WOW! Moment
Last night for the first time, I looked in that mirror and realized that I no longer see the same pre-op body ... I am finally seeing what I really look like now. I started at 360lbs and I'm down to 285 now ... Sometimes people call me skinny and I am FAR from being skinny, but I am definitely smaller and if I were to ever let someone guess my weight, I don't think they'd guess 285. I'm not secure enough to try something like that, though - not at this point! LOL!
I have been saying for a while that everything is just weird right now, and it is ... I'm still amazed that I can feel my collarbone and sometimes, depending how I'm standing or sitting or holding my head or smiling, I can actually see it! I can feel my shoulders, my elbows, my kneecaps ... I can wrap my fingers around my wrists and they overlap instead of me having to squeeze just to make the tips of my fingers touch. I've had to get my ring resized twice now - from a 9 to an 8 and then to a 7. I always thought that my grandma's engagement and wedding rings were tiny and I remember her having tiny fingers, and when I got them I put them on a necklace because I said I knew I'd never fit into them. Well, I do now!
I don't want to be skinny - that is not my goal. My goal is to reach and maintain a healthy weight so that I can live a long and healthy life. But when I look in the mirror now and see this body that some people actually refer to as "skinny," I am amazed that it's really me!
I didn't mean to get so long-winded, but when I saw myself in the mirror last night I was completely in awe and I just had to share that with you guys!
I hope you are all having a wonderful weekend ... I am just sittin' around right now, killing time until I leave for my ride-along. This is Lucky #13 and I'm hoping that I'll get to see some good action tonight ... Or at the very least, write a few tickets. The last officer I rode with called me mean (who, ME?!?) because I like to write tickets! I told him, "Hey, YOU pulled them over - I'm just filling out the citation!"

Couple of things to you....
1. Copy and paste this in your profile, if you haven't done so already so that you can go back to it and remember this milestone.
2. Congratulations on your 75lbs weight loss and collar bones!! I remember those days clearly.
3. I feel you on the whole ring thing. I am now able to wear a ring that was passed down to me from my great-great grandmother that I thought I could NEVER wear...but within about the same time frame as you, I was able to put it on....(and it is a bit loose now, but I can't have it resized~it's platinum and will cost too much!)
4. WHERE in Clovis/Fresno/the Valley do you patrol so that I can make SURE that I don't go speeding through there??? LMAO (I am actually taking a break right now in an online traffic school course for a ticket that I got a couple of weeks ago on Fowler Ave)
Anyway, now *I* got long winded (BIG surprise there!) ha ha....
Again, congrats, keep taking those pics, revel (sp?) in seeing your bones, and have fun on your ride along!!
Best to you!

Optimists are right. So are pessimists. It's up to you to choose which you will be.~~Harvey Mackay
Thanks for the suggestion about cutting and pasting my post onto my profile ... Great idea! I hadn't thought about it!

I had seriously thought that on that stretch of Fowler Ave, the speed limit was 65mph. It's 55mph (which I guess is most country roads if they aren' marked??) he clocked me at 66. Whoopsies! I was all ready to fight that it wasn't marked with a speed limit sign until I drove the same stretch a few days later and saw the sign. I was just totally out of it that evening, I guess.

Anywho, I will keep in mind the stretch you mentioned. Although, I don't find myself up in those parts too much....

Optimists are right. So are pessimists. It's up to you to choose which you will be.~~Harvey Mackay
I have gotten into the habit of using my cruise control so I don't speed ... I will usually set it about three to five miles above the speed limit. Even though I've had two speeding tickets, I can't seem to learn my lesson! I just like to drive fast, I guess! I've noticed that my worst times are when I'm driving home from ride-alongs. When I have just spend ten hours in a car with someone who doesn't obey speed limits or most traffic laws, it's almost automatic for me to want to do the same thing once I get back behind the wheel of my own car. I know I could get out of a ticket if I were to get pulled over by one of our guys, but if I'm in Clovis or CHP gets me, I'm toast! LOL

Best wishes to you on the rest of your journey--and please keep posting as you go.....
Thank you..........
Thanks for your note and I will definitely keep the updates coming ... I was on a ride-along yesterday and was telling my officer a little about the surgery and post-op life (officers don't always have the best diets when they're on duty) ... He said he couldn't imagine living like this for the rest of his life and I told him, "I would do it again in a heartbeat - I wouldn't hesitate for a moment."