MonicaP FInished
I am so sorry I am late in posting this - but I got a text from Monica P at 12:25 today and she completed the Disney 1/2 marathon - Lets hear a big WOO HOO for her for this awesome accomlishment. But she did say that she lost allthe skin between two of her toes
I am so proud of her........and everyone else that finished......

~Katt~ Obesity Help Support Group Leader
Sexy isn't a look, it's a state of mind. ~Me~
How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours. ~Dr. Wayne Dyer~
I went on the web site to look up her time (Monica), but I don't see a finish time. Only her 15k (9miles) 2:48 maybe they are slow to post the finish time for her.
I seen Kirten and Kevin they finished in 3:02 and 3:26. I could not fine Helen any where. So I don't know what is going on with her. Has anyone heard about Helen?
Congrats to EVERYONE of you. You truly rock!!
Good Morning Helen.....
Congrats! To both of you.
I still don't see a finish time for Monica. What was your finish time??? and why can't I find you in there anywhere. Your last name is H right? I looked and looked and can't find you anywhere.
I can't wait to see your finish photos. I will check later today and see if there are posted yet.
Once agian Congrats to both of you.
Miss ya girl.. and I will see you at the LONG BEACH 1/2 too..
just so you know.. Monica is so awesome.. we both stuck it out & we did not come in last.. and we were NOT swept.. pretty cool
Thanks again for the support.. like always this board rocks..