Happy Saturday early kids!

Janine J.
on 8/29/08 4:59 pm, edited 8/29/08 5:00 pm - The Beautiful Desert, CA

Yes it is true...I am posting before the clock strikes 12, but I have already been to bed and woken by the wicked cricket singing to the heavens in my bathroom!!!!! I'm Mad As HellLike did it know that I need my beauty sleep...maybe it was a she playing in makeup  ROTFL

Anywho...survived another day at work....my kiln fired without a hitch and when I got there yesterday morning....it had run its cycle and I am sure it had just turned off or within the hour or so because the temp on it was nearly 1700 degrees and when I left in the afternoon around 2:30 it was still one degree short of 1200 inside!!! Can you say sizzle? I will still not be able to crack it open today....too HOT!! Muy Caliente!

I got a lot done yesterday in spite of playing around with certain people at school and our principal calling a short meeting a little after one...and get this...for roll call to see who cut out of school...what a you know what...hehehehehe!

After work, I got my Mercedes back as I had it painted because of all the sand damage to the front end. My insurance picked up the bill on the whole thing including lights, even the ones on the side mirrors and a new windshield. I am telling you the sand out here is the absolute pits on cars and especially ones low to the ground like mine. Oh yeah and black! It looks awesome!

I also got to visit with my Ava Bear....I cannot believe in a little more than 2 weeks she is going to be a year! She is really on the verge of walking. Yeah Baby 

Congratulations Nikki on landing a job!!! How cool is that? I know that you must be super excited!!! I am happy for you!

Monica I am sorry that little Miss Jordyn had a rough day the day before with her needle business. I could not look when my kids had shots. Hell I cannot look even when my dogs get them! Sounds like you are going to have a good weekend too!

Jeni....I am sorry that things are so crummy for you at work and the tendonitis thing can be super bad. Do you have the carpal tunnel thing? I use to transcribed for doctors years ago and OMG my hands were the worst. I never did anything about it either....oh yeah...I quite working for them and went back to school..that helped a lot! Try and stay strong and truth is you are stronger than you think. How are things going on the school front with your grandson? I am sorry that his teacher is a pill. Some teachers are surely not cut out to handle some children and that is sad!

Lisa G....I am sorry I did not call you back...I just got hung up with playing with Ava and got home and just ate and crashed. Me bad! It is super cool about the bike and you made me laugh when you said you could not get the Wizard of Oz out of your head...now if you start having the urge to click your heels...and wear ruby red slippers...I am going to get super scared. I will give you a buzz today. Trust me you are going to find dust all over your house where you never thought you would have dust with tiling. It is horrible! However the outcome is spectacular!!

Rhonda it is really too bad that your sister had to steal your thunder like that. It is good that you told her that it was not cool!

Hey Maureen...get that new computer?

Kim sounds like you are going to have a fun weekend. Cheesecake factory is always fun and yummy and of course you exercising fool....well you just go for it girl!

Monica P...good luck on your run...I am proud of you!

Kim aka MadameButterfly....sorry to hear that you are not able to go to SF this weekend. I know you feel like you have been grounded for so long....but look at how you look and it makes it all work it! I know it had to be miserable going back to work this week and the swelling..well what can I say girl...that part is going to just take time! Have fun shopping!

Bekki...don't work too hard on painting and stuff...enjoy the time those 3 day weekends do not roll around very often! And way cool on the weight loss....you are doing super fantastic. I will never see a size 7 although I do have a couple of pairs of 9's in my closet....and when I hit the single digits in pants...OMG sure feels good eh?

Scott how was the tram? Nice and cool I am sure. I have never gone up it...can you believe that one? However I am terrrified of heights! I busy today and tomorrow...so lets shoot for Monday?

Terri love the name of your doggie!!!! And don't rub it in having a cooler weekend where you live..... Tongue Out It is still awful hot and humid here. I do not mind the heat, but this humidity has been bad bad bad this year!

Gus you and Ana have a great weekend! One of these years we will cross paths again...going to the convention?

