Its Whacky Weigh In Wednesdays Gang!!!

Janine J.
on 8/26/08 5:34 pm - The Beautiful Desert, CA

Not only is it hump day, but it is whacky weigh in Wednesday gang!!!

Now hop on that scale if you are feeling comfortable to weigh and post the pounds lost. If you are not...well how do you feel in your clothes or how you are feeling about yourself. It is all good no matter what you decide to post, just post. Remember this is meant to be supportive and a way of being accountable!

Don't forget to post the actual pounds lost and even if you know that tomorrow is just another day if you feel you have blown it!

Me...don't know how...but I am down another 2 pounds! YiPPIE!! Guess that exercise is paying off along with watching the carbs closely no matter if the scale is moving or not! I was actually suprised because for some bizarre reason, I felt like I was blowing it! I can tell you, it makes me happy as a clam at high tide!!!

Hope you all have a happy humpday!!! 2 more days until the magic day of Friday!!!


PEACE OUT!!! Biker Babe 

“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).

Marathon Diva
on 8/26/08 9:11 pm - CA
Happy WaCkY wEigH iN WeDneSdAy Janine & the Beautiful Cali Crew
WoW!!  I can't believe I'm up this early.  Actually, I can't believe I never went to I don't know what's wrong with me, but luckily I get to go see a really great guy today.  My doctor!  He's the best.  He never judges me or makes me feel bad about the choices I make.  Today's conversation will be about SLEEP DEPRIVATION (once again).  I wander what he will prescribe this time? I really need to get some Its been a long time since I have stayed up like this for 24 hours straight.  Not to mention I'm still in some pain from the Strep Throat.  I could be outside jogging, but noooo.  I'm sick!  What a waste

Enough b*tchin this lovely morning.  Its not Gripe Of The Day Friday yet. That being said, I'm definitely not gettin on the Hell Scale
  maybe next weekmaybe not! I'm dilirious...I need

 "Sometimes Losing Is Really Winning!" And, being me is F-A-B-U-L-U-O-U-S!!!!!! by Me


Janel B
on 8/26/08 9:33 pm - Oakley, CA
Wow, it's Wednesday....time flies when you're in a recliner!! I go to the dr today, to have him give me the results of my bloodwork, and fill out my disability paperwork. I'm kinda nervous because I have this wound opening again!!! Talked to Dr Q and he said the just keep Betadine on it, keep it dry, and let it heal that way because it's just going to keep opening up. I think maybe I got pulled a bit too tight. It's not in a super noticable area, but I'm afraid my pcp is going to want to start poking around....I just don't want anymore "poking around, " you know?

Anyway, when they weigh me I'll post. I doubt if I'm down because of all the fluids. I was 154 on the day of surgery............we'll see!!!
Living Life
on 8/26/08 10:19 pm - Riverside, CA

Good Morning....

Today WWW finds me down one pound. I didn't bend down to pick up fresser, because my back is out, and even if she lost a pound, there is no way, I could pick her up.

Not much to talk about, but I do have something funny to tell.

Yesterday, at work, on of the nurses was on the phone to another hospital, she was giving report on a pts we were going to to send them, the person she was talking to asked her the doctors frist name, so she turns to the Dr. and asked him his first name, he responded "Butthead" without missing a beat. So out nurses turns arounds and tells the other nurse, Butthead. Everyone was just looking at her, waiting for the fall out. But nothing happened. She was listening to the other nurse, then she turns to us, and says something much have happened because she is just laughing. Our nurse never got what she had said, but the other nurse did. We had to explain to her what she had said. Can you say DUHH!
OK maybe its one of those things that you have to be there to see the funny in it. But trust me, it was funny.

OK time to get moving. Sending much love, happiness and bright to each of you.


Kim S.
on 8/27/08 12:07 am - Riverside, CA
 What hospital do you work for? I will probably be coming your way for clinicals this semester.
~*Kim*~ Lost 30 lbs pre op!
on 8/26/08 10:33 pm - Long Beach, CA
Happy WWW Janine and Cali,

Today finds me with another inch gone in the belly area. I am surprised as I'm riding the wave but I'll take it.  I'm more surprised that I had an insurance physical on monday and he pulled out a scale .  Well I never looked down and he didn't say anything so I am still no scale person.

Congrats to all the losers new and old, we rock.

Everyone enjoy the day


Steve J.
on 8/26/08 10:42 pm - Inland Empire, CA
RNY on 12/01/06 with
Good Morning Janine and Crew!

My weekly weigh in shows a loss of 1 pound, down to 201 today. I really need to try to eat more on the weekends. I know that is the key for me as the weeks I do eat I stay the same or even put on a pound or two. If not I tend to lose. I just tend to start doing in the morning and go all day without eating. Damn garden. LOL Now that I have seen the pattern I just need to change my weekend behaviors to include more than one meal a day!

Wow, look at that calendar! It is just two more working days until the Labor Day weekend. WoooooWhoooo! Can you tell I am looking forward to having three days off? Mentally I am ready to put a period on the summer of '08 as well. Been a strange and depressing summer for me.

Time to get a few other things done and get ready to take on the day. Hope you, and all the Cali Crew, have a fine Wednesday Janine!


on 8/26/08 10:50 pm - Long Beach, CA
Good morning Janine and Cali,

It's been a good week ...weight loss wise.   I have lost 4.5 pounds this week for a total loss of 36.5 pounds lost.  I am starting to finally notice it now.  My bras are all getting to loose. LOL  unfortunately my pant size is still the same .  But I know that will change soon too.

I hope everyone has a great Wednesday

on 8/26/08 11:07 pm
I'm a loser again!  I'm down 6 pounds this week, for a total of 24 since surgery.  Feeling good, and getting compliments at work. 

Julia (AKA angelsecho) 

on 8/26/08 11:08 pm - Hesperia, CA
Good Morning Janine and Cali crew.   I actually remembered to log my wieght last Wednesday and believe it or not I am 4lbs down from then.  When I went to support group last week (wonderful by the way) I learned something important from Luana.  I am a scale Ho.  I know it I came to admit it and Now I have to deal with it.  I am only going to weigh in on Wednesdays and that is it.  Yes I lost 4lbs but that was in the early part of the week nothing for 3 days now, and that makes me sad.  I am eating all my 60 protein.  I think I need to shoot for higher like 90 or 100.  I guess that will be the goal of the day.  Thanks for listening.  Rhona
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