Good Monday Morning and Happy Labor Day!!!
Good early Morning everyone and Happy Labor day to all of you!
I know early, but I pooped out for a while and I just got up to take some tummy meds as I had a bit of burning belly! So I thought I would take this opportunity to wish you all a Happy Monday and Labor Day!
Swear I think that it should be called something like...okay last day of the unofficial summer or can we always have 3 day weekends cuz we labor so hard....and isn't labor just for women????? Who needs to reminded of that?
I have no idea where my post went yesterday, but thank you Steve for being the one for finding it! Cyber Monsters eh? Way cool too Steve for dusting off the bike and getting out there....was it icky weather out your way too? Hot and humid here!
Jean thanks for sharing the pics from the look fantastic and super happy...did I mention fantastic?????
Monica are the star in my eyes for sure!!! I am sooooooo proud of you!!!
Girl I think there is not anything that is going to stop you after is kind of a turning point to so many things to come in your life!
Monica W....I cannot believe how big Miss Jordyn is getting....not to mention cuter by the day for sure! good to see you posting...looking forward to seeing some pics! your arms are looking good for sure! No no ever said Dr. Q was cutie either! Kim forgot about that one! nice to put a face to the words gf!!! Now when you come down this next Saturday I am going to know who you are!!!
Does anyone know what happened with OH yesterday? I hate to post too much as it just might disappear!
I am telling you...had a super great time today/yesterday with this huge houseful. It was not as bad as I thought it would be because everyone brought their own bbq stuff and a side that is the way to have a party!!! Not a lot of work for me! They even cleaned up! Double cool!!!!
Well everyone...enjoy your day off...too all the teachers who go ....enjoy this day even more!!! I know this is going to be my last day off including weekends for a long time to come now!!! It's all good no matter what!!!!
Have a great day everyone!!!
“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).

I missed all of you when I was on vacation, but I sure didn't miss this

It sure was great to be "home" for a visit and see lots of family and friends that I hadn't seen in waaaayyyyyy tooooo long!
I've been kind of in lurking mode since I got back, lot on my brain these days, kind of overloaded with life so this is me

I had a job interview at Starbucks this morning and hoping it went well. I should get a call back tomorrow or the next day for the next interview. They have EXCELLENT benefits and you only have to work 20 hours a week for medical benies, so I really hope they hire me. I need insurance bad as I am without now. I'm praying the alien hernias behave for a few months!!! I really pray too that if I get this job, I can handle it physically and mentally! I'm not so sure of my post stroke issues some days and it has been 2 years since I worked, so PLEASE pray for me!!!! I really need this to work out for many reasons (more to come later)!!!
I hope everyone is having a great weekend and has a great day today! I will be a pool pig

bigg huggs, Becky

Surgery was RNY 5/21/07...I can be found on Facebook: anewbecboo or Becky Reddick
Well this is it. Tomorrow I leave my baby girl and go back to work. I think I will feel better about it on wednesday when there are actual students. I have never put Jordyn on a schedule, just got lucky that we slept the same. Now she has taken to not napping and going to sleep between 8-9. This wasn't bad as she usually slept through the night but now that she can roll over, she does and is not happy sleeping on her back. So that is why I am able to post at this rediculous hour. The problem is she will go right back to sleep and I am up for hours. Hopefully grandmother will be able to get her to nap or I am going to be a working zombie.
Everyone have a safe and sane holiday

Good Morning Calif......
I am up and ready to start thinking about getting ready for work. I forgot I am out of coffee, so I might go to work early and make coffee there. This is not going to be good morning if I don't do something about coffee.
Last night when I got home from work, I took Fresser for a walk. When we got close to this bush, she started barking and to get to bush. What the heck is going on. She was not going to let it go. So I looked in the bush, and there was this little, LITTLE puppy. Just laying there, and thought, oh go****s dead. How sad! Then it start whinning, so I picked it up really careful just in case something was wrong with him. Now, this place under the bush was not somewhere a mommy would put the puppy, it was be to small for the mommy to get to, and the puppy was much to young to get there all by it self. He was a bit cold but other wise ok. I got him home, called my neice and she brought me milk over (puppy/kitten milk) and a bottle. We warmed it up just a tad and he drank it all up, his little belly was FULL and he wanted more, but enough is enough. LOL. He looks to be about 10 days old, because is little eyes are just starting to open. I was so mad at the butt whole that put him there, if I had a clue, I would have flatted every tire they had and I would do it for the next 10 years. JERKS!! I woke up a bit early this morning and feed him again. Fresser is a great mommy with him and is keeping him clean and slept with him last night. He is black with white patches. Cute as a puppy. My niece is going to come over a couple time to day to feed him and I will figure something out after that. I tell ya, the person, (if you can call a jerk like that a person) that put him there had better be praying I don't find them. May they have a run of bad luck for the next year. Jerks!!
OK time to get moving, I need coffee, big time and ina bad way.
I wish you all a great Labor day. Try hard to not labor today. Take the day off, tell everyone, I said it was OK. Of course, I will be laboring hard in the ER.
Take care all
and happy Labor day to all.....not much planned for me today - I was at my sisters yesterday for a BBQ so today is just low key and eating some left overs - BBQ chicken and ribs.....yummo.....
Lu - bless you for taking care of that puppy and I am right there with ya about cursing the person that left it there...
Becky - good luck on the starbucks job....I will be saying a prayer that it all goes well.
Janine - wow - how cool to have a big party like that and everyone brings food AND cleans up.....
Monica - I know how hard it will be for you to leave Jordyn tomorrow - hang in there girl......I will be thinking ofyou.
Everyone have a great day.....
Good Morning J..
Just wanted to share some happiness..and my version of my DIsneyland 1/2 marathon.. About a week ago I called Kevin.. and told.. him I dont think I am going to run... Im tired.. work is crazy and in general.. my life is Chaos.. he told me not to decide that but to just suck it up and do it.. I fought him and said no.. Im gonna see if someone wants my number I just cant do it..
Then.. my "angelette" started a txt war.. and i asked him how much I should sell the number for.. and he said.. NOTHING.. you should run.. I thought about that.. and he was right.. part of all my training was just to see Disneyland and California Adventure.. so I sucked it up and told him I would see him at the start line..
Fastforward to Sunday.. the run.. and there I was.. and for atleast 8 miles Kevin was pushing & pulling... making me do 16 min miles..YIKES.. I wanted to be strong and not keep him from being cutoff.. but I knew I would make it.. after 8 miles what is 5 more?.... And its because of Kevin... I finished before the cutoffs.. and in time to get that very nice medal..
I am sharing this because.. OH is more than a place to make aquaintances.. there are TRUE friendships built here.. Kevin is only one example of great people on this board.. s
So all you lurkers out there... Jump right in... and ya never know.. you can find your biggest fan.. supporter.. just above on the next post!
Have a safe labor day.. & enjoy it