Conquered Disneyland!
Yes, we did it. I'm not very sore this morning, but I'm still kind of processing all of the day's events and have not come up with a sappy recap of the day just yet....

In a nutshell here's how it went down:
We started at 6am and I ran the first 2-3 miles with Kirsten who gave me a good head start with 14-minute miles. I finally got to run with Kevin for a small stretch at mle 5. Then somewhere around mile 6 I began to run with Helen and we were together until the finish line.
Helen is one tough chica, you have no idea.
At mile seven my toe began to hurt and I stopped at a medical tent to look at it. I had a tiny blister on my second toe. I had it bandaged. Over the coming miles I lost track of how many times I stopped to ask for medical help. On the Santa Ana riverbed my foot began to hurt so bad, I thought my toenail had come off, it felt like my toe had been sliced. Luckily there were medical personal on bikes who stopped to help me. I took off my shoe and sock and all the skin inside my left big toe and a huge blister that had burst. The skin had peeled back and my skin was raw and exposed. I still had four miles to go.
I made it past the critical 10-mile point and felt some relief, I knew the van would not pick me up after mile 10. By then the sun had come up and the heat was starting to kick in. I wanted to run but it hurt.
I'll be honest, at mile 11 I considered asking for a ride back. I was miserable.
During the last three miles Helen and I walked and kept pushing each other along. When one of us needed to stop we insisted the other keep going, we'd catch up to each other. I think it was more important that the other finish instead of staying was important that we finish, no matter what.
We arrrived at Downtown Disney and crowds began to cheer us on, there were lots of runners who had already finished and had medals. We wanted to run to the finish, but my legs were beginning to cramp and we were both really tired. At about 100 feet from the finish I saw three of my friends waiting for me, cheering for me, I was so glad someone was there to see me.....I kicked into gear and sprinted to the finish line. I crossed just in time so see Helen approaching. I took out my camera and snapped a picture of her....I think I was more thrilled to see her finish.
I hugged Helen when she finished and I wanted to cry, I was so proud of her she finished on sheer determination.
I feel pretty good, my toe is healing. I'll look into different shoes or something...
Will I do it again? Yep.

In a nutshell here's how it went down:
We started at 6am and I ran the first 2-3 miles with Kirsten who gave me a good head start with 14-minute miles. I finally got to run with Kevin for a small stretch at mle 5. Then somewhere around mile 6 I began to run with Helen and we were together until the finish line.
Helen is one tough chica, you have no idea.
At mile seven my toe began to hurt and I stopped at a medical tent to look at it. I had a tiny blister on my second toe. I had it bandaged. Over the coming miles I lost track of how many times I stopped to ask for medical help. On the Santa Ana riverbed my foot began to hurt so bad, I thought my toenail had come off, it felt like my toe had been sliced. Luckily there were medical personal on bikes who stopped to help me. I took off my shoe and sock and all the skin inside my left big toe and a huge blister that had burst. The skin had peeled back and my skin was raw and exposed. I still had four miles to go.
I made it past the critical 10-mile point and felt some relief, I knew the van would not pick me up after mile 10. By then the sun had come up and the heat was starting to kick in. I wanted to run but it hurt.
I'll be honest, at mile 11 I considered asking for a ride back. I was miserable.
During the last three miles Helen and I walked and kept pushing each other along. When one of us needed to stop we insisted the other keep going, we'd catch up to each other. I think it was more important that the other finish instead of staying was important that we finish, no matter what.
We arrrived at Downtown Disney and crowds began to cheer us on, there were lots of runners who had already finished and had medals. We wanted to run to the finish, but my legs were beginning to cramp and we were both really tired. At about 100 feet from the finish I saw three of my friends waiting for me, cheering for me, I was so glad someone was there to see me.....I kicked into gear and sprinted to the finish line. I crossed just in time so see Helen approaching. I took out my camera and snapped a picture of her....I think I was more thrilled to see her finish.
I hugged Helen when she finished and I wanted to cry, I was so proud of her she finished on sheer determination.
I feel pretty good, my toe is healing. I'll look into different shoes or something...
Will I do it again? Yep.
Now if you are going to win any battle you have to do one thing. You have to make the mind run the body. Never let the body tell the mind what to do. The body will always give up. It is always tired in the morning, noon, and night. But the body is never tired if the mind is not tired."
- George S. Patton, U.S. Army General, 1912 Olympian
They must of messed up, I have looked for your finishing time. I would contact them at the marathon as they did not post your time. Dang girl, you earned it they should post it. I know Kirsten and Keving both have their time posted. Last I saw was your 15 k I think it was. I would raise the roof.
They must of messed up, I have looked for your finishing time. I would contact them at the marathon as they did not post your time. Dang girl, you earned it they should post it. I know Kirsten and Keving both have their time posted. Last I saw was your 15 k I think it was. I would raise the roof.
I'm going to guess my time is at 3 hours, 55 minutes. I have a picture of Helen and I at the finish line and the time on the clock is 4 hours, 17 minutes....but when I crossed the start line there was already 26 minutes on the clock.
Now if you are going to win any battle you have to do one thing. You have to make the mind run the body. Never let the body tell the mind what to do. The body will always give up. It is always tired in the morning, noon, and night. But the body is never tired if the mind is not tired."
- George S. Patton, U.S. Army General, 1912 Olympian
Monica!!!!! Congrates!! I saw the paper on Sunday and was thinking about you because I remember you told me you had entered the Disney race!!!! Thank you for sharing your amazing journey! Wow! I am so proud of you and all you have done this past year!!! You are a real inspiration to me and I know to many others!!!! And as everyone knows a really wonderful person too!!
Congrates!! I Congrates!! Congrates!! I am sure you will carry that feeling of seeing the finish line with you in good times and bad the rest of you life! What an amazing accomplishment!
Congrates!! I Congrates!! Congrates!! I am sure you will carry that feeling of seeing the finish line with you in good times and bad the rest of you life! What an amazing accomplishment!