Another DS Myth Bites the Dust!

on 8/31/08 5:00 am, edited 8/31/08 5:01 am

Diarrhea and DS? No more than gastric bypass. A new journal article finds that bowel habits in DS and GB patients who lost at least 50% of their weight are so similar that there is no statistically significant difference between the two. I interpret this to mean that, after the immediate postop period, people with GB and DS have virtually identical experiences in the bathroom. Those who exaggerate lifelong diarrhea as an argument against DS can't do it anymore. On average, DS patients more often had one bowel movement per day than two. My experience confirms this. 

Challenge: How long will it take OH to change their description of DS in response to this scientific research? 

Bowel Habits after Gastric Bypass Versus the Duodenal Switch operation. Obesity Surgery. 2008; August 28. Authors:Wasserberg Net al.

BACKGROUND: One of the perceived disadvantages of the biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch operation is diarrhea. The aim of this study was to compare the bowel habits of patients after duodenal switch operation or Roux-en-Y gastric bypass.

METHODS: A prospective comparative case series design was used. Forty-six patients who underwent duodenal switch (n = 28) or gastric bypass (n = 18) were asked to complete a daily diary for 14 days after losing least 50% of their excess body weight. Data were collected on number of bowel episodes, incontinence, urgency, stool consistency, and awakening from sleep to defecate. Background variables were recorded from the medical files.

RESULTS: The duodenal switch group was heavier (body mass index 53.5 vs 47.0 kg/m(2), p = 0.03) and older (47.5 vs 41.0 years, p = NS) than the gastric bypass group. Median time to 50% excess body weight loss was 22 months in the duodenal switch group compared to 10.0 months in the gastric bypass group (p = 0.001). Patients after duodenal switch surgery reported a median of 23.5 bowel episodes over the 14-day study period compared to 16.5 in the gastric bypass group (p = NS). There was no between-group differences in any of the other bowel parameters studied.

CONCLUSIONS: Although duodenal switch is associated with more bowel episodes than gastric bypass, the difference is not statistically significant. Bowel habits are similar in patients who achieve 50% estimated body weight loss with duodenal switch surgery or gastric bypass.

*originally posted by NancyBrooklyn on the DS Board- Posted for general info and especially for info for pre-ops!

4 Years Post Op: At Goal And STILL Loving My DS!  
340/180/180  ~  5'11"  ~   I lost 160 lbs!!  
LBL & Hernia Repair: Done! Arm Lift: Done! Next Up: Thighs & Boobs!
Get the facts about Duodenal Switch at

Living Life
on 8/31/08 10:47 pm, edited 8/31/08 10:51 pm - Riverside, CA

"Challenge: How long will it take OH to change their description of DS in response to this scientific research? "

I was just wondering who you are talking about when you talk about "OH" ????

The whole board? One or two people?

Can you really call 14 days a study? The ages of the groups where not even close in age. The DS was dang near 2 years out, and the "gastic bypass was less the year. 28 DS and 18 GB. I thought studies where done even across the board? I could be wrong, but don't seem like a fair study to me. Now when they have a studie on more even grounds (same time out, same age group) and for a longer lenght of time. I would love to read that. But this study is not done a even base and is not going to change my mind. Infact, the only thing I get out of this, is that DS trying hard to get more pre-ops to change there mind and do a DS over a GB. But each person needs to study ALL surgery out there and pick the one that is best for them.

But asking OH to change it mind on this "study" is not fair.

OK don't flame me, This is just my two cents.


on 9/1/08 2:19 am
Check out my posting history. I NEVER flame people!!!

When I say OH, I meant the powers that be that run the board. Just to let you know, OH  just changed their description of the DS. (If you go to the DS board, the links to the new descriptions are on the left). It wasn't changed based on this study, but based on the word of a real DS surgeon. Apparently the last description wasn't even written by a DS surgeon! The smelly gas and the 6-8 bowel movements a day part are gone!!

I'm not going to argue the merits of this study (I happen to agree with you), but it is nice to see something out there that is beginning to disprove the myths floating around out there. I hope to see larger studies on this. I can only base what I know on me, the people I know in real life and the people I talk to on the boards daily. It is extremely rare to hear about the bowel issues that are talked about as so common. I "go" once (sometimes twice) a day and so does pretty much everyone else I talk to or know about. Any gas I might have is directly related to what I eat (mil**** cream, cake and pastries- that's pretty much it) I don't have body oder. (I was going to say except for when I exercise, but I haven't at all since getting surgery. Bad, I know!)

Yes, my iron is low. I got rid of my IUD which caused super heavy priods, starting taking more iron the proper way and my levels went up even before starting my iron infusions! All my other labs are just fine. My cholesterol is 93 and I eat cheeseburgers almost every day! (Since I don't absorb 80% of the fat I eat- this IS health food for me!!)

I agree with you when you say that each person needs to study ALL the surgeries out there. It makes me sad when people have one surgery NOT KNOWING other options even exist! The DS is such a wonderful surgery that people NEED to know about it. ESPECIALLY in California where we have 4 of the best DS surgeons in the world!!!!!!!

Pre-Ops please learn all you can about ALL the surgeries before making up your mind!! And feel free to checkout my profile to see how easily I've lost and maintained 160 lbs with the Duodenal Switch procedure! PM me if you would like any more information!

4 Years Post Op: At Goal And STILL Loving My DS!  
340/180/180  ~  5'11"  ~   I lost 160 lbs!!  
LBL & Hernia Repair: Done! Arm Lift: Done! Next Up: Thighs & Boobs!
Get the facts about Duodenal Switch at

on 9/2/08 1:58 am - Brentwood, CA
I have often seen posts about folks who had DS who are very upset that people have 'other' surgeries not even knowing about DS.  What about the large number of us who did not choose DS who were aware of the option and had done at least some research before making the decision?

This is not an attack, it is a genuine question/concern.  It is frustrating that so often folks who are passionate about what they believe/know assume everyone who doesn't agree is either stupid or uninformed.
I made my surgery choice based upon my research of both medical information and a wide variety of feedback from post-surgery patients.  My choice was right for me and it will be right for many, just as your surgery was right for you and many others.

Cathy C.
"One man's ways may be as good as another's, but we all like our own best." Jane Austen

on 9/2/08 2:36 am, edited 9/2/08 2:37 am
I have often seen posts about folks who had DS who are very upset that people have 'other' surgeries not even knowing about DS.

Yes, honestly it IS a little upsetting when someone get a surgery not knowing all their options. Especially when they wind up posting on the revisions board.

What about the large number of us who did not choose DS who were aware of the option and had done at least some research before making the decision?

What about it? You made the right choice for you based on ALL the information available on ALL the surgeries. That's all I want for everyone!!! I never said anything EVER about ANYONE being stupid or uninformed if they chose another type of surgery KNOWING all their options. Unfortunately not everyone knows all the options when they get their surgery. Hence my post!

*edited to add that I have received several PM's from pre-ops asking about the DS that either never heard of it or did hear about it but only heard the "myths"! I love answering any questions anyone might have about my post-op life and eating! Information is power!

4 Years Post Op: At Goal And STILL Loving My DS!  
340/180/180  ~  5'11"  ~   I lost 160 lbs!!  
LBL & Hernia Repair: Done! Arm Lift: Done! Next Up: Thighs & Boobs!
Get the facts about Duodenal Switch at

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