimists are right. So are pessimists. It's up to you to choose which you will be.~~Harvey Mackay
He tells me just floating around out there, playing with the seals and looking at all the marine life is one of the best things he has ever done. Next year I find out for myself!
Mine would be running, finishing a few marathons and living to tell others about it. Even if San Diego tried to kill me. I didn't let it win. (not that I will give it a second chance)
I also have a pair boots with heels that I love and have even gone dancing with them on.
Thank you for this post. What a postive way to end our day.
Have a great Night Renee
The day my son told his friends "look...I can pick my mom up" and proceeded to wrap his arms around me and lift me off the ground....I hadn't been picked up since I was a little kid.
Skydiving....jumping from 3 miles in the air out of a perfectly good airplane...cuz I could fit in the jumpsuit!
Finishing my first, second, third, and yesterday my fourth 1/2 marathon.
Crossing the finish line at the L.A. Marathon