Happy Friday Everyone!!!!
Okay I am really not up at this time of the morning to wish you all a Happy TGIF...really honestly....but my fingers are!!!! LOL
I wish I could go back and read, but that is not gonna happen this morning...I am not in shout out mode, but I am thinking about all of you and all your accomplishments, approvals and surgeries and just life in general.
Today at whatever time you get off, marks the last play weekend of the summer...at least that is what they say! It feels like summer is never going to end out here in the desert. It is back to hot, muggy, humid, just plain ass miserable here. I wanted to have a pool party with family this weekend and that is not going to happen because who wants to be outside!
Yesterday marked my first day back to work and although it started off okay at the convocation at Fantasy Springs (don't ask), it slowly went downhill...no I take that back....it turned into a nightmare lickety split as someone decided to take it upon their own to turn off the kiln. So what does that mean for me? Well first of all....it puts me a few days behind on the mural. No slabs to paint...means no working on mural. I have 225 pounds of slabs in there and even if it is all fired this morning when I go to school, it is going to be a couple of days before I can open the kiln due to the large amount and the retension of heat from that amount. Then I go to open my frig in my classroom and I find someone has been light fingered with my drinks....nice eh?
I went to the principal furious about the kiln...of course you think anything will be done...nope. My kiln area is under lock and key so the finger can only point to so many people.....I told him I do not want to know who did it...I just do not want anyone touching what is none of their business.
That was a first and hopefully last of my ***** out and whoa's for the year as I plan on having a super fabulous year no matter what is going on around me or who is causing grief! No one is raining on my parade that goes on in my mind!!! LOL
So now that was a gripe of the day....well gripe of the year for me....hehehehehehehehehe.....lets get down to business!!!!
How and the hell are all of you???
Give me and all the rest of us the scoop...we want the 411 for you activities this 3day weekend!!!!! Are you leaving out of town or are you playing it safe and cheap and staying in town. I know you have to have something fun planned...isn't that what the last weekend of summer is all about????? So come on...spill the beans gang...lets hear those plans....and whatever you do....make sure it is safe, fun, and you remember the reason why you had wls...to be healthy!!!!
“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).
Yesterday Donald and I too Jordyn for her 6 month appointment. Considering that she is teething and a lil cranky she did great. She is 26in and weighs 15.4lbs. She got a shot like a trooper but then had to endure a blood draw that almost made me want to smack the lab tech when she said she had a good vein and kept sliding the needle back and forth in her lil arm. I wanted to cry with her but i'm proud to say I stayed strong. Her dad couldn't look.
This weekend we have a family barbq saturday and will hang out with grandma and a friend on sunday. I have been wanting a tredmill but it just wan't in the budget. Well my mom's friend has one that she has only used about 3 times that is just what I wanted. She is selling it to me for 250. Can't wait to getting back to my wlking. Monday I hope to just chill since its back to work on tuesday. Ugh.
Everyone enjoy the weekend

Good Morning Janine and Cali friends!
I'm running late this morning..........seems to be my thing this week... I am so glad it's Friday. It's been a hard week. Very stressful. My boss threatened my position because of my tendonitis in my wrist and that just set me off on a very emotional rampage. So I have been trying to get better, going to Physical therapy 3 times a week and it is starting to feel better. The whole issue is that the doc says to cut down on the data entry 50 percent so he says he should take over my payroll responsibilities which I have done for the last 8 1/2 years! I say he is trying to punish me for filing a work comp claim.....He has since apologized to me for coming off like a hard a$$ and being a jerk so I am hoping this is all over with.
Well, gotta run..............Have a great day!
I am up and at it early this morning, not really sure why, but I think it might have to do with getting more exercise yesterday. The DH and I bought beach cruisers last weekend and then I took mine back in to get a 3=speed shifter added, picked it up yesterday. Was so excited to try it out that I went for a ride last night to my Starbucks for my Green Tea and then over to Del Taco for a Tostada ( I only eat the topping off of it, so like a mini salad) and back home, all in all about 6-7 miles. It was soooo nice! Having the gearing makes it much eaiser to get up and down the hills here. So we will definately be riding this weekend. We also tore up all of our kitchen floor tile last weekend ( can I just say...WHAT A MESS!! My clean house is now covered in a not so thin layer of concrete dust!) so we are installing the new stone flooring this weekend. I can't wait, next it is on to painting all of the kitchen cabinets and glazing them. Then I think that the kitchen project (of 2 years!) will finally be done, but it looks beautiful. Other than that no real exciting plans!
Hope that everyone has a great weekend!!!! Drink lots of water, it's going to be a hot one!
Hugs to all! Lisa G.
Hey leaving for work....but wanted to know where is that pic gf??????????????????????????????? We need to talk...call me on my cell today okay?
PS...good on you with the exercise....I think you are doing super duper great!!!
“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).

Love ya, Lisa G.
What cruiser? Hmmmm...let me go look and see.....it is an Electra, Coaster 3 aluminum in pearl white/baby blue. it is all decked out with a book rack and wicker basket. Hee hee! Oh and a bell!! I just love to ring it as I ride! I can hear the wicked witch theme from Wizard of Oz playing in my head as I ride down the road! LOL
Lisa G.
Dont worry I was up at that time too!! I just layed there until I went back to sleep. My parents are going up to open up the desert house today and will be gone for the next week. I think it is still too hot and humid, but time is limited with their cruise coming up, then my surgery. WELL I have their 2 cats here. Of course the 3 cats just cant get along, even in the middle of the night. Hissing, growling, whinning, UGH!! SO this weekend is making sure things will get better between the cats and if not taking my parents cats back home. I am exhausted to from all the wake ups all night. I will survive, right?!?! Other than that grocery store and thats about it. I did finally get a job and it starts with orientation about the 8th. Other than that my brain isnt working, lol.
Hope everyone has a good day!! Be good to yourselves and those around you!!!
Far away there in the sunshine are my highest aspirations.
I may not reach them, but I can look up and see their beauty,
believe in them, and try to follow where they lead.
Louisa May Alcott