Oooooh I love Line Dancing! Talk about working those muscles!
Last night I talked with a friend of mine I haven't seen in over 29 years! We spent over an hour on the phone catching up. Goodness, I love the Internet! We're having our 30th HS reunion next year and I wanted to make sure she knew what was going on, that we're renting a house for all of us to visit and to see if she and her hubby will come. THEY WILL BE THERE! Oh wow! How fun. E-mail addressess were exchanged and pictures will fly today.
I took one of my husband's One-A-Day Energy vitamins yesterday afternoon and it was like I was on CRACK! Oh, my. Not that I know what being on crack is like, but daaayam! Not doing that again. I like a good caffeine buzz but this was over the top.
Today work, smogging my car (aka the Beast) babysitting a puppy tonight (8 week old "lello" lab) and putting my BUTT to bed early tonight. I baked the crew cookies last night so tonight I'm good to just chill!
Have a good one - stay cool, stay hydrated! It's forcated to be 110 up here today
Weigh to rock that tool Joy. Today jordyn has her 6mo appt and she is suppose to get allergy tested. Poor lil thing I pray that it is not too bad for her but me and her dad will be there to do our best to get her through it. I am actally excited that she can have it so young and get it over with. Plus I will know what to avoid for her.
Everyone enjoy the day

Good Morning Cali Crew,
Joy- Weigh to go! Keep working that tool. Congrats to you.
Cali- I feel good today. The boss is loving my work ethic (helping out extra for the clean up).
I ran this morning -2 miles. My knee hurts a little but nothing else.
Have a great day!
Sorry that i have been missing the last couple of days, my adult kids screwed up my computer so I had to go out and buy a new one. This time I got a laptop ( which I have been wanting forever ) and I have already password locked it so that I am the only one who can use it! LOL They can go out and buy their own if the really need to get online.
Even though it is not WWW I just have to post that I am down 7 lbs., I finally broke the plateau! And I also finally bought my elliptical for the house, so I am hopping on it every morning and then hitting the gym 3-4 times a week. So I hope that all of that keeps the weight sliding off! LOL Well you all have a great day and looking forward to the long weekend!
Lisa G.