Happy Humpday Whacky WeighinWednesday
Happy Humpday my friends and I hope your work day yesterday was great
Today I Whacky WeighIN Wednesday as Monica just made me realize I brain farted! You all know the rules too....how much did you lose this week and how do you feel about yourself. This is meant to be supportive....so lets hear it gang!!!!
Me...haven't weighed...forgot I have been so busy!
I really have not read too much on the boards and perhaps I am going to start doing a shout out in the evening or something...who knows...feel like I am super behind here!
I hope you all have a great day today...I wanted to get the morning post rolling and just know there are only 2 more days until the weekend!
You're all the best!!!
“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).
Good Morning Janine and Cali,
What happened to WWW. If you are this way after day one, i'm scared. Yesterday was just as I thought, tedious and boring. Good news I kept my aid who I love and was prepared to fight for. Bad news is they took my first period conference. I had planned on subbing a lot and make a lil extra money. Oh well. Today we get kids .
As for the WWW well I don't do the scale but I do measure. Since going back to no carbs I have lost 1.5 in from my chest, 2 in from my waist, and .5 in from my belly (where my tummy is the largest).
Everyone enjoy the day
OMG Monica thank you so much for reminding me. I think even though I wrote humpday...I was thinking it was Tuesday or something....like duh! So I changed to the post!!!
You're the best and I hope you have a great day...you are doing AWESOME on losing those inches gf!
“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).
Today is my daughter's first day back to school (10th grade). Wow time goes by so fast.
Yesterday was my 6 week follow up appointment with my surgeon. He said everything looks great! and he is happy with my weight loss. I told him that I was a little scared to eat real food. He told me it's normal and to take it slow. That 6 weeks wasn't a magic number and I didn't HAVE to feel like I had to rush things. I thought I would be excited to be able to eat real food, but I am not. Anyways, he said as long as I am eating soft foods ok by 3 mos that I can have wine. WOO HOO. But first things first. LOL
I only lost 1 pound last week, but I wil take it. Better than gaining. And I still haven't realized that I will keep losing. I still keep expecting the scale to go back up like it's done so many times in the past.
I hope everyone has a great Wednesday.
Remember Rome was not built in a day girlie and everyone is different! I personally for what it is worth think you are doing super great!!!
Best to your daughter today going back to school and you have a great day!
“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).
Despite my best efforts I managed to LOSE 2 pounds this week. Grrrrrrrrrr! So I am back below 200 at 199 this morning. Oh well, a day at a time I guess.
Geeze, yesterday seemed like just the LOOOOOONGEST day at work. I couldn't wait to leave for the day. That's the downside of three day weekends for me, the day after at work seems to drag. On the other hand it IS Wednesday now and that's an upside.
Hey is anyone else getting these nice offers via PM here at OH? I have received 2 of them this week alone. Here is the one that came yesterday:
Hello dear friend.
Glad that I'm just browsing now in the Internet and found your profile at (www.datingaffection.com) and i was much feelings over it,I'm miss Favour khalifa by name,please i will like us to hold a good relationship with a real love,I'm happy to look at your profile today ,you sound so gentle to me that was the reason why i fall very much interested in you,contact me personal with my private box ([email protected]) for more introduction also i will sent my pictures to you so we can know more about each other,i will be happy to see your mail my dear,age or colour even distance can't deny any genuine love,so please lets give our self a trial,thanks till i hear from you,
miss Favour.
Wishing you and all the Cali Crew a great Wednesday Janine!
Mike got one of those when he first signed up on OH....
No mas since then, though. (at least that i know of)
Have a good day!

Optimists are right. So are pessimists. It's up to you to choose which you will be.~~Harvey Mackay
As for my weigh in - I amdown only a lb but thats ok....1 lb is better than being up.
haven't been on here much as I have the worst stiff neck...night before last I must have slept ****eyed or something because my neck and shoulder is so stiff it is to painful to sit here at the computer. I think today I just may need to go get a massage or something.....ouchy it hurts.
ANyway - Steve - that message is way weird.....ewwwwwwwwww.
Linda - way to go girl - keep rockin that tool you are doing great.
Everyone else have a great day