Katt oral surgery...that sounds like no fun!!! I hope it is nothing toooooooooo serious! How is your ankle doing? Must be miserable still wearing that boot in this heat, but better than a cast for sure!

Christine...I hope that all is well and it is nothing serious that you are out of work. Please keep stopping by and letting us know that you are alright!

Carol I am sure they are going to notice more than you getting your hair permed!!! Hope you have a fun weekend!

Shell have a fun weekend with your son at Disneyland....you will for sure be a spud on Monday with that workout for sure!

Ms. Shells...you have a busy weekend ahead of you too! OMG how do you do it? I know it is all that exercise!

STeve I have not seen you post in the last few days...are you okay? How did the weigh in thing add up for this week?

Luana...how you doing girl? Looking forward to seeing you soon!

ThatKim...where are you....busy? Did you and Tim's sunburn turn tan? Sure had fun last weekend!

Lauren...how is life and the family?

Chris S....how are things going with you too? You are in my thoughts!

Chris R...what is rockin in Antioch this weekend?

Renee...you doing anything special this weekend? I bet it is toasty out there in Livermore still!

Faith...how are things going with the reversal thing? How are you feeling?

Madame Joy....I will say it again...thanks for posting the thing about your sister even though it is not something people want to hear...but they need to hear it! Hope you have a good weekend!

Lola what is going on in your neck of the woods this weekend?

Vicki...how are things going for you and your family. It sure must be such a relief to all of you that you are back together! I sure am happy for you!

Darlene...are you hiding? Get out here before I drag ya out!!!! ROTFL I know the orange walls ate you LOL!!!!

TurtleGurl...stay strong girl and never give up hope!

Sue what do you have planned for the weekend? I know tomorrow has to be Pancake Sammi day...or is she getting burnt out on pancakes? I forgot to tell you...I love the pics you took on your vacation and your new board pic!

Catt...how are you feeling? I sure hope that that stupid strep has left your body. Do take care of yourself....please!!!!!!

Jodie girl....miss seeing you around and I do hope that your doctor appointment is positive in the terms of getting you some help for your pain! How is the garden going? I bet spectacular!

Well I guess that I was worried that this would post before the striking of twelve and it has taken me nearly an hour of thinking to get this post done...or maybe I am too long winded...okay a bit of both...hehehehehehehehehe!

I still keep saying it is hard to be that this is the last offical holiday of the summer....ugh...it is back to reality for us teachers, but getting a paycheck the end of September is real appealing!

I hope you all have a great day and enjoy doing whatever you are doing!!!!


PEACE OUT!!! Biker Babe 

PS....if I left you out...I am sorry...it doesn't mean I do not care....age and lack of sleep is to blame!!! Kisses  

“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).

on 8/29/08 5:49 pm - Long Beach, CA
Good Morning Janine and Cali,

I am up at this rediculous hour because my daughter and I fell asleep at 9.  She woke up and of course after a bottle returned to sleep and left her ADD mother to be awake now for hours to come.  Oh well.  Yesterday my aunt and uncle came to visit us.  They are in town from Arizona and it was great to see them.  An uncle on my mom's side is also in townk and unfortunately I kept playing phone tag with my cousin as they were trying to come by also.  The same cousin is having a barbq today so I will see them but they want to see the house while they are in town.  My cousin is bicoastal and his dad lives in Austin.  So that will pretty much be our plan for the day, going to his annual barbq.

Everyone enjoy the day


(deactivated member)
on 8/29/08 5:52 pm - Livermore, CA
Hey Janine!

I still haven't gone to bed yet!   :-)  I'm such a night owl!   I will be forcing myself to go to bed soon, because I have Physical Therapy in the morning!  Hopefully this ankle will be all better soon!  I'm going shopping after for sundresses to take to Jamaica at the end of Sept!  Can't wait!

It's great you get to spend time with Ava!  I bet you have soo much fun with her!  She's lucky to have such a wonderful Grandma!

Have a great weekend!!!!


