Something strange
Hey traveling lady!!! How do you get to all of my favorite places? I have not been to Jamestown for a while, but have been there on my motorcycle and in fact stayed at the rooms that the Harley dealers rent out to bikers! Actually have rode there from Yosemite area and HATE going down the Priest Grade!!!! Going up is fine. Remember the old grade? I have smoke a few brake shoes coming down the old one for sure!
I am telling you Joy, I am itching to come up the Evergreen and all that year I hope!!!! Then we will have to yuck it up for sure!!!
BTW...have no answers for how you feel, I just hope that you are feeling better now!
“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).
But thank you , it could be that it is low. You BP has ran on the low slide for most of my life ****il the last year). Now that the weight is melting it could very well be dropping.
PS..I live not far from you 60 miles or so. LOL