What's for Dinner tonite?
Since it's been almost 3 1/2 years since I went through PacBar, all I can remember is that it was 10 weeks before I could have a salad (with no iceberg lettuce!!) and 6 months before I could try beef. I still have a problem with ground beef, but the rest is fine. Hang in there - it will get better!!
JudyAnne (imethimonacruise)
Thanks JudyAnne. We barbqued with neighbors tonight. One asked me... can't you just have one bite? Ohhhh that steak looked and smelled soooo good... I thought for a second or two and then said... If I chew it and don't swallow the meat only the juices is that clear liquid? lol I have been tempted to try like cottage cheese or something... but I am going to make this surgery a sucess. I owe it to myself. Thanks for the words of encouragement though. :)
Hey Shella!
The first couple weeks post op and being on liquids just plain SUCKED! I remember thinking about food all of the time and wondering if I would ever be normal again. Once I got the go ahead from my surgeon to go on pureed...I was in heaven.and all better. I never knew cottage cheese or scrambled eggs could taste so good. You will be so much better on the pureed stage!
Hang in there!
I made sirloin steaks and spinach...the spinach didn't sit well in my pouch tonight for some reason.

~Katt~ Obesity Help Support Group Leader
Sexy isn't a look, it's a state of mind. ~Me~
How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours. ~Dr. Wayne Dyer~