Its Whacky Weigh In Wednesdays Gang!!!

Janine J.
on 8/26/08 11:14 pm - The Beautiful Desert, CA

Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo the scale ho....hmmmmm a lot of them around here!!! Serious...don't fall into that happen because it will make your life MISERABLE!!!


Have a great day Rhonda....crack the books with your kids and find something in your day to put a smile on your face! Kisses 

“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).

on 8/26/08 11:48 pm - Vallejo, CA
Mornin folks!

Well....I have only been up for an hour and 44 minutes, and it is already a bad day.

Chris talked to her bosses yesterday about our having to move and they asked around up north for a spot for her to transfer to at one of the stores up there....there aren't any. She has the option to go to the downtown San Francisco store and work 8 hours a week processing trucks two mornings a week. That would mean that we would lose her income, and all the hard work she has done over the last four years down the drain. So...we can try to stay here and she can stay where she is, but we weren't expecting to move anytime soon and we have no money in the bank to move with thanks to me getting laid off and having a hard time finding a new job. I am just sitting here crying and feeling bitter and helpless. I guess I need to just get over it.

I also have to drive back to the bay area today for another interview that I have tomorrow...which I am not really looking forward to...I don't want to be away from Chris right now she is SO upset, and I am kinda tired of being in the car. This situation with her job has just totally ruined the excitement of moving back up there for me I think.

Sorry to be so whiny this morning, I guess my day just got started on the wrong foot.

I hope everyone else has a better day than mine has been so far!!!


P.S. No weigh in for me, never did get a new scale.
on 8/27/08 3:46 am - CA
hi shells
life is hard right now for so many of us that words of encouragement are hard to come by. all i can say is stay strong, keep the faith and keep on going on. when it's this bad the way to go is up it's just a matter of time.
take care & God bless
on 8/27/08 12:00 am - El Cajon, CA
Morning Janine & Everyone,
Well first the weigh in. I am the same, gee am I shocked, NO. Seems like my body has just settled here since surgery. Thats ok I am not going to stress over it. Just keep exercising and eating right.
Now about the job thing......first interview I was offered the job just have to pass the background check. I will know Friday. It isnt what I want to do, but it is a job. So for now do that and keep looking. The second interview went good, but they are just building up a pool so they have access to nurses when someone leaves their County job. The hiring process is long and extreme~a lie detector test?! If they liked me enough and someone leaves then I start on with that. The County job is the ultimate goal. I get home and get 2 more calls about jobs, so I go in today and tomorrow for interviews. Figure find out who can give me the best deal!! So that about sums up the whole work thing. So today one interview and lots of errands!
Hope everyone has a wonderful day!! Be good to yourselves and those around you!!!


Far away there in the sunshine are my highest aspirations.
I may not reach them, but I can look up and see their beauty,
believe in them, and try to follow where they lead.
Louisa May Alcott 

on 8/27/08 12:00 am - fort oglethorpe, GA

good morning janine and cali ,
well i dont have a scale and im not really interested in the scale anymore the last i weighed was at the hospital and i weighed 158 which means i gained some weight but its becasue of what i have been eating while up here in the park and all the soda and stuff, i know thats bad. but im getting back to what i need to be doing . i will be back home on saturday or sunday and then im going to get me a magic bullet and make my self shakes again.
i was doing great with that . so well see .
i found a few profect that i forgot i brought with me so i had one this morning and some vitaminin water thats a good start i think. i havnet drank alot of water in long time.
life is been messed up where i ddint care . but now after talking to a great person who i admire and love in my life im taking one day at a time and just doing what i need to one day at a time. thats all i can do . first thing is please everyone pray that i get my drivers licence back on friday . that is the first thing i want to happen... then life will be on a mend
take care and have a great day.

rebecca basra

Kim S.
on 8/27/08 12:14 am - Riverside, CA
Good morning! Less than a week and I go back to school. I am going crazy trying to prep and get ahead. I am down 3 lbs this week.  That is 37 lbs since surgery and 67 total! I am feeling great. I can do an hour of cardio at a time. Yesterday I did a whole hour of a cardio kick boxing class. It was fun!
~*Kim*~ Lost 30 lbs pre op!
on 8/27/08 12:36 am - San Dimas, CA

Good morning Janine and Cali friends,

Just a quick post...I am sooo busy at work.

Well, I am down 2 more 82lbs down, since surgery!! 

Hope everyone has a wonderful day!!!


Maureen N.
on 8/27/08 12:37 am - Redding, CA

Well Ladies and Gentlemen I am down 1.5 pounds this week and 11 days until surgery.  I had an amazing salad for dinner last night and even though I am sleepy tired this morning I have a feeling of "happy" going on.

Got some good news.  Janine ..... you're not the only local artist in residence!  Mr. Jayden's safety drawing for dad's company's 2009 calendar won!  Not only did he get one of the coveted 12 slots for the calendar -- his drawing will be ON THE COVER!!!!  He did such an awsome job on it.  He wins a 42" flat screen HD tv (which will probably go in the living room  because NO 5 year old needs a tv that big in his room) and a Wii system for his room.  His safety saying.... "My dad works safe so he can come home and play with me."  Good advice from a 5 year old.

Dad's doing much better.  They adjusted his medication and his heart rate is back up to normal, blood pressure back to normal and everyone's smiling!  Good News.

I had my performance review yesterday and ..... TaaaaDaaaa!  It's a wall-framer!  It was actually the best review I have ever received.  Wow. 

Now, off to keep up the standards and get to work.


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Katt M.
on 8/27/08 3:29 am - Fontana, CA
That is awesome Maureen. You and DH must be so proud of Mr. Jayden. So, how can I get that calendar?? And you're right, no 5 year old needs a 42" tv in his Glad they got dad all squared away with the meds too. Congrats on the performance review!! Have a great day... =)
~Katt~  Obesity Help Support Group Leader
Sexy isn't a look, it's a state of mind. ~Me~
How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours. ~Dr. Wayne Dyer~
Maureen N.
on 8/27/08 3:48 am - Redding, CA
Oh, I'm sure I'll have a few of them available!  I'll even post a copy of his picture when I get one (I should have made a copy before he turned it in.  darn).  Things have been going so great, Stress is down, I'm feeling better (starving, but feeling better) taking vitamins, and just excited to be alive! 

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