Happy Tuesday Morning!
Good Morning Calif.....
Today is an off day for me, so my coffee just started and now I wish I had started it earlier, or that I was in bed. Sleeping, but I had to get up to feed the little one. I think I am going to name him Hank. He looks like a Hank to me. I will get some picture to share maybe today. My niece knows someone that has a litter of pups at home, she is going to see if that mommy will take on this pup. I know it would break Fresser heart, but when I go back to work this week, there will be no one to feed him, because my niece is in school. I think it would be best for him.
I think my coffee is done so I am going to close now, wishing everyone a great day.
All you teachers - you do ROCK! Enjoy the kids and mess with their heads!
Wow if it's Tuesday that means I'm back at work I totally love weekends of doing nothing but I will have to break that habit and start getting out the house!! Maybe not this weekend cause a sista is brokey broke, lol. Well and next weekend I'll be in a spa in Mexico...so I guess all is well with me, huh!!
Ok time to ummm oh yeah work!!
MS Shell
To all the teachers. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you do and every life you touch. It takes a special person to be a teacher and while it's not said enough I appreciate you!
on 9/2/08 1:14 am - Vacaytown, HI
Happy Back to School for all the teachers. Happy everyone else who's going off to their jobs, as for me I'm on disability retirement and I hate it. Boring and everyone else who I hang with works. Oh well I guess it could be worse.
Going to go get my hair cut today, pick up horse feed and come home to that same sh*t different day kind of thing.
Have great day.
Hope everyone has a great day and for all you teachers out there.....


Optimists are right. So are pessimists. It's up to you to choose which you will be.~~Harvey Mackay
Just wanted to wish all the teachers a great 1st day back to school and tell you all that you guys have an amazing job. I hope you all know how much us mommy's appreciate you!
As for me, I am doing great. I have energy maybe even too much energy, but I am stuggling to get my protein in on a daily basis. I am suppose to get in 100 grams and my NUT said NOTHING less than 85 grams and I haven't gotten over 75 in weeks. Yesterday was 52, Sunday was 65 and Saturday was 75. I guess I am going to have to start adding protein drinks back into my daily routine. YUCK! I am just not hungry and my pouch doesn't hold very much.
My week is very short as I also have Friday off. Which means it is going to be CRAZY for the next 3 days as I have 14 client's to see and A LOT of paperwork as it is the end of the month/beginning of the month.
Okay, I am off to the gym and than to work.
Hope everyone has a great day!
Slept in my compression garment all night for the first time last night........I woke up with hardly any swelling, and I love it! I haven't been able to sleep or even wear it because there has been just way too much drainage, and as soon as I"d put it on, I'd have to take it off because it would be soaked. Now that it's (the drainage) slowed down some, I can wear it, I just cover up one little spot.
I get about 80% of my stitches out today...yeah! The other ones have to stay in, as they were put in just a few days before I came home.
I'm also going to get a pedicure today.....

I'm on my way to freedom!!!

good luck to all the wonderful teachers out there getting back to a new school year.... i'm on a mission today to find greek yogurt,,, i live in stockton does anyone have any suggestions?? i'm gonna go try a trader joes ...i'm still having probelms getting all my meals and fluids down and my meals .. i'm 5 weeks out of surgery.. any suggestions on what to do ... plus i stopped losing wieght...
everyone have a great positive day and keep on moving....