Dr Appt Today...
Went to Kaiser today to see my pcs, and get the results of my lab work. My blood count is 30, and my dr says that means my hemoglobin is around 10....still a teeny bit low, but much better that it was, so he has me taking iron pills....I figured that.
He then sent me to the minor injury clinic, for drain removal, and to look at an open incision. Drain were removed, and the incision looks good and infection free!! But, they are having me go to the surgery clinic just so an eye can be kept on it. I'm ok with all of that.
Anyway, still super tired, and known to fall asleep at a moment's notice, but stronger every day. I go for little walks in my condo complex, and am glad to be out in the fresh air.
Someone brought me chicken enchiladas tonight.......they look so dang good!!!
Love U Guys!