on 8/27/08 5:21 pm - Jamestown, CA

Good Morning Cali!! Hope everyone has a "loser" of a day!! I know that is my plan.
I am 9 days put as of today and I have lost a total of 14 pounds!!!! Can't bet that with a stick.
Have a terrific day everyone.


Robert S.
on 8/27/08 5:49 pm - Modesto, CA
Glad to see I'm not the only one up. Congrats on your success so far

on 8/27/08 11:09 pm - Central Coast, CA
Good morning Joy and Cali

WooHoo! tomorrow is TGIF and then a 3 day weekend. hoping one of the grandparents will take the kid so I can have a break. LOL

Hope everyone has a great day


Keep doing what you're doing, Keep getting what you're getting.

Highest/Surgery/Dr. Goal/Goal/Current
   301        299      180     170     159

Janine J.
on 8/27/08 11:20 pm - The Beautiful Desert, CA

Good Morning Joy and a huge CONGRATULATIONS on your weight loss so re going to be a rock star wl person for sure at this rate!

Thanks for getting the morning post rolling. I actually slept all night. I think I was just flat assed exhausted! I got to spend the day with my grandson and his mommy and my other son and dil...AVA was at childcare. I got some great video of Hunter yesterday at the restuarant. He is such a little ham and I just love that little guy to pieces. He is a super snuggle bunny ta boot!

I wish I could have done a shout out...but time will not permit this morning, but I will be back at some in the morning or whenever...thsi weekend to do one.

Today is my official first day back to kids, but get to see all the lovely people I work with...hehehee!!!

Have a great day Joy and all the rest of the Cali Crew!!!



“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).

Ms Shell
on 8/28/08 2:51 am - Hawthorne, CA
Shout outs are great and you know we love them.  You sleeping in and get some much needed rest is PRICELESS!!  =)

Ms Shell

"WLS is only for people who are ready to move past the "diet" mentality" ~Alison Brown
"WLS is not a Do-Over (repeat same mistakes = get a similar outcome.)  It is a Do-BETTER (make lifestyle changes you can continue forever.)" ~ Michele Vicara aka Eggface

on 8/27/08 11:34 pm - San Dimas, CA

Good morning Joy and Cali friends,

WOW, 9 days out and down 14lbs....that is FANTASTIC!!!!  Way to go!!!  I just got to work and I am sooooo glad it is Thursday...tomorrow TGIF  and a 3 day weekend!!!!!  I have been so tired all week, so I am so looking forward to a 3 day weekend.

Well, hope everyone has a wonderful day!!! 


Kim K.
on 8/27/08 11:46 pm
Hi all!  Today is my Friday!  We need to get some stuff done around the new place, it still looks like we're still moving in!  LOL Ya'll have a great day and good luck to all the teachers out there! 




"He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose" 

Jim Elliot


on 8/28/08 12:02 am - Hesperia, CA
Good Morning everyone!  Janine How cool that your finally got some sleep!  Last night I tried line dancing!  I was horrible but what fun I had.  It was quite a work out!  I was sweating all over the place.  My husband, who is deaf, did better than me and this caused me to laugh hysterically.  I can't wait until next week it was such a hoot.  I used to dance well, but now I have this foggy brain and can't remember the steps!  lol.  Anyone interested next week, we would love to have you join us.  Other than that all is well.  Have a super Thursday and Kim don't work too hard on housework, save some time for fun!  lol.  Rhonda
Kim K.
on 8/28/08 4:38 am
Hey girlie!  Are you going to the IE dinner on 9/20?




"He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose" 

Jim Elliot


on 8/28/08 12:10 am - CA
good morning cali crew,
i have tons of cleaning to do... my daugther is coming over for the weekend,,, yippy,,, i have to go get my lab work done for the doc.. i'm 4 weeks out... i hope everyone has a great day ...
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