Body Aches 2-weeks Post op

on 9/1/08 1:58 am
I was wondering if anyone else has had body aches. They just started yesterday. Right now the pains are in my inner thighs and in the buttocks area. Tender to touch. Like a brusie feeling but with out the brusie.
on 9/1/08 2:12 am - Hesperia, CA
Have you been walking more than usual?  Exerscizing more?  That could be it.  I have exactly what you are talking about but I also have FIbromyalgia,. But to me and I am not a doctor I would call tomorrow morning and check it out.  Or if you have been idle tor too long in one place or maybe even from sleeping funny.  Just some thoughts,  Rhonda
on 9/1/08 2:13 am - Duarte, CA
I don't know if this is what you have, but quite a few teachers at my school, including me, have been complaining of weird aches in the past two weeks.  Mine was in my left hip and thigh and made it hard to sit and hard to roll over at night.  My daughter has been complaining of the same thing and she is teaching in another state.  We also all have swollen glands in our throats that make it very hard to swallow even water.  I asked the nurse at work and she said it might just be some sort of 'bug' going around!!!


 mexico1007078.jpg image by hockeymom67
JudyAnne  (imethimonacruise)

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