Living Life
on 8/29/08 9:39 pm - Riverside, CA

Today is the 5k race at disneyland. Yesterday was the expo. I was really disappointed at the expo, because it was very small and very HIGH DOLLAR!! WOW! Last year in LA I got me a running shirt for $20 here they are $54 and up. For the SAME THING!

Cindy and I are up and darn near ready to head out. It should be cool this morning for the race, so that will be nice. I would rather be a bit cold then hot any day. This is Cindy first race and she is a bit disappointed to find out our "blig blig" is plastic. That truly sucks for sure. But the 1/2 marathon one is WONDERFUL.

I wish all the runner/walkers a great day tomorrow. We might see you all tonight, but I don't think so.

Have fun and keep cool

Love ya


Monica P.
on 8/29/08 10:51 pm - Long Beach, CA
RNY on 07/19/07 with
Good luck on the 5k!!!!! Thanks for the tip on the expo...leave it to Disney to mark-up the prices on everythning, huh?
Now if you are going to win any battle you have to do one thing. You have to make the mind run the body. Never let the body tell the mind what to do. The body will always give up. It is always tired in the morning, noon, and night. But the body is never tired if the mind is not tired."

- George S. Patton, U.S. Army General, 1912 Olympian

Living Life
on 8/30/08 2:22 am - Riverside, CA

The people on the outside of the park. (parking lot losers) are very rude, and NOT very happy to be on this Earth. But in the park and them that where working the race, where very friendly and happy to be apart of the race.

The race was fun. It took us about 53 mins and have some nice pictures. I will up load later.

The very best of luck too you all tomorrow.


Monica P.
on 8/29/08 10:31 pm - Long Beach, CA
RNY on 07/19/07 with
I can't sleep, God help me.  Aye!
My mind is racing, I'm so excited for the weeknd and the Half Marathon.  I got jitters like The-Firt-Day-of-School, The-Night-Before-Christmas, and About-To-Get-On-a-Roller-Coaster...all rolled up into one.
I got cleaning, packing and still have to figure out what I will wear on race day because after months of traning all I really want is to look cute in my pictures.  :)
I've been receiving emails, texts, facebook messages from friends wishing me good luck....it's been a touching experience.  (By the way OH, Facebook IS the NEW Myspace! JOIN!)
Ok, I got an apartment to clean up.....see some of you at the LB Coffee in a few hours!
Now if you are going to win any battle you have to do one thing. You have to make the mind run the body. Never let the body tell the mind what to do. The body will always give up. It is always tired in the morning, noon, and night. But the body is never tired if the mind is not tired."

- George S. Patton, U.S. Army General, 1912 Olympian

on 8/29/08 10:44 pm - El Cajon, CA

Good Morning Janine & everyone,
Lack of sleep, that I understand. My parents are out of town so we decided to try having their cats stay here. Well they just arent getting along with mine, or should I say mine is being a biotch. So again last night it was the hissing, growling and borderline cat fights waking me up all night, UGH!!!
I am excited about finally getting a job. In the end I had 2 to choose from, I took the one closer to home. Also the other was a school case so I wouldnt have work on Holidays, breaks or if he was too sick to go to school. Plus the one I picked pays more after your 90 probation and gives you the difference in back pay as a bonus. So I start around the 8th with orientation, hopefully it will be all good!!
As for my weekend the usual stuff.....grocery store, clean house, pick fruit at my parents and try to make the cats get along, lol. I also want to clean my walls with TSP to see if they are dirty or really need repainted before I go back to work. So nothing fun planned, lol.
Hope everyone has a good day and a wonderful Holiday weekend. Be good to yourselves and those around you!!!!


Far away there in the sunshine are my highest aspirations.
I may not reach them, but I can look up and see their beauty,
believe in them, and try to follow where they lead.
Louisa May Alcott 

on 8/30/08 1:16 am

Women are angels.
...and when someone breaks our wings, we simply continue to fly...on a broomstick.

We are flexible.


on 8/29/08 11:15 pm - Ventura, CA
Good morning!  I think I might attempt to go to a wedding today.  It'll be my first outing, we'll see how it goes.  If my morning doesn't go well, I'm not trying it.
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