Happy Friday Everyone!!!!
Janine I am so sorry about your Kiln issue. I so hate it when people touch things that don't belong to then.
My sister in law found out through my daughter that I had WLS. I have not told anyone from my husbands side of the family. Well she went to a wedding last month and told everyone about the surgery in detail. Funny all she knew was that I was going to have it. I even asked her to not say anything to anyone. But I did not go to the wedding and people were asking why and she told them I was having this surgery. I was hoping to shock everyone at the 2009 family reunion in November. But no can do now. I did send her an email confronting her in a loving kind way, and she send a super sweet and honest reply. WE came to an agreement that she will never do anything like this again and I forgive her. I do love her a bunch, but this was very hard for me.
Well that is about it that I am doing for this weekend, other than in between laying tile we will be jumping in the pool as it is going to be hot weekend I hear. I hope that everyone here at OH has a wonderful and safe weekend.
Hugs to all Rhonda
Good Happy Friday! I'm a zombie today. Big Time. I got to bed late, Roxy the dog decided at about midnight it was cool to jump up on my bed and start cleaning her feet. Loudly. Woke up, ejected her and back to sleep. Joe came in at 1:30 all jacked up on Rockstar and with a big case of the gabbys. Then at 4 he was up and getting dressed in camos. He and Brian are headed out hunting. They're hunting their way over to the coast to get Jayden. Dad took Jayden's camos and boots with them and they'll be camping out on the way back. I probably wont be seeing them until sometime tomorrow.
Hopefully my new computer will be in today. Yeah!!!! But now, I need to send my 4 month old IPOD back. It won't turn on and it won't charge. Grrrr. And I'd just added 2 new books on tape to it so I could listen while I was in the hospital. Double Grrrrr. Hopefully I can get it in and back before the 8th but I am not holding my breath.
The rest of the weekend is up in the air. Spending it with Jayden and Joe. Sunday I have a wedding to go to. Not terribly excited about it as it's 2 barely-18-year-olds. Tried to talk Ashley out of it but nope. She turned down TWO full ride scholarships to 4 year colleges to get married to this idiot.
Later. Enjoy
Hey Cali,
Janine- sorry to hear about your issues with the kiln. People should not be touching things that do not belong to them. Hopefully you will not have that problem again.
Cali-Tomorrow I am going to the Cheesecake Factory for the Carb Load Dinner to celebrate all of the Disneyland Runners. While I am out there, I will visit my cousin, Michelle. I think I will take my bike with me on the train. Michelle is about 6 miles from the resturant.
Sunday- do a 11 mile run at Griffith Park, meet a new friend at Starbucks, maybe meetup with Greg.
Funny, no bbq's planned.
Hope everything is okay and that everyone have a great weekend.
Good Morning Cal,
I woke to bad news, my husband's check came in $1000.00 light - oboy! So needless to say things will be alittle tight for awhile. Creativity will need to kick in to keep the sanity. O-well that's life.
But --- I also woke to good news, yesterday was my 8 mos. surgiversary and according to the weightloss estimator, I am right on track. I weighed in at 155.2 I am really excited to see that number and I can't wait to see the number 7 on the size tag of Jeans - it's not too far off.
Labor Day weekend - I'm hoping to paint the upstairs kids/guest bath. I'm hoping to get rid of the navajo white (yuck) and get a nice medium taupe and accent with neutral color stripe border at the ceiling which will be a soft cream to keep the room from becoming a cave. With the paycheck shortage the new vanity and brushed nickel fixtures will have to wait. Painting should keep me busy this weekend.
Planning on a nice w/e here in palm springs. Most likely taking a ride up the tram and walking around on the trails for a while.. I am off to LA today to pick up a friend from the airport woo hoo.. I have never been to LA this should be a fun drive.. Well thats about it for me. We still on for coffee this w/e Janine, call me?
Janine so sorry about your kiln. Yes it's best you don't know who it was, cause if your anything like me, that person would be one sorry sucker.
As far as anything exciting this weekend, nothing here. Just looking for a little cooler weather this weekend.
Going to take Abbey Rose to the Groomer for the first time this morning. She had her distemper shot yesterday and she is 15 wks and 4 lbs, so I think she'll top out just a little over 6 lbs. Then I'm off the the dermatologist to have some moles taken off. The Doc said they all look ok but I'd rather have them gone...
Everyone have a great weekend.